The part that most bothers is me that often when companies do this, they actually are aware of the fact that the fans have a legal right to defend themselves... but can't afford to.
You have a partial point here. That
is a factor in corporate legal policymaking. They often take a heavy-handed approach knowing that their victims have no recourse to pay for legal costs as they accrue, nor the capacity to afford to lose the case and be saddled with fines and further court costs. Big companies, on the other hand, have whole departments dedicated to taking people to court, and can afford the occasional loss. It's a very different level of risk for them than for individuals and small businesses, and they know it--and they abuse that disparity. In this much you are quite correct, and it speaks to our need for legal reform in this country.
On the other's probably not the case that under current intellectual property laws Crimson Echoes would have been able to defend itself. I guess it depends on what you would imagine a successful defense to entail. SE probably wouldn't have been able to shut down the Compendium permanently, but the Compendium almost certainly wouldn't have been able to retain the right to continue to distribute CE as it had been. I think the best outcome would have been for our lawyers--had we had any--to negotiate some kind of settlement. SE pretty much killed a feature-length video game in a popular franchise that it spent zero dollars to develop. With legal gravitas on our side, perhaps we could have persuaded them to agree to develop the game further and release it as a commercial title. Perhaps that might have happened through negotiation, but it would not have happened in court. In court, I don't think CE had a chance.
Anyways, that's why this leak scares me. If you get a company angry enough...
If you want to see real corporate evil on this front, check out these copyright trolls:
I just think people like this need to be shot...........I just have no incentive to throw my life away.
You think she should be shot because she takes an authoritarian view of protecting her property rights? Yeah, I guess that might be
slightly more offensive than saying she has those views in the first place because she's a female on her period.
Hey, word of advice: If you are
trying to be an asshole, you are doing a very good job of it. If that isn't your intention, I can only appeal to your common sense and ask you to put some thought into your comments before you make them.