Author Topic: Extrapolations for Chrono Break  (Read 17984 times)

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2011, 05:23:40 pm »
Just think! Magic zombies! It's like the only thing not covered in CT and CC.

That book looks really interesting. I've always shied away from Philip K Dick because of the whole "creating a religion somehow even worse for the world than any existing one" thing. But it's good to remember that he was just a science fiction writer, and famous for a reason I guess.

If it's an artifact that breaks the dimensions, perhaps it's because there is some kind of limit to what the DBT can take in, then the "Chrono Break" would be like the last straw in a heavy load that breaks the worker's back.

I don't know about retconning the ideal timeline to be "not ideal", because that would nullify all of Cross, but one man's trash is another man's treasure, right? So who said it was ideal in the first place? Belthasar? The entity? Someone else? Depending on the source of the claim, perhaps it's ideal for Belthasar, but not for the planet? Or vice-versa.


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2011, 08:20:41 pm »
I don't know about retconning the ideal timeline to be "not ideal", because that would nullify all of Cross...

But that is proof right there that that is what would have happened. In CT we have a perfect future. In CC that future is rectonned to not be ideal, nullifying all of Trigger. Logically, then, the ideal timeline has to be subverted by break so as to nullify all of Cross. ;)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 12:19:53 am by Thought »


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2011, 09:22:00 pm »
I don't know about retconning the ideal timeline to be "not ideal", because that would nullify all of Cross...

But that is proof right there that that is what would have happened. In CT we have a perfect future. In CC that future is rectonned to not be ideal, nullifying all of Trigger. Logically, then, the ideal timeline has to be subverted by break so as to nullify all of Cross. ;)


But wait, didn't Cross retconned itself at the end, partially? or... ... Maybe the product of splitting the dimensions with the Chrono Break is not exactly the same as it was before. The two worlds resulting from the split would not be Home and Another as we know them. Well, that would be even more confusing, wouldn't it?

Maybe another entity took advantage of the creation of the ideal timeline, something that got stronger with it? I'm thinking something that may exist outside the flow of time like Lavos. And they need to split the dimensions again to weaken this entity in order to defeat it.

Maybe Chrono Break could be about the consequences of dealing with dimensional traveling, somewhat among the lines of Crimson Echoes being about the consequences of dealing with Time Travel.  

Just think! Magic zombies!

...and the Chrono Break is like a magical magnum, a la Resident Evil  :D
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 06:23:02 pm by Licawolf »


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2011, 12:21:47 am »
Well CT had 4th dimensional travel (time). Since timelines exist a spissitudinal distances away from each other and form dimensions, we could say that CC had 5th dimensional travel (dimensions). If we follow that, then, CB would have had 6th dimensional travel (whatever is to dimensions as dimensions are to timelines)


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2011, 11:46:31 pm »
had some thinking about Break possibilities lately, and I thought this topic would be more appropriate than others.

could combine 4th and 5th dimensional travel together instead up just up and jumping to 6th (which would be what, multi-verse?)

I think from Cross interviews it was expressed there was a lot of ambition, which, as found out the hard way, wasn't really achieved.  However, with the latest consoles, perhaps some of those ambitions could be revisited, and wayhaps a new 'dream team' formed looking to combine several elements across the square/enix board.

Dont care to fish out the quote, but I remember one of the things said of Cross is wanting to take the approach to be able to recruit anyone.  Only game I can really think of (though haven't played anything new in some time) that did that is FF Tactics.  But rather than just have that out in the open as a game feature, it should have an effect on the story, why would you want to just recruit any joe-shmoe?  So that got me thinking, 'what if the games journey endured a duration longer than a single lifetime?'  

To me the course the story should eventually lead to exploring more into the origins of Lavos, (or lavoid beings) since it a) had to have come from somewhere and b) is capable of reproducing, so its not just a single instance or mishap exclusive to the world of Chrono-verse.  Characters would then be on some epic-space/time/dimension journey and since it seems Lavoid's are capable, or have an effect on time manipulation, unraveling clues/progress would take a larger scale group than the average rpg brawler party, esp if they get committed to a particular set of events in a given time-line.  (Course, I think it'd be awesome if more games extended event timelines to encompass more than one life time and considered character offsprings more anyway.)

So take some KH or Star Oceon space-travel, mix in some Tactics recruit anyone, shake up some mating 'catch-em all' with some sexy new team-battle tech mixing with a crazy story that would probably drive people insane working out.  Extra points if the 'bad guys" have a kinda comp ai to them so as players mess with various timelines in the game, the computer may react back.  Esp if the whole "recruit anyone" makes those characters expendable.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 09:18:10 pm by Xenterex »

Mr Bekkler

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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2011, 02:02:59 am »
That sounds like the opposite of what everyone says would have made Cross better (fewer characters, less Lavos, etc), but sounds freaking awesome. I'd play it!


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2011, 12:56:46 am »
Maybe "Break" refers to breaking the cycle of destruction caused by Lavos' species... I certainly wouldn't mind going on an intergalactic Mama Lavos hunt


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2014, 03:08:11 am »
If time breaks anyone can time travel and without telepods, amulets, time eggs and Lavos\Entity powers. Or other eras come to them. For example: 65mln bc lava in 1000 ad year and 12k bc snow in 600 ad year

Dyxo Xinoro

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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2014, 12:58:11 am »
If time breaks anyone can time travel and without telepods, amulets, time eggs and Lavos\Entity powers. Or other eras come to them. For example: 65mln bc lava in 1000 ad year and 12k bc snow in 600 ad year
Then what if Break takes place in  "fused" world? One where time exists on a single point and everything on the timeline happens at once?


