Author Topic: Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?  (Read 1092 times)


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Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?
« on: December 19, 2010, 07:32:17 pm »
I just had an idea about a new T-shirt design that might help promote all things Chrono.  It is a simple design that I would like to see anyone with computer graphics talent try their hand at.

The shirt is black with the "C" logo in the upper center.  Below is a snapshot of a dusty street with Lucca's helmet sitting at an angle atop it.  The helmet is somewhat battered and looks as though no one has touched it in many years.  It has a slightly more futuristic look than the canon design: The central "knob" on the very front is a slightly oval-shaped LED and the three smaller knobs to either side denote rank insignia.  The general color of the helmet should be faithful to canon - mostly green with a brass-colored metal band around it.  The blue dome on the earpiece is transparent with circuitry showing underneath it.  The antenna above should be badly bent and/or frayed.

And below the picture should read the caption "Believe..."

I get goosebumps visualizing this scene, but I haven't the means to make it myself.  Anyone want to try?


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Re: Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2010, 11:22:38 am »
Ah, sorry for not noticing the thread earlier. Hah was thinking of making arts for T-Shirts to earn some extra bucks (after getting a bank account for Paypal), it's a coincidence this thread came in.

XD Reading the title the first thing that came to my mind was Crono standing all Alpha-like and lightning flowing through his body. Although your idea suits too. I'll give it a try. Want one made with vectors? How're ya gonna print it?


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Re: Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 11:27:50 pm »
Print it myself?  I don't really have the means, but then, I've never tried to print a shirt before.  This was just an idea I wanted to float to the Compendium if anyone was interested in a new T-shirt for a future PR campaign.  If the design was any good, it would be an incredibly cool thing to see at a gaming or sci-fi convention.

By all means take a crack at it.  I'm not sure what you mean by "vectors" exactly, since I'm not an artist, but a 3D image would be best; something that looks computer-generated rather than having an anime look.  The one detail that I neglected to mention is that the dusty street is in the ruined future.  Use your own judgement if you want to include that or not.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2010, 12:36:58 am »
All that detail you describe would not be good for a shirt. Maybe a poster or a web image, but not something you'd be able to easily mass produce. When printing media like on a shirt, at least when screen printing, you try to keep the colors to a minimum, one, two, maybe four if your printing guy/gal is really good, and that's like the maximum. It's not good for a whole gradient or a large range of color, like what you're describing for the road being dusty and going off into the distance. It might make a nice looking reverse-printable home-made t shirt, until you wash it the first time.

The helmet on its side on the front of a solid colored t shirt (dark brown) would go a long way. Maybe put the C on the back. Assume your "audience" is at least as smart as you, they can figure out what it's for. And if they can't they'll ask, that's what a good shirt's for, right?
I dunno what a good shirt's for actually (as opposed to a bad shirt :lol: ).
But I do know design principles as they apply to printing. I did this pretty quick to show what I'm talking about, so the hat isn't futuristic, it's just kinda traced from the Toriyama picture. But it gets the point across.

Incidentally, I put the words on the back too, they felt really corny on the front. Under the C, it makes more sense. So the front is like the teaser/question and the back is the answer.

I'll do different colors if you want.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2010, 03:27:56 am by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Chrono T-shirt design - Can anyone make this?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2010, 06:27:00 pm »
Now that you mention it, I was kind of visualizing a poster, and I assumed it would look just as good on a shirt.  It never occurred to me that it would be hard to produce.

Anyway, I don't think the two-side format works well for this.  Not having the caption below the helmet diminishes the emotional impact of the image.  We haven't seen or heard anything about Lucca Ashtear in canon since 1999.  This image sends the message that she might be coming back if we only believe.

I really appreciate the effort, though.  :)