Yes, that would be the one from RHDN. Here's the annotated version:
Green glyphs are the ones in Vehek's current table (he's gotten about a third of them). White glyphs are the ones we need to add to the table before we can sort out the Japanese-language script. Yellow glyphs are the ones I'm reserving to work on myself (mostly accented Roman characters, plus some symbols and a few kanji). The blue letters and numbers along the edges are indices--write as the row first, then the column. Frex, the index of the lower-case d in the upper right corner is 0F.
What we need to do now is match up the indices with the glyph characters. You do
not need to know any Japanese to help with this--a willingness to match leetle tiny pictures with each other is sufficient. has a set of kanji characters if you're not able to type them (you may need the Shift-JIS table linked at the top of that page for a few of the odder things in the font, like the circled numbers). It may be easier to see details if you magnify the image to 200% of its original size (or not). There are still a lot of easily-identifiable glyphs (symbols, half-width kana, and simple kanji) that are not in the table.
Table entries should look like:
I can't do this alone, people--Vehek's been working on it for two years and has only gotten ~500 of ~1500 glyphs. Please pitch in even if you can only match one or two. Post your entries here so that I can add them to the table.
(ZeaLitY? Your thoughts on offering a small bounty for individual glyphs?)
Anyway, as I see it, there are four steps that need to be accomplished in order to finalize the non-English versions of the CT DS script (feel free to contradict me, everyone):
1. ID the remaining characters in the font
2. Simultaneously, someone uses the utility Acacia Sgt found to extract the script
3. I take the output of 1 and 2 and stuff it through my silly little program to get the Japanese characters
4. ZeaLitY then takes the output of 3 and does the spreadsheet thing
In case anyone's genuinely curious, I've attached the program (rather a grandiose name for <50 lines of code, half of which is boilerplate) that I used to convert the sample text. Requires a Perl interpreter. Also requires Vehek's table file in the same directory. May require that line 8 ("chop($_);") be deleted in order to function under Windows. Usage:
perl [file] (with the output being sent to [file].jptxt).