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2014, 03:07:53 am »
If time breaks anyone can time travel and without telepods, amulets, time eggs and Lavos\Entity powers. Or other eras come to them. For example: 65mln bc lava in 1000 ad year and 12k bc snow in 600 ad year
Then what if Break takes place in  "fused" world? One where time exists on a single point and everything on the timeline happens at once?

So different pieces of each timeline find there way to one or many separate eras, or they all pop up in one single timeline altogether... hmm... I like the idea, and it kind of reminds me of FFXIII-2's time travel plot in a way. The only difference is that XIII-2 dealt with paradoxes of a locale, which were caused by the events of another time period.

Dyxo Xinoro

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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2014, 01:06:47 am »
If time breaks anyone can time travel and without telepods, amulets, time eggs and Lavos\Entity powers. Or other eras come to them. For example: 65mln bc lava in 1000 ad year and 12k bc snow in 600 ad year
Then what if Break takes place in  "fused" world? One where time exists on a single point and everything on the timeline happens at once?

So different pieces of each timeline find there way to one or many separate eras, or they all pop up in one single timeline altogether... hmm... I like the idea, and it kind of reminds me of FFXIII-2's time travel plot in a way. The only difference is that XIII-2 dealt with paradoxes of a locale, which were caused by the events of another time period.
Given that XIII-2 was based partially on Chrono Trigger (or so I've heard) that would actually be a pretty good ways to bridge the gap between the two game's time travel systems.

>inb4 XIII-2 was actually made to test out an idea for a future Chrono game


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2014, 01:45:46 am »
When I think of "break" I imagine all the temporal entropy that must be generated by time travel and dimension crossing...

I mean, if you think about it, the universe has a specific amount of matter and energy at all times, which can neither be created (added) nor destroyed (removed) yet that is exactly what CT and CC are all about.

Take for instance, the simple wooden sword, (of if you prefer, the legendary wolf-lobe sword  :wink: ) when it is removed from the present, the universe becomes smaller, which should have a cascade effect on the future, decreasing the lifespan thereof.

If perchance the sword is brought to the past, and left there, an even worse problem is created, of the universe having too much matter and energy, or in effect, too much net entropy.

Simply having items displaced from their proper timeline in any way creates a paradox of the entropy being doubled or cancelled. It all becomes okay again once the object returns to its proper point in time, because the equation balances.

The Chrono Break serves to solve the problem generated by permanently displaced items (which threaten all of space-time, even if not immediately... much like a being existing outside of time and space threatened once to -eat- time.)

All of the devices thusfar have been used to save someone and in general theory were originally designed to skew, balance, or re-balance something in time and space.

Or to put it in simple terms:
Time travel and dimension crossing of any kind cause wounds on the skin of universal physics, similar in effect to the time devourer, or Serge's paradox. The Chrono Break would be something to suture the universe, and nullify the impending omniverse-cide created by good people with good intentions.

The biggest disasters always start with good intentions.

And who do we have unaccounted for, wandering throughout time and multi-space?
Well there's Magus, then there's the White-dress Schala Kid Zeal... They're still doin' their universe dooming thing at the end of their games.

Anyway, that's my musings.


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2014, 05:22:21 pm »
My own thoughts on Chrono Break revolve around what would happen in the event of a temporal causality loop.  If time is repeating, and the people in that timeline are unaware that they are part of a time loop, then a time loop is impossible to escape.  No matter what they do in the confines of a loop, things will unfold as they did before because their choices are an integral part of the loop.  Taking all of this as a given, consider how the equation would change if one person inside the time loop were to become aware of their own future actions and start making different choices.  This person would effectively break the time loop, becoming the Chrono Break.  The questions this brings up are many.  How was the time loop created?  How did the Chrono Break become aware of their own future?  What new future could this person create, and would that future be better or worse than the reality of the time loop?  There are some people that would regard a time loop as a fate worse than death, and there would be others who would view it as a form of immortality and something akin to perfection.  How does the Chrono Break react to this?  Does the Chrono Break choose immortality and a meaningless future, or do they choose death and a life full of meaning and purpose?

Come to think of it, this scenario bears some similarity to "The Wheel of Time", at least in the themes it brings up.  I haven't read the more recent volumes of that series, so I don't know how things were resolved in the end.  But in the books I did read, I often wondered whether the "Pattern" (time loop) was really such a good thing, even if it did seal away a powerful evil.


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2014, 11:34:06 pm »
I picked up cross again (finally) after like 10 years or so and from my playthrough, I think i've got fresh insights on how the previous staff would handle the Chrono Break namesake now:  relationships!

With the events of trigger and cross concluded and retconning out the Guru's involvement to make either plot function, they find themselves with tons of free-time on their hands.  Still concerned with the future of their favorite princess, each guru sets about a plan to match Schala to a suitor for a love that will transcend time/space forever.

However, the guru's don't agree on a single plan and each decide to take the matter into their own hands — only to discover other parties are privy to the plot and are seeking to influence love and progeny for their own interests!

In a crazy twist, a Lavos spawn-mutation (from some distant timeline/dimension) yields a lava-girl who is also seeking a suitable mate… or is she (cue dramatic music)

Zany break-ups, hot heart-breaks, dramatic break-downs all to come in the amazing Chrono-Break! 

Note: this might be a festive joke


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Re: Extrapolations for Chrono Break
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2019, 11:10:29 pm »
i really like this chrono break idea....and some of the ideas on this topic are great!i would think tho that the break thought would be ......

time and space breaking....which could be like a cross and trigger hybrid game where time and space are literaly jumbled together?

or break as in breaking the cycle of lavos that has.....well probably been a problem in the galaxy