Author Topic: Why Crono?  (Read 38102 times)


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Why Crono?
« Reply #195 on: August 01, 2005, 02:44:14 am »
Do not asume that everything they can do in battle, they can do outside it. Yes, they can cast spells and stuff outside battle, but could they really witstand bullet shots? No. Dont mix up Battle Mode with Story Mode, it is an RPG afterall.  :wink:

PS: Im not saying that the time travellers are weak! No way! They are hell strong! Even without battle mode!


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Why Crono?
« Reply #196 on: August 01, 2005, 03:26:15 am »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Zaperking
Quote from: V_Translanka
Where the heck are they gonna face 100,000 troops all at once? That doesn't sound very tactical...Plus, you gotta keep in mind that Crono's super fast, especially if boosted by Marle's Haste spell. He could take out quite a few with a few well-placed Luminaire attacks. Marle, while she isn't the best, is Mrs. Healy McSupportcharacter after all...

1. Their magic may have been weakened.
2. What if they didn't wear their armour?
3. A few bullets would pierce the prism armour and a sniper bullet to the head = dead.
4. I don't think they would ever want to kill real humans, probably just knock them unconcious.

They killed Daltons guards in the Ocean Palace without hesistation, and they were human.

I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't have thier magical powers, it's not like they fade away once thier adventure is over. Spekkio "unlocked" (or whatever you want to call it) thier powers. He didn't loan them magical abilities, he isn't the Hertz of Magic.

Theres no real proof that they really killed or that they were human guards. 1. No real boss has ever been killed, besides non human ones. Masa and Mune survived, Zeal didn't die but lost her power and then probably died when the black omen fell into the ocean. Dalton falls off the ship or goes into his portal, Azala doesn't die, but is weakened and doesn't want to go with Ayla. Your character knocks out a guard in the Black Bird to get your weapons back.

Anyway, Dalton's guards look more like rats in a suit Oo Or probably some type of mystics.

Besides the point, Gray, Crono is human. So is Lucca, Marle, Ayla, Magus, Frog well.. Glenn... They can die. It's more like the entity and all the hopes and dreams of the people who they met made them stronger, and this is a proven statement (not exact) by Gaspar. Once their mission is complete, they should revert to their selves. Otherwise, they could go mad with power and probably slaughter Guardia themselves. It would even be probable that Crono was the guy who slaughtered everyone.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #197 on: August 01, 2005, 03:30:37 am »
Quote from: Zaper
Besides the point, Gray, Crono is human. So is Lucca, Marle, Ayla, Magus, Frog well.. Glenn... They can die.

That is what im trying to say, they are still able to die, just because they can destroy a inter-galactic space parasite doesnt mean they cant die. They still have finite energy, and it is still possible to get Game Over in the Chrono games!  :lol:


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Why Crono?
« Reply #198 on: August 01, 2005, 07:47:01 am »
I don't see any relevence bringing in things you've noted from other RPGs and why or how they hold true to Crono & Co. Just because in OTHER RPGs characters die w/the flick of the wrist out of battles doesn't mean it'd happen in the Chrono series. I think we should stick with in-game (in the game we're discussing) evidence only.

And, Zaperking, you're really kinda just what-if-ing it more than there is..."but what if the guards aren't really human?" and "what if Crono & Co's power faded away?" No proof that they were killed or that they were human? Pulling at strings that aren't even there. In battle you kill the things. They're humanoid if nothing else, and nothing else specifically states otherwise, plus, they speak the oh-so mysterious human tongue!!! *shock*


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Why Crono?
« Reply #199 on: August 01, 2005, 09:25:42 am »
Lol, My "what ifs" are as bad as your "The entity did it" etc. Just because you can't prove something doesn't mean it's there, but it can still apply, given a reason.

