Author Topic: compendium VS shock  (Read 8484 times)


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #30 on: July 03, 2005, 09:07:38 pm »
we had some poster first page ill go see if i can change the title of this thread since it might give the wrong impression.

oh yeah i wont be here or 5 to ten days starting about tomorow since im getting broadband2. three times download speed yay

oh yeah ive had some ideas for the story but ill leave it at that till i come back
since ill be working on chrono arc. ive had no real major ideas for it yet just things for possible later bits and im stuck trying to figuer out stuff for this one event near the beggining (crys) hopfully a 5 to 10 day brainstorm will cure that

bye bye for awhile


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compendium VS shock
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2005, 05:49:00 am »
Yeah, really, if we really want it to be against anywhere...I think we can all equally agree that the enemy is none other than GameFAQs!


We can then attack some LUE (or w/e that crap is) monsters or something...


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2005, 10:39:16 am »
hmmn gameFAQ's they might be a sutible enemy with all their crazy ideas we can protray them as madmen wich you have to destroy :twisted:  :P


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2005, 01:57:22 pm »
I'd be for it that much more than Chrono Shock.  Be sure to include a duel between me and Mr. Biz if we do Compendium vs. GameFAQs. :)

Daniel Krispin

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Re: compendium VS shock
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2005, 03:46:54 pm »
Then we would have 4  I think Daniel is interested in this as well, but I'm not sure.

Man, I HATE having a post that falls on the end of a page, especially one that is followed nearly thereafter by another. Yes, I was interested! I wrote up a whole lot on the matter on the first page set, only it seems it slipped by unnoticed. Well, in that case, here it is again.

Oh, and let's do rail against GameFaqs rather than CS; ask CS, as I'm sure they'd be much more partial to be allies rather than foes in this case.

Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Quote from: saridon
first read this thread

due to the rivalry between the compendium and chrono shock i decided to make a hack of ff tactics advance about this.

basically the rules to be in it are you have to have at least over 50 posts or if your new be fairly active, so if you want to be in it post your chars


are you a char or enemy (bosses avalible for people with high post counts

weapon of choice (must fit into one of the weapon types in ff tactics advance) (you can have duel swords... but i will try to incorperate duel bows,gunsetc)

armour of choice includes chest head boots etc)


skills: (you get two types and nothing too unbalenced)

sprite sketch or sprite (if sprites arnt in ff tactics style they will re-done like that)

what is your char dependent on i.e magic,physical,speed

this is only a hack so hopefuly it wil get done quickly

also mods and people with high post counts can be bosses

the compendium side numbers

also only the first 100 people will be in it (unless its a high poster who wants to be a boss) and there is a 10 boss limit

Name: Daniel Krispin

If you need an overall general class, it would be a Hoplite, which would essentially be a Knight.

Weapon: Sword (though it would be best if you could allow both swords and spears), either a knights sort or of a shorter, one handed, variety. If you could call it a Hoplite Sword, that would be good. This would likely fit in the category of short-sword.

Armoury: A classical greek style helm (specifically, corinthian), heavy armour (as of a hoplite - ie. a heavy soldier), preferrably of scales. Scale-Mail, I suppose, though essentially it would fit in the category of heavy armour. And a round Hoplite shield. And simple leather boots, with bronze greaves armouring the shins. If you can get a sprite/picture that looks near to this...

Add-ons: Helm of Hades (invisibility) allowing for partial dodging, at least; Shoes of Hermes, allowing for greater speed. (Note that both of these were lent to Perseus when he went to fight Medusa, the former being given to Hades by the Cyclopses during the Olympians struggle against the Titans.)

Skills: Something to do with tactics or battle-ordering. Maybe a simple defense increase to allies. Hand of Athene, call it that - she was the tactician of the gods. As for the second, something to do with ancient knowledge or wisdom, or western philosophy (note: very western in mentality, ie. Plato and Aristotle and all of that.) I know: a summon summoning an ancient hero, maybe Diomedes (a very mighty Greek lord from the Trojan war, who even suceeded in wounding Aphrodite the goddess of love herself), or Akhilleus, or Odysseus, Aineias, Hektor, Aias, Menelaos, Agamemnon... those are my favorite of those heroes. Maybe in succession, from:
Agamemnon to Menelaos to Diomedes to Aineias to Odysseus to Aias to Hektor to Akhilleus,
as power increases. A summon of these... yeah, that would be nifty. Don't make it overpowering, but each successive level being on par with what other medium characters have.

Character type: despite what the array of armour and weaponry, and class, might imply, mine would not be a very physical warrior. More of a philosopher-poet, with only an attempt at warring (thus being in line with my own self and mind.) Would need to speak in an old manner, that is, with older syntax, even as I do now, and a choice assortment of old words - yet not the old pronouns such as thee and thy, I must stress. Very knowledgeable of history and philosophy and theology, and speaks far too much on all these matters - in other words, not a very quiet person, but one prone to babbling too much and too excitedly when a subject strikes his interest. As for fighting... very fond of the old warrior traditions, holding to such nobility and honour as the ancient world afforded, yet not having quite the strength of sinew or knowledge of sword-ways to excel in the field as much as some. Not that he wouldn't be keen to fight as ancient Akhilleus did, it is simply beyond his means. Thus the primary advances would be in such things as wisdom and intelligence, mayhap even tactics, as well as evasion, and even a bit of magic, but less so in physical and dexterous things. In other words, he looks to such people as Diomedes and Akhilleus and Beowulf and Arthur, and revels in their traditions, but knows that they were of a different mettle.

