Author Topic: Why Crono?  (Read 35730 times)


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Why Crono?
« Reply #210 on: August 02, 2005, 12:22:24 pm »
Does Lucca's Hypnotize work on everything all the time? I think she would, like I did, completely forget about Hypnotize and go for a slightly...better ability. And it's not that other monsters or kids are in the room w/her, but the fact that she'd have to be worrying about them...I mean, if they're just hiding around, they're gonna die...In fact, w/o Serge, they surely would.

Stated as humans, yes, but they are also the humans that the Entity chose to defend the world and destroy Lavos. Stuff like that doesn't happen to just anybody. Plus, through their experiences, they become more than human. And how is something like Magic overrated? Everything is based on the balance of the four Magical Elements. If anything, Magic is UNDERrated. Not to mention the regular abilities that Crono & Co. demonstrate, like the inner strength/spiritual/ki ability of Crono's tech, Slash. Average humans these kids are not.

If Crono can take a Destruction Rains From the Heavens then, yes, I don't see what the big deal would be in a bullet hitting him. Especially since any guns Porre has probably aren't all that great (seeing how little damage they deal in CC, 20 years AFTERWARDS!!!).

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Why Crono?
« Reply #211 on: August 02, 2005, 03:26:10 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka

. Especially since any guns Porre has probably aren't all that great (seeing how little damage they deal in CC, 20 years AFTERWARDS!!!).

Hey, Serge ain't so human either. Arbiter of the Flame, you know.

That, and the fact that in that point they have suits of armor and such.... Wait! Crono has armor! And Armor made of the Rainbow Shell would stop the bullet before it can even dig through the armor!

P.S: YEAH, BABY! Guile as an avatar!


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Why Crono?
« Reply #212 on: August 02, 2005, 06:32:24 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Does Lucca's Hypnotize work on everything all the time? I think she would, like I did, completely forget about Hypnotize and go for a slightly...better ability. And it's not that other monsters or kids are in the room w/her, but the fact that she'd have to be worrying about them...I mean, if they're just hiding around, they're gonna die...In fact, w/o Serge, they surely would.

Stated as humans, yes, but they are also the humans that the Entity chose to defend the world and destroy Lavos. Stuff like that doesn't happen to just anybody. Plus, through their experiences, they become more than human. And how is something like Magic overrated? Everything is based on the balance of the four Magical Elements. If anything, Magic is UNDERrated. Not to mention the regular abilities that Crono & Co. demonstrate, like the inner strength/spiritual/ki ability of Crono's tech, Slash. Average humans these kids are not.

If Crono can take a Destruction Rains From the Heavens then, yes, I don't see what the big deal would be in a bullet hitting him. Especially since any guns Porre has probably aren't all that great (seeing how little damage they deal in CC, 20 years AFTERWARDS!!!).

Lucca is smart and not stupid enough to use Fire inside a house.
And their mission was complete... The entity doesn't need them anymore. If it did, Chrono Cross would have them in it.
Also, they did not withstand the Destruction Rains for the Heavens either. There's a difference about 1HP damagage and 300-600hp damage...


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Why Crono?
« Reply #213 on: August 02, 2005, 09:07:31 pm »
Lucca still had her awesome guns...

No matter how much damage it was, they still survive/can survive it. And I think that if you can survive an attack that friggin cut Zeal down from the sky, then you can handle puny bullets.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #214 on: August 03, 2005, 11:05:49 am »
That attack was different in a way. Lavos was underneathe the island. He was shotting below the island. That is why it was sliced up. Also, there is no proof that his Destruction Rain from the Heaven's is the same as what he did to Zeal. what he did to Zeal were the spikes from his shell, where are like lasers shooting out. His attack on Crono and Co comes directly from the heavens...

Yet again, Where's my answer? The entity did not need them anymore..

And so what if Lucca had guns? I don't see your point? Wow, she had a gun, why didn't she use it? >.> Because she's not as strong as she could be. I don't remember it being ever explicidly stated in the game that she was protecting the kids and was distracted and Kid napped. From all that we know, The Kid's were hiding, then the house set on fire. Lucca followed Lynx to Kid's room where they faught, he won and took her. Kid saw it all etc.

And no, you're wrong too. Unless you power leveled to like 60+, Lavos could still take out Marle in a shot. I tested this, used cheats to lvl them up. Best armour avaliable for everyone, Marle died in one shot. Magus survived around 3 (i had them all on defence), same with Crono, Frog. Robo survived 2. Lucca survived 2 aswell.. So I don't see what you're on about. Fainting is a possibility... You know..


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Why Crono?
« Reply #215 on: August 03, 2005, 12:18:13 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
I don't remember it being ever explicidly stated in the game that she was protecting the kids and was distracted and Kid napped.

It seems as though the runner of the orphanage...not to mention it would be her house...would seek to protect not only those in it, but also the home itself. No, not explicitly stated, just common sense founded on that which we know (ie in-game evidence).

