Heheh... I had this fangame seed concerning the Frozen Flame, Lavos and the Entity growing in my head for a while... It's like this: Lavos and the Entity/Earth's spirit are beings from an alien world nearing total destruction. (Yes. I just said that Earth is from outside the Earth.) Lavos, an ancient and night all-powerful time mage, and other unlikely heroes fought to reverse the inevitable doom of their race, however Lavos realized that they did not have the power to change the destinty by themselves and disappeared. The other unlikely heroes, consisting of a swordplaying kid with a radical hairdo, a blue-haired elemental genius, a hot-blooded archer, and a gunner(ess?) of science, continued to fight, however. Though, the unlikely heroes find out that their lost companion has discovered a way out... Creating an ultimate beast with every powers of all known living things. The heroes, being all nice and heroic, try to stop Lavos' parasitic plan. In Lavos' new celestial body, the heroes fight to a bitter end. Just before their existence was erased, their spirits dove into a special Dreamstone crafted by three wise men. The Dreamstone was lodged deep into Lavos' soul, becoming something like a cancer to his being. The pain caused Lavos to nearly lose its sanity and steer far away from his homeland. After millions of years inner battle, Lavos succeeded to remove the cancer from his spirit and threw it away, as it violently landed on a planet inhabited by Reptites and apes. To recover from its wound Lavos buried deep into the planet's core, draining its energy to heal itself for next sixty five million years. Being fueled by Lavos' warped energy, the special Dreamstone transformed into the Frozen Flame. A while after, when humans made their first contact with the Frozen Flame, the spirits hidden inside the Dreamstone moved into them, installing their blueprints, power to magic, and accidently shard of Lavos' very own soul... Freed from the Dreamstone, the spirits migrated into the Earth, observing and orchestrating its continued battle to stop Lavos, carried out by their second reincarations. Or so. The game would focus on Lavos' and the heroes' fight to change its inevitable fate, if I do get serious with this and write it up.