Author Topic: chrono = schala??  (Read 10759 times)


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #60 on: July 08, 2005, 07:11:59 pm »
Quote from: DarkGizmo
1-You never zoom in/fade in/blur in a battle which is so perfect

I don't think the Shining Force games (another example of a nice, simple SRPG) did this either...


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #61 on: February 20, 2006, 10:43:10 pm »

Why did Schala's hair turn blonde in Chrono Cross? Note that her eye color also changed from green to blue, leaving this as a possible plot inconsistency.


Schala Hair Dye

While the royal family of Zeal all had naturally blue hair, Schala did not. Instead of allowing her to be ridiculed, the royal family of Zeal simply had her hair dyed blue to match the others. This dye wore off during her internment inside the Time Devourer.

Bleach Effect / Genetic Alteration


The nature of the environment of the Darkness Beyond Time and the Time Devourer caused her hair to become chemically bleached. However, this would mean her scalp would suffer from the same effects, which is problematic. Also, why would Kid have blonde hair?

Another tenet of this theory holds that since Lavos was able to recombine DNA, the Time Devourer made some changes to Schala when she unified with it. This might have changed her hair blonde and her eyes blue, which means any copy of her (Kid or Harle) would keep the effects.


Comprehensive Hair Dye

The people of Zeal did not simply dye their hair blue, or Janus would have lost his hair color as well after training with the Mystics. One may object that he dyed his hair even in 600 A.D., but even his Chrono Cross shell (Guile) has hair intended to be naturally blue and purple.

Magic Drain

This theory contends that the hair of the people of Zeal appears blue when they are charged with magic power. It holds that when magical power is lost, the hair turns back to blonde. Why, then, did Magus's hair not turn blonde after he summoned Lavos and later challenged the beast in the Ocean Palace? Why didn't Schala's after the entire ordeal lapsed and she only had enough power left to transport the party out? What about Queen Zeal? One can argue that these instances were neglected because the developers did not want to make blonde sprites and palettes. Even at this stage, however, it is a stretch.


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #62 on: February 20, 2006, 11:36:33 pm »
I think he was actually blind, but could sense the pendant Marle had with her. Since in his original time the pendant belonged to Schala, he believed that Schala had managed to find him.


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2006, 06:55:33 pm »
WTF? That makes no sense at all.


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #64 on: February 21, 2006, 11:53:55 pm »
Quote from: Augenstein
I think he was actually blind, but could sense the pendant Marle had with her. Since in his original time the pendant belonged to Schala, he believed that Schala had managed to find him.

Well... that makes SOMEWHAT sense, if he is blind (Which is highly possible, seeing as he's an old fellow) at that point. I'm not saying the theory is correct, far from it. I just go with the theory that Belthasar was mad as a hatter by then. Just working with that for a minute. Belthasar was a Guru of Zeal, and therefore very sensitive to magical forces. Especially those of the mammon machine and Schala (since he was around both so much). It's plausible to think that he sensed the energy resonating from the pendant (which isn't limited to Marle, seeing as you can open the special doors and chests even without her in the party. I’m guessing you keep it in your 'inventory' at all times no matter who's in the party) and for a moment in his senile ol' nutty head thought it was Schala. Even without the pendant theory Belthasar could have picked up on the general magical abilities of the party, which made him draw his conclusion... but yeah, I'm still going with he was just about at sane as Queen Zeal.


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #65 on: February 22, 2006, 04:47:16 am »
Note: I thought I made the statement on the genetic alteration? Or atleast that Lavos could have drained it off her.

By the way.
Harle and Kid cannot be accurate copies of Schala.
Harle's eyes are blackish red for one. Kid's are really bluish and she has a tint of red in her hair. Schala does not :O


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #66 on: February 22, 2006, 09:00:12 am »
Geez... What a... *nice* interpretation of what Belthasar said...  8)


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chrono = schala??
« Reply #67 on: February 22, 2006, 07:06:43 pm »
Because Kid can't dye her hair, right, Zapper?