I don't remember it being explicitly stated that the characters somehow can't survive Porrean guns...If they even had them at the time, now that I think about it. Like I said, seen in-game, we know that the Porrean weaponry is severely, if not at least somewhat, lacking 20 years after the Fall. Also, sure, you leveled them. But are you taking into account Tabs? The characters can basically be almighty ** gods at any level w/Tabs and good accessorizing.

Not to mention, you still say that they all, minus Marle (who I think I could easily get to survive the attack) survived it, but also survived it multiple times! Personally, I don't see it as coming directly from the heavens. I think, like shown w/if nothing else, similar, attacks, Lavos shoots them wicked lasers up (heaven-wards mind you) and then they fall back down to destroy destroy destroy...

And when I said Lucca has her guns I meant she wouldn't fall on Hypnotize when she has her guns. I'm saying she probably used them, but still got the shit kicked out of her (or w/e) regardless. Heck, when we come onto the scene, isn't Kid basically ko'd? We could even assume that Lynx & Harle used one of the children, perhaps Kid herself, as a hostage. Instant Lucca slave.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #216 on: August 03, 2005, 06:48:00 pm »
Looks like you need some help, V_Translanka.

Yet again, Where's my answer? The entity did not need them anymore..

Point?  Are you saying that the only reason Crono and co were able to take out Lavos was because of the Entity?  That somehow, they got so strong by the Entity plugging them into a power outlet, and later unplugged them?  

Or perhaps their skills came from, oh, I dunno, experiances, training, and getting stronger themselves?  Oh no, that can't be the case.  Otherwise they would have been in CC!  The entity had NOTHING to do with their power.  Nothing.  Show me one piece of evidence that implies they would loose power.

Why were they not in CC?  Simple enough.  Was Crono the Arbiter of the Flame?  Was Marle Schala's daugther clone?  And better yet:  how would they have even know about the events?  Crono was charged with destroying Lavos, and then Belthasar used the Arbiter of the Flame to save Schala.  Because, after all, CC was about his plan, not the Entities.

And 'Prometheus' was a circuit.  I doubt a mere circuit would have tons of power.  There are also questions if that Prometheus was simply a copy of Robo, or Robo himself.  He is a machine after all, and his 'memories' can be copied.

And Lucca was in a burning orphanage, little kids running around scared, and was probably take off guard, so not to have her guns on her.  Or do you think she would care for Orphanes with a gun?


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Why Crono?
« Reply #217 on: August 04, 2005, 02:30:53 am »
Ok, for some reason, I got the hilarious idea, Sentenal, that your Ryu sprite avy should have the word "Poke" at the end of the strike...perhaps mingled w/a "Pokey"? :lol:

But, onwards and upwards...I agree w/mostly everything you said Sentenal...Except for the gun thing. We see that she keeps her Ice Gun handy in her room. I think it's possible that w/e those new rooms are (studies? labs?), there could easily be a gun in there...But, like I said...These things could be rendered useless to a lone hero.

edit: *1500 POST*

Huh...arbiter and a lil pic of Serge, huh...I guess that's cool w/me. :P


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Why Crono?
« Reply #218 on: August 04, 2005, 03:01:36 am »
Quote from: Sentenal
Looks like you need some help, V_Translanka.

Can't fight your own battles XD

Why did I say the entity didn't need them anymore? Because you guys are arguing that they are the Entity's chosen ones. Duh. So don't confuse yourselves. If you start it, I will go along with it.

Just as you touch the lives of every
life form you meet, so, too, will their
energy strengthen you.

Fail to live up to your potential, and
you will never win...

There. That quote of Gaspar proves that they were gaining strength through their experiances, through the people they met. As if the entity wanted it that . I never said their powers would dissapear, I SAID that they might weaken, as they are not needed. If they did keep them, they can be corrupted, like everyone else has. Crono being as powerful as Lavos, or even stronger.. Do you think thats believable? To have such power, Crono could probably generate the Mammon Machine himself, or be comprised of all the DNA in the world. But this is not the case, and this would undermine the point of Lavos.

They had to work as a team to defeat him. Up until then, The entity was always watching over them. But when their purpose was served, they are not needed, and probably weakened. The entity wouldn't let them go out of Contol. Lynx very well may have body switched with Crono to become the most powerful being ever, but no. His orders were to get the FF back and operational.

Crono and Co. simply can't be mortal but not be able to get hit. It's called skill, to dodge a bullet, not skin of steel >.>


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Why Crono?
« Reply #219 on: August 04, 2005, 03:13:27 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Can't fight your own battles

If by 'battles' you mean theological discussions, then yes, help in explaining a point is always good.

Quote from: sameguy
Why did I say the entity didn't need them anymore? Because you guys are arguing that they are the Entity's chosen ones. Duh. So don't confuse yourselves. If you start it, I will go along with it.

Yes, this was said, but, unlike you assume (for reasons unknown), no one said that just because the Entity chose them that the Entity controls their every experience, their every decision, and their abilities. It just CHOSE them. Where you get anything else besides that is beyond me.

Quote from: sameguystill
There. That quote of Gaspar proves that they were gaining strength through their experiances, through the people they met.

