A theory I thought of a few days ago. I'd like to know what you think.
If FATE ceases to exist in Home World, there is no need for Lucca to remove the Circuit. Lynx woulden't go after her, she remains with Kid and her friends and they remain happily on Zenan. Which explains why Home's Kid never comes to Home's El-Nido.
And just in case, my theory assumes Kid didn't make up the Radical Dreamers as a cover-up for her working alone. A trouble-maker, she is, but even General Viper seemed so shocked about Kid being a Radical Dreamer, plus the people over at Arni say that even Porre can't get them. Kid can be a trouble-maker, but there's just no way she can cause that much trouble. Remember all her slip-ups in Viper Manor, in both CC and RD? That alone shows she has no way of doing that much trouble.
(Yes, I copied it off my other post on the Belthasar on Terra Tower topic)