Author Topic: Why Crono?  (Read 38099 times)


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Why Crono?
« Reply #225 on: August 04, 2005, 04:46:25 pm »
Didn't see this one before:
Isn't this all irrelevent, since all three of them were dead by the time of CC? ANYway, If it's possible that they dismantled the Epoch, what about their weapons or armor? :O Surely, in this peaceful time, they wouldn't feel the need to keep their weapons. That leaves them with magic. Sure, that helped in the Porre Invasion, but I don't think it would've been enough.

No, there is no evidence for Crono or Marle being dead, other than them not being mentioned, which is hardly evidence.

well he was a diferent person really:

1) he looks a lot diferent
2) hes got a diferent name
3) if you go on the idea that during 600AD his relationship with dark magic changed his appearance (maybe even altering his DNA?).
4) hes got a whole diferent attitude and array of knowledge from that which he would of have if he had never been ported to 600AD

if he had stayed in 12000BC he would of been very diferent, which makes it safe to assume he was a "diferent person".

Did Janus not grow up to be Magus, or did I miss something?  Would that not make them the same person?  You cannot win here, so don't try.  Janus=Magus, yet Magus says he was a different person.

Legend of the Past

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Why Crono?
« Reply #226 on: August 04, 2005, 04:52:37 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal

Did Janus not grow up to be Magus, or did I miss something?  Would that not make them the same person?  You cannot win here, so don't try.  Janus=Magus, yet Magus says he was a different person.

He means that he was a different person back then because he just isn't that little boy anymore. His heart and soul were scarred by the fact he had to grow up and learn to take pleasure in torture and death, plus the fact that in Zeal, his sister was keeping him the way he was up 'till then. When he lost Schala, he was enraged, once could say he "turned to the Dark Side" without her.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #227 on: August 04, 2005, 05:01:25 pm »
mmm legend is right, and your comment :

"Did Janus not grow up to be Magus" only when he got ported to 600AD, if he doesnt get ported to 600AD no he wont be magus, janos only = magus because of lavos, an external force, which means they are diferent people, put magus next to old janus and they probably wouldnt recognise each other.


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« Reply #228 on: August 04, 2005, 05:03:46 pm »
... If you take it literally what he said, then Magus is saying that he is not the same person as Janus.  I am showing Zaper why not to take everything literally.

And kazmaka, thanks for the irrelavant post.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #229 on: August 04, 2005, 05:13:09 pm »
my post wasnt irevalant, that post was.

and your still missing the point or choosing not to hit it, he is a diferent person, even taking it literally, there is no way anyone could get to the conclusion you did, i mean people that say that kidna thing all the time, for starters its a god dam figure of speech, not to take it as one is stupid. ack!

your taking the word "person" in a whole diferent sense, he doesnt say back then i was a diferent entity, he says back then i was a diferent person. which involves attitude, personality, lifestyle, not his frickin dna!


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Why Crono?
« Reply #230 on: August 04, 2005, 07:57:41 pm »
This is what I was addressing.

I take everything literally, since it is game evidance. The only ever thing I disproved, or tryed to figure out was about Lucca's abduction.

Here is what Magus said:
I once lived there... But I was another person then.

If you take that literally, the Magus just said that he is not Janus.

Now please, stop with your irrelavant 'points'.  Literally, thats what he said.  Of course he didn't mean he was an entirely different entity.  But if you take those words literally, he did.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #231 on: August 04, 2005, 09:05:16 pm »
Yeah, kazmaka, the way you're looking at the point of Magus & Janus isn't taking what he said literally. They are NOT literally different people. Unless you have some other definition for literal.

You can take anything you want that's said in a game as being completely literal, but that does not mean that it was the intention. If everything was literal, you couldn't really use creative writing properly, or at least, not to it's extent.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #232 on: August 05, 2005, 05:20:33 am »
im sorry but you cant change my mind, you taking the word person wrong.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #233 on: August 05, 2005, 08:28:19 am »
But he is a different person.. He is being literally, to a degree, but mixed with sarcasm. He's trying to differ himself of what he could have been. A green eyed, young man with a cat and living in a Kingdom of magic, protected by his mother. But that never happened. He has changed... No more Alfador, no more green eyes. He's grown up, realised everything..
It's all a matter of word play.


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« Reply #234 on: August 05, 2005, 08:40:20 am »
mmm, hes a diferent person, not a diferent entity o no, not a diferent soul, not that either, a diferent person, magus never says back then he had diferent dna and a diferent soul and what not, no he said he was a diferent person, which he was.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #235 on: August 05, 2005, 02:42:33 pm »
Quote from: kazmaka
mmm, hes a diferent person, not a diferent entity o no, not a diferent soul, not that either, a diferent person, magus never says back then he had diferent dna and a diferent soul and what not, no he said he was a diferent person, which he was.

In the same post, you said BOTH he was the same person, and he wasn't.

Magus and Janus are the same entity.  If you take what he said literally, he said they are not.  You have lost.


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« Reply #236 on: August 05, 2005, 02:47:40 pm »
youre completely ignoring what im saying, im not going to debate this anymore if your not going to listen, whats your problem? ive told how what he says is true and your ignoring it and just saying no your wrong, that is pathetic.


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« Reply #237 on: August 05, 2005, 02:50:26 pm »
And you don't even know what I was arguing.


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« Reply #238 on: August 05, 2005, 02:56:46 pm »
but what you just said isnt true, unless you mean something diferent to what your saying then enlighten me about what you mean.


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Why Crono?
« Reply #239 on: August 05, 2005, 03:09:31 pm »
Kaper says he takes everything in CT literally.  I do not think one should take everything literal.  Magus said he was not the same person as Janus.  Of course he means that his mindset is different, and he is essentially a different person.  But did one day Janus actually ceise to exist, and Magus just come to be?  Or did Janus grow up into Magus?  Janus are Magus are the same entity, the same person.  This is an example of why not to take everything in the game literally.