Author Topic: Crimson Echoes leaked  (Read 79354 times)

Schala Zeal

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #105 on: January 23, 2011, 02:03:37 am »
Derivative works should be legal. To stifle inspiration, especially when it's non-profit, is counterproductive and can't spell 'flaw' without 'law.'


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #106 on: January 23, 2011, 02:48:38 am »
It isn't that derivative works (in the lay-sense of the word) are illegal, it is that derivative works (in the law-sense of the word) are. Which is to say, you are free to write your Vampire Diaries FanFiction, change the names, and publish it for profit (well, you have to do a little more than just change the names, but you get the idea). That is why Dungeons and Dragons can have Halflings without the Tolkien estate kicking their ass.

The problem with non-profit inspiration that is derived from for-profit creativity is that it becomes a form of competition. Of course, the problem with SE is that currently there isn't anything for Crimson Echoes to compete with. But when taken on a smaller scale, with authors and individuals rather than corporations, it is less likely that there will be a lack of competition. Protecting the individual from competition with, essentially, themselves promotes production by enabling skilled artists and the sort to make a living off their work.

Of course, then there are cases like with H.P. Lovecraft, but that really seems to be more of an argument for short-term restrictions rather than long term ones.


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #107 on: January 23, 2011, 02:49:11 am »
For any beta testers, friends of beta testers, and so on, leak = ban, and the Compendium can't really protect you if SE subpoenas your name or decides to prosecute. We will document to the best of our ability who's thinking about leaking. Even a fake leak = ban. You were asked to comply with the C&D and warned.
Serious question here: why hasn't buu700 been banned yet (or any other further action)? If you guys are trying to dispel suspicion, you have an odd way of doing it.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #108 on: January 23, 2011, 03:01:37 am »
I'd guess it's because he is only telling that there was a leak?


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #109 on: January 23, 2011, 03:18:04 am »
Yeah. He's not the beta tester or group that leaked the original copy. Can't really punish people for enthusiasm over the leak...

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #110 on: January 23, 2011, 12:40:02 pm »
Yeah. He's not the beta tester or group that leaked the original copy. Can't really punish people for enthusiasm over the leak...

And you know that for fact? You've looked at IP addresses, etc.? Just curious. Things have been... weird since the leak.


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #111 on: January 23, 2011, 01:11:51 pm »
Yeah. He's not the beta tester or group that leaked the original copy. Can't really punish people for enthusiasm over the leak...
Let's start with I'm not accusing anyone; frankly, I'm not even suspicious of anyone.

But, he is, or has, actively spreading the leak. I just think you aren't taking a hard enough line on this. Not very long ago, you would have banned this guy.

It just doesn't make sense. The guy could, in theory, be the original leaker, and simply covering his ass with BS stories, and you completely trust him--hell you even condone his spreading of the leak by saying he is at no fault.


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #112 on: January 23, 2011, 01:40:45 pm »
Yeah. He's not the beta tester or group that leaked the original copy. Can't really punish people for enthusiasm over the leak...
Let's start with I'm not accusing anyone; frankly, I'm not even suspicious of anyone.

But, he is, or has, actively spreading the leak. I just think you aren't taking a hard enough line on this. Not very long ago, you would have banned this guy.

It just doesn't make sense. The guy could, in theory, be the original leaker, and simply covering his ass with BS stories, and you completely trust him--hell you even condone his spreading of the leak by saying he is at no fault.

Last year's banning spree had an extremely detrimental effect on the community. Since then, I've asked the admins to hold off on banning people whenever possible.

The strict bans were only necessary to comply with the cease and desist by preventing anyone who could be considered a part of Kajar Labs or a member of the site from leaking the game. Without any way of tracing this new leak back to a former member of the site, we're left without anyone to ban, and banning someone who was never a member of the site before and can't be linked to any previous accounts by location or IP address is rather pointless.

