By now, we all hate ourselves for not being able to figure out that the ridiculusly obscure method of deleting saves on SNES involved a second controller. So I'm hoping to take down this problem on the DS before the newgame + spectre remains permanent.
I found you can erase save files by shutting the game off mid-save, but this does not ever delete the new game plus option. Having just beaten the game, I noticed that at the very end, it asks you to save system data, and informs you that old will be overwritten...Followed by that same delay that lets you corrupt and erase your saves.
I just beat the game and do not wish to try this for obvious reasons, But I had an idea: Might shutting off the game during this system file save have the same effect as the save files, and become corrupted, thus deleting the new game + option (and all other system saves?) Since I just beat it im reluctant to try this on my own. So I ask, is anyone out there willing to take the chance and corrupt their saves for the glory of blank-slate Chrono Trigger?