I've a question: Which of the indexed seems more set in stone? And how would one envision it symbolically?
Here are the selections which I think are set in stone:
Fool - Chrono/the Player
High Priestess - Schala
Lovers - Crono & Marle
Chariot - Epoch
Strength - Ayla (closing a sabertooth tigers mouth)
Wheel of Fortune - Time Gate
Justice - Frog w/ Masamune and Hero's Medal
Temperance - Melchior
Devil - Magus
Tower - Mammon Machine
Star - Marle w/ Pendant
Sun - Lucca w/ Sun Stone
World - Nu/Entity
Ace of Swords - Ruby Knife
Ace of Wands - Gate Key
Ace of Cups - Zeal Sapling/Future Seed
Ace of Pentacles - Rainbow Shell
King of Swords- Masa & Mune
Knight of Swords- Slash
King of Wands- Spekkio
Knight of Wands- a winking Flea
King of Pentacles- Ozzie
Page of Cups- Janus
this isn't to say that other choices aren't legitimate, but I believe that these are unlikely to change.
As far as imagery, I have lots of ideas for that. Here are some:
Chrono the Fool, on the verge of stepping through a Time Gate, with his cat in place of the dog.
Schala - High Priestess. she'd definitely be in her fine robes, maybe with the Zealian statues of a nude woman and beast on either side.
Ayla - Strength, and as I mentioned in the list she'd be closing a sabertooth tigers mouth.
Time Gate - Wheel of Fortune. It would depict a time gate of course, maybe with figures around it from the various time periods - a robot or mutant, a reptite or kilwala, an enlightened one, a mystic, etc.
Melchior - Temperance. since the original card has substances being mixed, you could have Melchior doing some sort of alchemy, or working on the Masamune or equipment.
Marle w/ Pendant - Star. I could see her wearing the Pendant at the Millennial Fair, with a glint of blue-white light visible in the jewel, like a star.
Lucca the Sun, holding the Wondershot, with a ball of golden energy at the muzzle. maybe with rays coming off of it like in the original card.
for the Ace cards, we might stick with the traditional illustration of a hand holding each object. Maybe with the Ace of Cups, waterfalls would come off of the Seed/Sapling, causing a forest to grow at the bottom.