Nevertheless, anyone who posts information on how to obtain this new leak or provides this leak through the forums will be warned, then banned if they persist. And if we find the origin of the leak, that person will be banned as well.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #113 on: January 23, 2011, 01:51:32 pm »
Here's another question: what are Agent12, Chrono99, and Zeality's stance on the leak? Obviously, they have the most to lose for it's unofficial release. I have freely admitted to downloading it and playing, although I haven't spread the files (nor do I have any intention of doing so; if someone wants the files they can find them another way). However, I respect their opinions and and want to abide by their wishes. Obviously they can't support the leak (involved or otherwise), however, is it appropriate, in their eyes, for us to even be playing it? Any clarity on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #114 on: January 24, 2011, 05:30:28 pm »
Alot of gaming sites have been saying this is not the 98% version ...but the 99% version.

Im unsure as to how anyone would know the difference ...Nobody has actually ever played the game till this leak :S

Acacia Sgt

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #115 on: January 24, 2011, 09:22:43 pm »
Alot of gaming sites have been saying this is not the 98% version ...but the 99% version.

Im unsure as to how anyone would know the difference ...Nobody has actually ever played the game till this leak :S

99% version? Was there such a thing... or do they mean that with the slight edits they claim it has, they're unofficially labeling it as '99% Complete'?


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #116 on: January 25, 2011, 04:37:57 am »
Thats the confusing thing , there claiming its the 99% version even though no ones ever seen it xD


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #117 on: January 25, 2011, 08:48:41 am »
Last year's banning spree had an extremely detrimental effect on the community. Since then, I've asked the admins to hold off on banning people whenever possible.

The strict bans were only necessary to comply with the cease and desist by preventing anyone who could be considered a part of Kajar Labs or a member of the site from leaking the game. Without any way of tracing this new leak back to a former member of the site, we're left without anyone to ban, and banning someone who was never a member of the site before and can't be linked to any previous accounts by location or IP address is rather pointless.

Nevertheless, anyone who posts information on how to obtain this new leak or provides this leak through the forums will be warned, then banned if they persist. And if we find the origin of the leak, that person will be banned as well.

I'm pretty sure Ramsus just made everything clear. Maybe someone should put this on the news feed. The compendium has it's stance on Flames of Eternity. (although it feels obvious) SquareEnix, in it's infinite inexplicable unjustifiable hate towards its fans, can't do much to anyone on the Compendium if the Compendium follows through with this.


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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #118 on: January 26, 2011, 11:40:48 am »
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm delighted that this creative work is being expressed. I haven't played it yet, but from what I've seen, it would be a travesty to waste this accomplishment. What's the point of a painting if no one ever looks at it?

Second, I do express concern for the creators who stand to lose alot. Though I think that the leak is for the greater good, I wouldn't wish ruin on you guys. I would not trade your lives for a CE release if that choice was given to me. Hopefully things will work out and win will be had all around.

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Crimson Echoes leaked
« Reply #119 on: January 26, 2011, 03:50:20 pm »
I've been following this very closely, and reported the thread when it had the link because I wanted to make sure Zeality knew about it, then I got on IRC to see if Ramsus was on, he was, and hadn't heard about it so I told him. I really didn't want the Compendium to just disappear.

But it's been a little bit of time, and as far as I know the links were removed. The Compendium was and is still complying with the notice, officially. Square Enix got a lot of bad press for the CnD in the first place. It would be quite stupid of them to make a move on the original developers now. Especially since they were not at fault.

Look at the OTHER hack. Flames of 'YE'ternity* has been very public, they have had videos on youtube for a long time. you could google the name and their intentions were stated as "finishing CE our way and also fuck the Compendium", forgive my paraphrasing but that's pretty much what they've been saying. They haven't received any legal consequences. What I'm saying is hopefully the Compendium will be okay. That means everyone here, especially the devs.

*For ye explanation of YEternity, go to ye 6:57 in this video and ye shall see for yeself.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2011, 03:54:49 pm by Mr Bekkler »