I mean, look carefully. Crono and Co, unless you power leveled like hell, would have been very hard to kill Lavos in your first play though anyway. I mean, You may have 999 tonics. But then think, where would they hold 999 tonics? 999 barriers, 999 shelters etc. This is being unrealistic. If their adventure was real, and they were humans, then they would be as vunerable as us to bullets, etc. It's all a matter of skill to avoid them. And with their skills, they possibly could. But being impenetrable to bullets, that's like having steel skin. And that's improbable. How would Crono and Marle do it if they're both steely and hard? lol.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #200 on: August 01, 2005, 09:26:06 am »
Lol, My "what ifs" are as bad as your "The entity did it" etc. Just because you can't prove something doesn't mean it's there, but it can still apply, given a reason.

I mean, look carefully. Crono and Co, unless you power leveled like hell, would have been very hard to kill Lavos in your first play though anyway. I mean, You may have 999 tonics. But then think, where would they hold 999 tonics? 999 barriers, 999 shelters etc. This is being unrealistic. If their adventure was real, and they were humans, then they would be as vunerable as us to bullets, etc. It's all a matter of skill to avoid them. And with their skills, they possibly could. But being impenetrable to bullets, that's like having steel skin. And that's improbable. How would Crono and Marle do it if they're both steely and hard? lol.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #201 on: August 01, 2005, 02:44:08 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
Quote from: SilentMartyr
Quote from: Zaperking
Quote from: V_Translanka
Where the heck are they gonna face 100,000 troops all at once? That doesn't sound very tactical...Plus, you gotta keep in mind that Crono's super fast, especially if boosted by Marle's Haste spell. He could take out quite a few with a few well-placed Luminaire attacks. Marle, while she isn't the best, is Mrs. Healy McSupportcharacter after all...

1. Their magic may have been weakened.
2. What if they didn't wear their armour?
3. A few bullets would pierce the prism armour and a sniper bullet to the head = dead.
4. I don't think they would ever want to kill real humans, probably just knock them unconcious.

They killed Daltons guards in the Ocean Palace without hesistation, and they were human.

I wouldn't understand why they wouldn't have thier magical powers, it's not like they fade away once thier adventure is over. Spekkio "unlocked" (or whatever you want to call it) thier powers. He didn't loan them magical abilities, he isn't the Hertz of Magic.

Theres no real proof that they really killed or that they were human guards. 1. No real boss has ever been killed, besides non human ones. Masa and Mune survived, Zeal didn't die but lost her power and then probably died when the black omen fell into the ocean. Dalton falls off the ship or goes into his portal, Azala doesn't die, but is weakened and doesn't want to go with Ayla. Your character knocks out a guard in the Black Bird to get your weapons back.

Anyway, Dalton's guards look more like rats in a suit Oo Or probably some type of mystics.

Besides the point, Gray, Crono is human. So is Lucca, Marle, Ayla, Magus, Frog well.. Glenn... They can die. It's more like the entity and all the hopes and dreams of the people who they met made them stronger, and this is a proven statement (not exact) by Gaspar. Once their mission is complete, they should revert to their selves. Otherwise, they could go mad with power and probably slaughter Guardia themselves. It would even be probable that Crono was the guy who slaughtered everyone.

So you are assuming that throughout the entire game that unless it was explictly stated any enemy they battled was only injured and not killed? I think believing in the Enitity is easier to do than this.

You are telling me that those guys are mystics? I think you are swinging at air here, but thats just me. And in the Blackbird the first box of stuff is unguarded, the guy is asleep. Ther rest you battle for.

I don't understand why you think they would lose thier powers, Magus certainly doesn't. He still has magic in RD, and even if you might not think the game is canon it is something to fall back on. I don't just think you can lose your powers like you lose your wallet.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #202 on: August 01, 2005, 05:19:35 pm »
Quote from: Lordchander
Do not asume that everything they can do in battle, they can do outside it. Yes, they can cast spells and stuff outside battle, but could they really witstand bullet shots? No. Dont mix up Battle Mode with Story Mode, it is an RPG afterall.  :wink:

PS: Im not saying that the time travellers are weak! No way! They are hell strong! Even without battle mode!

