Author Topic: <3 NBC  (Read 3633 times)


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<3 NBC
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:48:37 am »
Fucking shitstorm on the American Internet because NBC probably accidentally omitted "Under God" in a Pledge of Allegiance for a televised golf tournament.

Real quotes from true Americans:

They seem to forget that they will be judged now by the public and later they will br judged by the One they deleted. Pray for the USA and the people defending her>>

NBC should be ashamed of itself for editing out "under God" during its opening segment of today's U.S. Open Championship coverage featuring children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. You did it not once, but TWICE. Is anyone else enraged?

Lynn, this is another example of their subliminal indoctrinating. Notice when they apologized, they didn't say what part of the Pledge had been omitted.

as a member of the military i am pretty pissed about the omition in the pledge but i would expect as much from the liberal media they are doing away with this great nation little by little

nbc...... news broadcast of communism

I am so tired of "political correctness". The vast majority of Americans are not offended by "under God". It is ridiculous to pander to a tiny minority who claim to be "offended". Far more are offended by the editing job!!!

The pledge of allegiance was created by Congress not nbc and nbc needs to mind their own business !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Un-American by NBC and to be the PC police is enough. what a couple guys sit in a trailer and say we no whats best for Americans. God Bless America

my family has served and fought and died for this country and i will never purchase anything from any of their advertiser ever again

Unbelieveable!!! I am watching and making a list of every sponsor so I can write them and tell them why I am not going to be buying their products anymore.....

just would like the name of the exec.that made the decision,out he hould go,and sent to Iraq or Afghanistan...

Your company must be run by idiots!!! I will be asking my serveral hundred friends on FB to boycot your station! You were supposed to be showing patriotism............ wow, what a great job you did!

First and formost the Allegiance to the Flag of the USA. Our country was founded by the faith in God our forefathers had and all the people who fought and died and still do to assure our freedom.How could you accidently edit it out?

I have been a life-long NBC viewer. Your disgusting editing of The Pledge of Allegiance just cost you dearly! I will spread the word to every Marine in the world..........

Oh god, the "troop" card being played is so gut-wrenchingly stupid. Guess what? My direct paternal ancestor was a fucking Major in the Revolutionary War, and grew up near the future site of Washington Fucking DC, and was also one of the few Virginia militiamen who wasn't outright slaughtered or ran away at Braddock's Defeat in the French and Indian Wars. And if my ancestor had consulted the founding fathers, he would have seen a great deal of deism and a distinct lack of bullshit Christian dominionism. Fuck religion. (While we're at it, fuck nationalism.)

Hey's Freedom OF Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.




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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 04:24:23 am »
That again depends on what your pledge of allegiance actually says. It isn't about the term, rather the fact a folly or mistake took place. And mistakes are to be corrected.

I can understand your views in this situation, but one thing still escapes me: what do you mean by Fuck Nationalism?


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 09:02:10 am »
Want to know what the real joke is? The words "under God" do not appear in the original Pledge. They were added later.

(Note: As not-an-American, I regard the Pledge of Allegiance entodo as a very un-funny joke. Believing that reciting something dreamed up by the editor of a 19th-century boys' magazine (IIRC) is some kind of sacred act is the sort of thing that deserves to be laughed at, but you guys take it so damned seriously...)


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 10:21:33 am »
Actually, the place the vast majority of people learn (memorize) the pledge is in school. And guess what? Public schools have been moving away from making the pledge seem terribly important. Though it's always been "optional", when I was a kid, it felt mandatory, like you'd be ostracized for not participating.

Contrast that to the grade 2/3 classroom I worked in this past school year: maybe a quarter of them stood and recited the pledge? It's a dying tradition, and frankly, no one really cares anymore. The people bitching about it are 1) the same people who think being American is the same thing as being Christian and 2) from an older generation than our own. A generation whose beliefs and opinions are quickly becoming irrelevant. By the time they're elderly and ready to keel over, no one will be listening to them.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2011, 11:26:06 am »
In 8th grade we read a book that featured a teacher who refused to recite the pledge. The teacher was an amazing teacher, but she got fired for it. After reading said book, my teacher told us that we didn't HAVE to say the pledge if we didn't want to. All he asked of us was to stand for it. Even then, most kids didn't take part in it. Even into high school, most kids would be sitting and chattering (loudly) while the announcements asked us to stand for the pledge of allegiance.

Honestly, I hate that people are just so... stupid. Oh, woopdeefriggin' doo, they fucked up. They have apologized. You don't need to go 'RABBLE RABBLE THEYRE COMMUNIST ATHEIST ISLAMIC TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO DISMANTLE AMERICA (one thousand exclamation points later) RABBLE RABBLE IM GOING BACK TO FOX'. Whereas... Fox. Really.

I think we can just chalk it up to people being stupid. That's usually the case now a days anyway.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 02:38:06 pm »
That again depends on what your pledge of allegiance actually says. It isn't about the term, rather the fact a folly or mistake took place. And mistakes are to be corrected.

I can understand your views in this situation, but one thing still escapes me: what do you mean by Fuck Nationalism?

Nationalism was useful when nations were rapidly industrializing and needed another commonality to unite groups of disparate people. If we go back in history, Germany was a collection of innumerable small principalities under the Holy Roman Empire; France was a collection of small kingdoms, etc.

