I've had a lot of very vivid, very interesting dreams since I quit smoking weed and drinking. Next one I have, I'll share.
I do have a kind of unique experience in dreaming that nobody has been able to explain or match so far.
Lately, I've been reminded of something that I can not find any answers for and never have been able to. Throughout my entire life thus far, I have had one long dream series, spread out over many years. It is in chronological sequence, never backtracking, and they have always been accurate to how much time had passed between them.
It started when I was a kid. I had a dream of this old beaten down, white house with fading paint and a tire swing in the front yard. I would play with this little girl that lived there, though I don't think I was supposed to. I had a couple of dreams like this where we had fun and played around and shared little kid secrets and then one dream came where she came to me and told me she that her family was moving away.
She didn't reappear in my dreams for a long while. When she did, it was for a couple dreams, in a new house, in a different place altogether, and then she had to go. She said she couldn't stay there any longer. The next dream didn't come until a couple years later. I was walking through a shipyard, past the rows of crates, and this was before I even knew what a shipyard was, but somehow I managed to create how it looked perfectly, even down to the details of the crates being different colors of red and blue and various others. I was walking through the shipyard and I saw her again. We talked for a few minutes and then she had to go to catch her boat.
That was the last dream I had in the series. This has been the only dream series I have ever had, and each dream has been remarkably vivid.
Since I've been sober again, I've been dreaming more, though I've been sleeping less, and I've had two more dreams in sequence, and there is a girl in them. I can not say for sure that it is the same one, though it seems very likely that it is. It has been.... almost 10 years since that dream of the shipyard, which has been exactly how long I've been smoking pot. See, when I smoke pot, I sleep more, but I dream a lot less.
In the first dream that I've had recently, we were lovers. We kissed and there was a deep love between us. Deeper than any I have ever known. It felt like we had known each other our entire lives.
The second dream I've had, which is the most recent and by far the most memorable, we started out having sex. Through the course of the dream, I met some unsavory people that she was stuck associating with. They came after me with threats of some kind. I can't remember now. We made a sort of compromise. I would help them earn money by selling their pot at my upcoming birthday party, to all of the people who showed up and I would take a 30% cut of the profits. In real life, my birthday is in April, so this is a bit off of real life time. Well, they didn't want me selling their drugs without being able to handle people who didn't want to pay, so they sent two goons to attack me and I was forced to protect myself with two knives I had found laying on the floor of an abandoned house.
One knife was sharp and thin and slid right into the flesh. The other was not so sharp and ridged, so it took a lot of force to shove into things. The first guy came at me, and I stabbed him about 6 or 7 times in the stomach and chest before being able to get his heart. Then the other guy came at me and I only had to stab him 3 or 4 times before hitting the heart. The dream was so vivid that I can still feel the way those knives felt in my hands.
I met up with the other guys a while later and they congratulated me on passing their test, but then told me that the girl had been taken by some bad business partners of theirs and they wanted me to go get her back. I was woken up by the phone ringing as I was standing outside of a compound looking at a sophisticated set up of mercenaries with guns.
There are more details to the dream than that, but I don't remember them accurately enough to explain them. Needless to say, I woke up pretty shaken. Not as shook up as the first time I've killed someone in a dream, but pretty shook up.
I don't know what this is. All I see pertaining to dreams is that same old bullshit for interpreting dreams that has always been around. Nobody I have ever talked to has had dreams anywhere near to this caliber or on such a grand scale as to be a dream series lasting an entire life. The fact that they are chronologically ordered and accurate to the length of time between them is even odder.
My question is, have any of you ever had anything like this or know anybody that has?
I feel pretty silly, but I can't help but expect to eventually run into this girl throughout the course of my life. I imagine that she won't recognize me, but I'll recognize her somehow. I imagine that she'll try walking away from me and I'll stop her and she'll get rude with me and I'll say that I've been dreaming of her my entire life and she'll get startled by it, but not much and look at me closer and say the same thing.
I feel kind of stupid saying that, but I can't help but hope. The dreams really ARE that vivid.
Most other dreams I have that are vivid take place in garbled versions of places I know in real life, but these dreams have always taken place in places I've never been before, and seem more real than any other dream. I want to know what this is and I can find nothing dealing with it.
In a lot of the dreams that I'm having these days, they are so vivid that it seems that I actually am there. In one dream I had the other night, I had the thought 'what if this is a dream'? So I tested it and I actually felt with my foot, could feel the pressure as I pressed it against an object, I was actually hearing the voices of the other people, seeing in pure color and high quality to the point where I can still remember the faces of the people I saw even though I had never seen them before in my life. Even with my nightmares where I wake up feeling that 'wtf' vibe, I enjoy the pure vividness of it all, even the confusing aspects.