Guess what?  Its part of the story that this small group of people was able to defeat a Creature that could withstand everything Lensman said, and they themselves withstanding attack after attack from the most powerful creature alive.  Unless you want to discount they are strong enough to destroy a world-killer...

Crono and co. killed humans when they had to.  Those guys on Dalton's ship ARE human.

And I got no idea where you get Crono and co getting their power from the hopes and dreams of people.  They would retain their power.

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Why Crono?
« Reply #203 on: August 01, 2005, 06:03:49 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
Quote from: Lordchander
Do not asume that everything they can do in battle, they can do outside it. Yes, they can cast spells and stuff outside battle, but could they really witstand bullet shots? No. Dont mix up Battle Mode with Story Mode, it is an RPG afterall.  :wink:

PS: Im not saying that the time travellers are weak! No way! They are hell strong! Even without battle mode!

Guess what?  Its part of the story that this small group of people was able to defeat a Creature that could withstand everything Lensman said, and they themselves withstanding attack after attack from the most powerful creature alive.  Unless you want to discount they are strong enough to destroy a world-killer...

Crono and co. killed humans when they had to.  Those guys on Dalton's ship ARE human.

And I got no idea where you get Crono and co getting their power from the hopes and dreams of people.  They would retain their power.

Gasper mentions that every life-form they touch empowers them. He means that as in the side-quests. However, that dosen't me they ain't strong in their own right.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #204 on: August 01, 2005, 06:34:32 pm »
Not just during the side quests, but after you've done them all, and he says that theres many portals to Lavos too.

1. Those guard's have no faces Oo
2. Gaspar did state that and that they were getting energy through everyone they met, etc.
3. The entity isn't stupid enough to leave them with powers. I never said they lost them, only weakened, possibly. I remember a few people here arguing that point anyway on another thread that said that their magic would have been weakened once Lavos and the Mammon Machine died etc. If the entity left Crono and co. with over rated powers, then Crono might aswell be the guy who slaughtered Guardia.
4. Magus has amplified magic because he acctually lived in a time where the Mammon Machine could have given him more magic, besides the point that he did have like 20 years to train magic if he wanted to with Ozzy and the point that he does have magical blood draining from his mother.


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Why Crono?
« Reply #205 on: August 01, 2005, 06:47:55 pm »
1. They are masks, that doesn't mean they have no faces.

2. You are extremely oversimplifying what Gaspar said to them after they saved Crono.

Quote from: Gaspar
  Just as you touch the lives of every
   life form you meet, so, too, will their
   energy strengthen you.
   Fail to live up to your potential, and
   you will never win...

He is refering to the fact that if you do not help these people out they wouldn't gain the experience or the equipment that they would get from helping these individuals. These people have no control over thier magical abilites. If they choose to help them, then thier powers grow.

3. When did the entity give them thier magic abilities? Last time I checked it was Spekkio who awakens the abilities, and they had them all along. Thier growing powers are a result of thier numerous adventures and fights. Not from an almighty being. The same thing with Lavos, Lavos only manipulated the DNA of humans with the Frozen Flame so that they could use magic. Once Lavos died magic was not erased from existance, so I don't see why its absence would have any effect on the groups powers.

4. You just contradicted your argument by saying that Magus has magic in his blood. So does Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Frog. So why should Magus be the only one who keeps his powers?


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Why Crono?
« Reply #206 on: August 01, 2005, 08:37:49 pm »
1.) Masks...
2.) Meh, don't care :)
3.) the entity didn't give them power.  Plus, you usally DO gain powers in RPGs by helping people.  Its called experiance points :)
4.) And you realize that goes against what you said in 3...


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Why Crono?
« Reply #207 on: August 02, 2005, 03:13:18 am »
When I said the entity wouldn't be stupid to leave them with powers, I ment as in super-alien fighting skills. Their job was complete. If they were so powerful and mighty, they should have been in CC. They should have gone to El Nido. IF Lucca was so strong, SHE COULD HAVE USED HYPNOSIS ON LYNX AND HARLE! But noo. There is a definite problem here. Many of these contradictions of ours clash with everyones previous theories. Looking back on past topics, many people said that all the Zealian's lost their power, people saying that Leena is Crono's daugher. Leena doesn't possess magic. Since her parents (Crono and Marle prosuming) had active magic, she should have enherited it, but no. Lucca wasn't able to defend herself.. Prometheus is destroyed.... See how easy a main character can die in another form.