It's been done, though. Nationalism these days is strongly associated with skinhead culture, jingoism, and racial prejudice. It's also pretty strongly associated with ignorance of history here. The most hardcore "SUPPORT TH'TROOPS" kind of people and pledge-sayers are probably the least informed about American history, and also the least likely to be aware of/admit colossal American ethical failures, like the US manipulation of South America. We're at the technological stage of humanity where we need to focus on an all-encompassing humanism. Our problems are also now of a more global scale, one which requires international cooperation. I'm not advocating a dissolution of national character at all (Bills of Rights, Constitutions, "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" are useful guarantors of rights), but rather a more global outlook.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2011, 02:47:05 pm »
This is so opposite to where I live. We are slowly eliminating every religious symbols from everything that is public, even though the majority is christian. Churches are empty, and sometimes they are turned into houses.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2011, 05:17:46 pm »
The most hardcore "SUPPORT TH'TROOPS" kind of people and pledge-sayers are probably the least informed about American history, and also the least likely to be aware of/admit colossal American ethical failures, like the US manipulation of South America. We're at the technological stage of humanity where we need to focus on an all-encompassing humanism. Our problems are also now of a more global scale, one which requires international cooperation. I'm not advocating a dissolution of national character at all (Bills of Rights, Constitutions, "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" are useful guarantors of rights), but rather a more global outlook.
You know, that kinda made my day (or two days, for that matter). That is exactly the kind of view I hope the majority of humanity adopts to make the world a better place. I'm not that fond of Nationalism, but I do say that I'm a patriot and, perhaps, will always be.

Now then:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
From what I understand, the emphasized words up there were added later on. But I fail to see what the big deal is. God could be anything to a person. A supernatural being. Parents. Personal spirit of creation. Destiny. Animals. The Universe. Nature. Ancestors. Humanity. People worship different things for different reasons, all based on preference or beliefs.

But even if you were to ignore that, what about the terms that defines the pledge? One nation. Indivisible. Liberty. Justice for all. It is as if the masses deliberately ignore these crucial terms just to get on warring with their brothers, in turn tearing the country apart. Where One Nation with all you fighting left and right? Where is indivisibility with people criticizing those of different views? Where is liberty when you throw away someone else's right to freedom? And justice? That's a long story you already know.

If people argue over petty things like these they're hardly true Americans. Because what your pledge speaks to me, true American would stand for his nation and still embrace justice for every human in the planet. A true American is an epitome of benevolence, of hope and destiny. A true American would never let his country fall in sin, injustice and corruption. To me, at least, a true American is what binds all humanity together as his/her brothers and sisters.

So yeah. The whole under God quarrel sounds pathetic to me. If anyone is so frustrated about the inclusion/exclusion of the term first be a true American, or at least a better human being, and then talk!

This is so opposite to where I live. We are slowly eliminating every religious symbols from everything that is public, even though the majority is christian. Churches are empty, and sometimes they are turned into houses.
XD I'm curious to know: where are you from?
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 05:23:11 pm by tushantin »


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2011, 01:06:58 am »
Sometimes, omitting "Under God" when you're saying the Pledge of Allegiance is cause for public heckling. A friend and I visited Mount Rushmore last July, and at their sunset ceremony, we all recited the Pledge. When it came to the "Under God" part, my friend and I fell silent, omitting the two words since we are both atheist. We certainly weren't trying to stir anything up, but some of the people standing next to us noticed it, and commented, and then the people behind them heard their complaints that we were "unamerican" and had omitted "Under God," and then they felt justified in insulting us. They hushed as the ceremony continued, but not before they'd taken out their righteous anger on us, and claiming we didn't deserve our spot in the crowd.

Stuffed in against a wall like sardines with no hope of escape, we had no choice but to take it. The experience soured my view of Mount Rushmore entirely, and I have zero desire to ever return.

There's no earthly reason it should have happened that way. We had no idea that simply omitting "Under God" in a public ceremony would get us in hot water. I couldn't believe anyone had even noticed the omission, let alone had the gall to be an ass about it in public.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2011, 01:43:03 am »
God, I wish I could have been there. Say it to my fucking face, you religious fucktards.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2011, 01:52:59 am »
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

These fucking animals need to be shot. :picardno


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2011, 06:54:37 am »
I still find it amazing that pointless strife like that happens in the US. Still, as I said before, the term under God does not describe an American, but the other contributing factors. If anybody tells you that you're not American, ask them where is their sense of liberty nd justice. Mock them for it. Show them their place.

Seriously. At the pace this is going, people there probably need to be re-educated about the pledge.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2011, 12:09:32 pm »
I like tushantin's reasoning. We can't have "one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all" if that includes religious separation.


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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2011, 04:20:08 am »
XD I'm curious to know: where are you from?

Montreal. There have been several conflicts between all the religions (especially with hasidic jews and muslims) so basically the only solution was extreme secularity. The government even had a serious debate in whether they removed the christian cross in the National Assembly or not.

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Re: <3 NBC
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2011, 06:12:08 am »
I used to annoy my teachers in grade school by not reciting the pledge with the rest of the class.