Author Topic: Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?  (Read 12216 times)


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #90 on: July 14, 2005, 07:48:26 am »
that was what i was getting at before, even if ur DNA is exact, you r still not a true clone of another, every1 is diffrent.

~LC, just posting his 200th post, I am a Zealian! Yay!


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #91 on: July 14, 2005, 08:07:03 am »
Quote from: jotabe1789
Our personality is about half environment and half DNA

Half & half? I don't think so...It's mostly environment.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #92 on: July 14, 2005, 08:10:32 am »
Lol that's the eternal argument  :lol: about half people thinks that is mostly environment, and half people, instead, believe it is dna... so let's leave it in a compromise :D
But still there is part that could not be replicated, even if you can replicate the memories.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #93 on: July 14, 2005, 08:13:38 am »
Perhaps souls and memories CAN be cloned, but since when you're cloned you start as any human, as a baby, you learn and grow from there, and your new memories of your current life overlap those that were cloned.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #94 on: July 14, 2005, 08:34:32 am »
Not really. From what we know nowadays on how memories are stored in the brain (a knowledge that might change in any moment, of course), memories are stored as patterns of neuronal circuits: there are some connections between neurones that will be used more often, and, for biological reasons, these connections are reinforced. However, the connections that are used less often, become inhibited, and hence they show a bigger resistance to electric current and will be used even less. Somehow this pattern stores data.

So, if you have a "matured clone" (a clone with adult body development but who has never entered into consciousness) and you somehow are able to reinforce and inhibit the same neuronal connections as in the model individual, then you would have that new memories find the same problems to overlap old memories in both people: original and copy.

But if you start as a baby... then it is impossible to store data that way. Because babies have basically all the neuronal connections reinforced. That's why a baby's brain is so powerful. If you forced his brain to store adult's data, then you would be handicapping his mind.

Legend of the Past

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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #95 on: July 14, 2005, 12:16:17 pm »
A baby's brain is a complete blank in terms of knowledge. He is capble only of biological actions when he is born, and as he matures his brain becomes bigger, as well as he learns more. A baby's brain is so powerful because it is "new", it has not felt stress, hardly felt fear, all those emotions were never used, so the brain is so powerful, like you said, that trying to put memories in his brain would be impossible without harming him.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #96 on: July 15, 2005, 08:20:55 am »
Quote from: Legend
A baby's brain is a complete blank in terms of knowledge. He is capble only of biological actions when he is born, and as he matures his brain becomes bigger, as well as he learns more. A baby's brain is so powerful because it is "new", it has not felt stress, hardly felt fear, all those emotions were never used, so the brain is so powerful, like you said, that trying to put memories in his brain would be impossible without harming him.

I'm with you Legend.

Completely 101% cloning some1 would mean they would have their existing memories, for a new-born baby this could be quite a problem, as they would never really develop anything new, they would be able to talk straight away as well (im not 100% sure they could though).

Legend of the Past

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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #97 on: July 15, 2005, 08:25:41 am »
In fact, a baby spends 9 monthes in the womb for a reason. He needs to kick, move around and use his muscles. When me mom was carrying me, I came out with neither the head nor the legs, but with the elbow, because my hands were stiff. They then did a surgury on my mom and took me out, afterwhich I needed about six monthes of massages to be in moving order. A cloned baby who's just been created can't move for the reason his muscles are stiff. But I guess Schala made sure Kid's muscles would be quiet ready to move. Plus the fact you don't really know how to walk as knowledge, you do that by instinct. You don't have to "think" in order to walk, you just need will it.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #98 on: July 15, 2005, 08:42:11 am »
u got me lost on the thinkin part but i see ur point about that it needs to get used to movements. Kid would have never experienced life in the womb (considering they are alive inside), so Schala would have had to "teach" kid all the kicking and wriggling before hand then planted her in the forest or wherever she was found.



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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #99 on: July 15, 2005, 09:14:33 am »
that's true... where did Kid-as-embryo matured to become a baby?


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #100 on: July 15, 2005, 09:19:13 am »
Lucca would have never have thought of anything like that. My best guess is that she just though some unfaithful mother dumped her there.

Legend of the Past

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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #101 on: July 15, 2005, 09:19:14 am »
Yeah, that never really made sense to me. It's like she came out, already matured. You even see she has a little hair, something that not all babies have...


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #102 on: July 15, 2005, 09:26:22 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Yeah, that never really made sense to me. It's like she came out, already matured. You even see she has a little hair, something that not all babies have...

Serge was also rebirth without any womb in Fort Dragonia and grew up very quickly so...

As for the little hair, it's probably Toriyama sucking at drawing babies...


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #103 on: July 15, 2005, 09:26:39 am »
i see two posibilities:

1.- Schala "weaved" her from environmental atoms already like a formed baby.
2.- Schala somehow used Chronopolitan technology.


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Balthasar in Terra Tower/Viper Manor?
« Reply #104 on: July 15, 2005, 09:29:23 am »
Or maybe Schala went "Schmi Skywalker mode" and actually bore Kid in her womb and gave birth to her normally, without any male :/