I don't think so. That's if you take it completely literally. I think he meant their energy will empower them spiritually. So that they know what and who they're fighting for.

If they did keep them, they can be corrupted, like everyone else has. Crono being as powerful as Lavos, or even stronger.. Do you think thats believable? To have such power, Crono could probably generate the Mammon Machine himself, or be comprised of all the DNA in the world. But this is not the case, and this would undermine the point of Lavos.

How could Crono generate the Mammon Machine? Are you using the right wording here? Because I don't think there's enough Dreamstone for Crono to make a Mammon Machine >_> Also, it's obvious from the Lavos battle that it isn't about simply having the DNA of every living being, but of having individual power and strength as Crono & Co. show.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #220 on: August 04, 2005, 05:58:47 am »
Ok, this may very well be off-topic, but how did the DNA actually help Lavos?


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Why Crono?
« Reply #221 on: August 04, 2005, 10:08:05 am »
Quote from: Lordchander
Ok, this may very well be off-topic, but how did the DNA actually help Lavos?

Nah, I think the point was that he used it to evolve himself. Destroy his pathetic DNA, and get all the best DNA from anyone who has ever lived. Sporty People, people with genes to reject diseases etc.

I take everything literally, since it is game evidance. The only ever thing I disproved, or tryed to figure out was about Lucca's abduction.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #222 on: August 04, 2005, 02:58:31 pm »
Isn't this all irrelevent, since all three of them were dead by the time of CC? ANYway, If it's possible that they dismantled the Epoch, what about their weapons or armor? :O Surely, in this peaceful time, they wouldn't feel the need to keep their weapons. That leaves them with magic. Sure, that helped in the Porre Invasion, but I don't think it would've been enough.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #223 on: August 04, 2005, 04:08:04 pm »
There. That quote of Gaspar proves that they were gaining strength through their experiances, through the people they met. As if the entity wanted it that . I never said their powers would dissapear, I SAID that they might weaken, as they are not needed. If they did keep them, they can be corrupted, like everyone else has. Crono being as powerful as Lavos, or even stronger.. Do you think thats believable? To have such power, Crono could probably generate the Mammon Machine himself, or be comprised of all the DNA in the world. But this is not the case, and this would undermine the point of Lavos.

And that quote proves that the entity gave them their powers?  All that quote 'proves' is that Crono and co would continue to gain power by helping all those people.  Thats useally how people get stronger in RPGs: Doing stuff.  Its not the Entity giving them ANYTHING.  They gained the power by their own actions.

They had to work as a team to defeat him. Up until then, The entity was always watching over them. But when their purpose was served, they are not needed, and probably weakened. The entity wouldn't let them go out of Contol. Lynx very well may have body switched with Crono to become the most powerful being ever, but no. His orders were to get the FF back and operational.

The greatness of CT shows that Crono is able to take out Lavos by himself.  And regardless, look at Lavos:  A creature who destroys the world in one shot.  And lets say that Lavos is only able to be beaten by 3 of them.  That still means three mortals took out the destroyer of the world!  Mathematically, that means that each of them was 1/3 as strong as Lavos.

I take everything literally, since it is game evidance. The only ever thing I disproved, or tryed to figure out was about Lucca's abduction.

So I guess when Magus says that long ago, when he lived in Zeal, he was another person then, Magus actually changed his DNA, Soul, etc etc, and is not Janus in any way what-so-ever anymore.  If you take everything literal, then you must believe that.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #224 on: August 04, 2005, 04:36:49 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal

They had to work as a team to defeat him. Up until then, The entity was always watching over them. But when their purpose was served, they are not needed, and probably weakened. The entity wouldn't let them go out of Contol. Lynx very well may have body switched with Crono to become the most powerful being ever, but no. His orders were to get the FF back and operational.

The greatness of CT shows that Crono is able to take out Lavos by himself.  And regardless, look at Lavos:  A creature who destroys the world in one shot.  And lets say that Lavos is only able to be beaten by 3 of them.  That still means three mortals took out the destroyer of the world!  Mathematically, that means that each of them was 1/3 as strong as Lavos.

wouldnt it be more wise to say this means each character was atleast over 1/3 the strength of lavos, if they were all 1/3 then together they would be equally as strong as lavos, and if they were equally as strong the fight would be near impossible for either team to win.

Quote from: Sentenal

I take everything literally, since it is game evidance. The only ever thing I disproved, or tryed to figure out was about Lucca's abduction.

So I guess when Magus says that long ago, when he lived in Zeal, he was another person then, Magus actually changed his DNA, Soul, etc etc, and is not Janus in any way what-so-ever anymore.  If you take everything literal, then you must believe that.

well he was a diferent person really:

1) he looks a lot diferent
2) hes got a diferent name
3) if you go on the idea that during 600AD his relationship with dark magic changed his appearance (maybe even altering his DNA?).
4) hes got a whole diferent attitude and array of knowledge from that which he would of have if he had never been ported to 600AD

if he had stayed in 12000BC he would of been very diferent, which makes it safe to assume he was a "diferent person".