Earlier this year, Vehek made an amazing discovery by finding excerpts of a CT interview from a player's guide in Japan, previously unknown to the Compendium and English-speaking community. Angerona then did the impossible by
acquiring and scanning the entire thing. Guess what else? It just so happens that this guide was the one featuring some of Toriyama's earliest character sketches (which will be in the official art section by the next update), previously brought to light by Chains of Fate. Just now, we've gotten to reviewing it as I'm slowly updating the site, and I noticed a pretty important sketch...
Yeah. That's Gaspar, in full Zeal Guru of Time regalia. Compare with his sprites, which also feature his staff:
As soon as I saw this, I politely asked GlitterBerri (well, more like I screamed with excitement at her) to translate the caption underneath that image. And what did we get? "The mysterious cut character,'Sage'. It's a waste not to use it despite its good flavor."
Bang! 15 years to reach us, but there it is! It touched 5 Chrono fans, and now we're shouting it from the mountaintop. Gaspar was probably cut early in development, as no extra sprites of him exist in the Prerelease. Still, this is FANTASTIC information! The Guru of Time has attained a very special new significance; he was truly going to be the 8th member of the team! Huge thanks to Chains of Fate, Vehek, Angerona, GlitterBerri, and a ton of other people. We're going to get this Ultra Update finished and keep the Chrono heartbeat pumping with nothing but hot blood!