Ya those Nus were my doing. I think the word you're looking for is "distinguished". 
And you did a great job with them
Good to know you've kept busy.
I think
is my favourite though. Too cute!

<- My favorite!
Anyway; for the newer people and as a reminder, my name is Mikey, OM, Overlord, or OverlordMikey and I started a Chrono Compendium Dōjinshi Circle Project yet I vanish later. I have returned with a renewed desire to restart said Chrono Compendium Dōjinshi Circle. More info pending~. I've decide to go though the old post and find some my old ideas which I will compile for our first issue then recruit some artists into the group and see if making an issue won't attract some attention.
Back to the point; I'm twenty-five, bisexual, kinda sarcastic crossed with zany, love Discworld, love cute things, enjoy writing and good stories, love pasta, support Serge/Leena (although I love Kid; I think of her and Serge as buddies) , Marle was one of my favorite characters from Chrono Trigger, and I think Lavos is cute (he looks like a giant tick - only cute; oddly I hate ticks) and totally wanna ride on his shell.
I also used to have this terrible tendency; my spelling was filled with typos. Although looking back it's a great source of narm and makes me laugh!
I find it highly unlikely that all of you are reappearing in the same three-day period. But I like it! 
It's part of an evil conspiracy; if you know me you know I love being a villain...