Time to kick off
SPRING! We have a ton of new high-resolution Chrono Trigger art, courtesy of Angerona! It all comes from
this Toriyama artbook. The bad news is that they didn't see fit to include Lucca, Robo, or Ayla's character art, nor a couple scenes/any NPC art. There's still a LOT of amazing stuff here! Check it out:
Box Art -
The Pendant -
Magic Cave -
Magus Battle -
Medina Battle -
Dactyl Ride -
Resting at Lucca's -
Forest Camp -
Jet Bike (
Designs) -
Epoch (
Designs) ]
Cast -
Crono -
Marle -
Frog -
Magus ]
[PROJECTS] utunnels had made another PC Radical Dreamers project that interprets Demiforce's script dump to provide gameplay in a new environment. Check it out at
this thread!
[2] Licawolf's made an awesome concept for a
Chronopolis-themed alternate reality game. We've put it up as a feature! Find it
here and enjoy the luscious shots. You can find vectorized versions of the logos
[3] Check out the first CT Unglued voice episode
here! Get in on casting for the next episode
[CONSUMABLES] Bard of Time has submitted some cool Chrono series skins for Minecraft; download them
[2] neologix has made a font called Trigger Bold, based off Lunar Archivist's old work on the Chrono Trigger font. Grab the TTF file
[3] mysticalpha's Chrono Trigger comic has been updated! Check out
40 Future Friends and
41 Grind.
The Spoony Bards - First Course ][
Zephyr Cradle - Zephyr Violin Duo ]
'To Far Away Inspirations' by Squint ][
'Forest Refuge 2011 WIP 1' by CC Ricers ][
'Janus, Schala, and the Ocean Palace' by Counter-Colette ][
'Yearnings of the Wind' by Mr. RK ]
[FAN FICTION] Starting things off is alfadorredux with an update of Chrono Helix; find it
[2] PrincessSchalaZeal follows with
Fiendlady Saga II - The Sapphire-Haired Shadow!
[FAN ART] First is Licawolf with a few great contributions! [
In Another Time... -
Marle x Magus -
Oekaki Collection -
The Mandora Monster -
Thieves who Stole the Stars ]
[2] Next is Ema with the very cool
Type Poster.
[3] Following Ema, we have CuyahogaRiver with four sketches! [
Kid and Serge sketch -
Lucca sketch -
Lynx sketch -
Kid Sketch 2 ]
[4] Next is Tact,, with the greatest thing since Hehhh hehehzzzzzz no Billy. It's
Lost his continuity!
[6] Last but not least is the venerable ChronoWeapon, with
Cyrus and Schala, Lost Souls. Thanks to all submitters!
[OUTSIDE] We've had a lot of great stuff posted to the fan art thread for other sites. Check it out
[5] Lady Marle's made some amazing fan stamps! They're centralized at
this thread and mirrored in the fan art section.
http://www.youtube.com/v/AFQX1vcK8ek&ap=%2526fmt%3D18 http://www.youtube.com/v/ac4U0qO_EeQ&ap=%2526fmt%3D18 http://www.youtube.com/v/DCZVbL0QRsk&ap=%2526fmt%3D18