They may have magic, but so they also have HP and MP. After a few Luminaires, Crono would be tired out. And you do know that the guards pack a punch to the Crono and gang? Same with the laser robots. The guns would be just as effective as a punch from the lil Lavos bit dude. They are nether the less human. Though, I do justify that if they had their armour, they'd probably atleast survive, depending how the Porrean guards would shoot at them. Because it is a comical game where no one really dies brutally, they'd probably be shot and it ricocheting off their armour, thats all, and they'd be like "don't shoot -.-;".


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Why Crono?
« Reply #208 on: August 02, 2005, 07:31:47 am »
Yes, but whereas your 'what-ifs' are baseless and have no relevence, the fact that it's the entity (really, i've only used this line...once?) that sent Marle to the DBT makes sense because it's needed to occur so that Crono continues the quest.

Crono & Co. obviously have superhuman powers of strength along w/magical ability, which they show throughout the game, heck, just take the various giant jumps they take: from the Epoch onto the Black Omen & from Mystic Mountain's gate. I don't think that them being able to deflect bullets from archaic guns (which Lucca herself probably helped create) would be a terrible stretch.

And now it looks like you're trading in 'what-ifs' for 'should haves'  :lol:

The Entity wouldn't be stupid to leave them w/powers? Since when does the Entity control such things? What shows of power do we know, from in-game evidence? Time manipulation. That's more or less it.

Of course Magic faded over time in the Zealian bloodline because they stopped using it and they also mixed w/the Earthbounds. It's not like Magic just dried up overnight.

It was Lynx, the powerful foe who's part man, part beast, and part machine, Harle, who's the 7th dragon, lots of fiery monsters, a flaming orphanage, and, of course, all the kids to protect. Lucca was outnumbered, outgunned, and outmanuvered. There was too much going on for her to worry about.

Anyone who said Leena is Crono's daughter is on drugs. Plus, no where in-game, again, a helpful phrase, does it say that Magic is enheritable. You still need to unlock it as far as we know.

You paint a picture as if it's just Crono versus hundreds of Porrean soldiers. Crono & Marle would be enough, with her support abilities Haste & Cure. But then, you've also got the (largest?) army of Guardia behind them as well. Perhaps Porre was building up resources in those 5 years or so...but think about it, their leader was simply the Porrean Elder...not even a King...

Not to mention there's that stuff about how Guardia rebounded...


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Why Crono?
« Reply #209 on: August 02, 2005, 11:23:27 am »
Lucca would still hypnotize them if she had the chance.. The only people in that room with Lucca was Lynx, Harle and Kid. All the other children had ran and hidden themselves. If Lucca was fighting them in her room, or atleast they met her there, or she ran to them there, then even if there were children there, they would run out and the room would be there for Lynx and Harle to fight.

Remember, they are stated as humans, never as super humans nor having super powers, except for magic which is over rated.
Do you expect Crono to go out onto the field with a bath robe, half drugged (for example), get shot by 10 bullets in the face, that bounce off him and fall to the floor? The answer is no. It'd be more plausable that they used manuvers to dodge bullets, and to not get hurt if they did. Cure may heal hp, but wont take a bullet out of your gut. I'd rather imagine Crono being like Vash the Stampede and just avoiding all the bullets, rather than being shot and the bullets not even impacting. It's being realistic. If you're legit, and didn't power lvl and it's your first play through fighting Lavos, you'd have a hell of a rough time. Maybe 15mins + to kill the last 2 staged etc.

Well, this is getting off topic.
And to answer the topic, "why Crono?":
Well because he's cool and a mute and he gets to do it with Marle later :P