I love the idea of a project everyone can participate in, and it would be amazing to see project Zeal revived.
My only concern is that there are many members who dont even know what project Zeal was, they may feel like there intruding helping on a project or plot thats already been developed.
Than again, seeing a project that already has progress might inspire them to help, and may be very inviting. I suppose it could go either way.

The wonderful thing about the Chrono verse ( and maybe, the most distressing) is that there were so many questions left unanswered, and there are so many posibilities to play with!
I'll throw in an idea i've had for some time, I always wanted to do a project from a Porre soldier's point of view in 1005 A.D. He'd be the main protagonist and would be taken under Dalton's wing in a sense. The game would progress that the 'heroes' of chrono trigger, are bosses and percieved as villians to the porre soldier and the party he gains as the plot continues. Yeah thats about all I have, I thought of possible playable characters could be Dalton, the porre soldier, Flea (or Slash) (or both) perhaps queen Zeal of course that would take some explaining. Just a party full of villians bwahaha. Eh its just an idea, now someone else come up with an idea and get the ball rolling!