As for a sprite sketch... is there anyone looking similar to that Hoplite?

Get all of that alright? As you can see, I am enamoured of the old Greek traditions and myths, they are very much 'me'. Is this good, or should I change it a bit?


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compendium VS shock
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2005, 07:42:02 pm »
Yeah, the way I see it, we'd still probably fight some Shock people and some Compendium people for w/e reason...As you fight many allies in RPGs for fairly random reasons (test your skills, see if you're worthy to join, etc etc)


  • Iokan (+1)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2005, 03:00:21 pm »
if u don't have many boss characters yet will u be willin to make any exceptions?


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2005, 01:40:03 am »
Quote from: earon
if u don't have many boss characters yet will u be willin to make any exceptions?

yes probally but im still using the post count thing but ill lower it again

char post count is now changed to 100 people

bosses is now 250 and all the people who signed up already and have enough posts will be given boss status in the game

there but if i still dont get enough people i might start making exeptions but you would have to be fairly regular to the site as too build a image of you personality etc since i have to write lines for each individual person then have people read their lines in the script and change them if they want to etc

and this will take awhile but not too long as the actual game design is simple enough cause im working on a CT/CC sequel and spriting for  original game


oh and it is now more cc and cs VS every one else now there wil be some battles in the begining between CC and CS then game faqs comes we have a big battle against noobs at game faqs

then we decide to talk with SE they get pissed and attack we smash them then we have a full scale war against SE then we have a battle against som eother people who i wont say yet

also we have battles against chron ocross haters, CT haters, flamers, and some other random things

also for peoplw we have

bosses (need four more)

saridon / blue_wolves (im on both sides)
V_Translanka (could be on both sides if he wants)
Daniel Krispin

chars (need 15 more)



  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2005, 01:48:15 am »
I'm so lost with that I though this was a kind of Role-play "insult contest" then it got on some fan game, or what? I'm lost...

Boss? this msut be soem fan game right?


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2005, 02:05:53 am »
(my last post has been edited to include stuff)

no it was never an role play insult contest basicaly it sometimes seemed to be this rivelry between the two sites (shock and compendium)
and the game started off on that

but story wise here is a list in order of who we fight

1st CC VS CS
2nd CC and CS VS gameFAQs
3rd CC and CS VS SE
4th CC and CS Vs ???? (i wont say yet)
5th new game thing plus solo battle compitition (bosses will be watered down)

basical its a stratergy game like ff tactics or shinning force, etc

it has nothing to do with chrono besides SE and some story plot

but no its just a game ment to be amusing  and bosses are just people with high uber stats

Daniel Krispin

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compendium VS shock
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2005, 02:10:17 am »
Did you see the things for 'me'? Now that I've got 400 posts, I can be a boss! Anyway, I think a better picture for the look of me would be as in my sig. By the way, you're doing this in XP, right? Well, in that case, isn't it only the main character that needs a sprite? The rest technically only need pictures for the battle screen.


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2005, 02:26:51 am »
Quote from: Daniel Krispin
Did you see the things for 'me'? Now that I've got 400 posts, I can be a boss! Anyway, I think a better picture for the look of me would be as in my sig. By the way, you're doing this in XP, right? Well, in that case, isn't it only the main character that needs a sprite? The rest technically only need pictures for the battle screen.

2 posts ago i edited some changes your a boss any way

but no ill just go off for a second to find a shinning force battle pic but until then ill just descibe it

world map + towns only the main chars is shown unless a event items can be bought weapons cant but stat bossters can and they are not to expensive

battle eery one appears and you have the battle when a persons turn comes around you walk around the battle map with a certain amount you can walk in any given direction

when youuse a skill (in battle) it will show your battle cast animation and then the skill animation wich will be showen on the battle screen of every affected char or enemy.

for phyical attacks it shows

enemy sprite facing you
                       (  )

and you facing the enemy sprite you then do your attack animation damage delt is show in a message (there is also a chance to attack twice but if the enemy as a counter attack reaction skill they will oly counter the first hit)

so thats battles basically but for certain people (see Sentenals sprite you appear besides the enemy durin physial attacks

you = # enemy + *

   _          _
  (*)       (#)

pics (the system will be a combination of shinning for maps and battles and FFT advance for skills and skill selection in battle)

^ shows a battle screen for moving and selecting targets from shinning force 1

cheack page 2 for a char attack screen posted by V_Translanka


  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2005, 03:07:39 am »
Wait, is this going to be a ROM hack, or is this going to be made in RPG Maker XP?


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #43 on: July 17, 2005, 03:43:17 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Wait, is this going to be a ROM hack, or is this going to be made in RPG Maker XP?

RPG maker XP as im changing the system  to incorperate bot shinning and tactics and other stuff

h and sentenal il have the sprites done soon


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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compendium VS shock
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2005, 08:22:38 am »

damn the spriting isent turning out to well the Shinning sprites are shit for editing soo......

im just gonna use CT sprites and other sprites for this cause the inabillity to do detail with those sprites is %)#&

so most ill do from ct since ive gotten good at that style and V_T ill just nab the blak mage sprites from 8-bit theater

err ive got Sentenals battle sprite

all of SilentMaytrs sprites

can get V_Ts easily

Daniels i can make
Hadriels ican make
mine i can make
Sentenals i can edit CTs cyrus sprites

oh and i made a logo for my chrono arc game

and ill make a logo for this soon now im off to engoy the last few hours of the last day of my holiday (crys 2 weeks isn't enough)