If we see a time line has a string, the Dimension split would have split the string in 2 part, Home and Another.
Now if you goes back in time would would see the string streching to the very "begining of time" in both dimension, having absolutly no link anymore with the other dimension, "timeline wise".
That make sense, but what about if you traveled in a dimension and did a major change to the timeline, would they still be "linked" together?
If we don't talk about time travel but accept the idea that, the string divided itself in 2 and then the connection point went backward in time to the very begining. We would have two different timelines still existing, having no link together, right?
If I put that like twins and siamese twin (2 persons atatched together that are exactly like twins). You have theory 1 which the two dimension are attached together in 1010 AD if I remember correctly, you go back in 1000 AD where they are the same and "hurt" the timeline, both dimension gets "hurted". Kinda like siamese twins hurt one the body, both mind feel the pain. Now theory 2, the dimension strech to the "begining of time" having no link together, same thing hurt the timelines, onyl one is affected, like ordinary twins.
Now if the dimension streched to the begining of time, having no link we couldn't travel between the two, kind of like you'll never find a way to go to the reptite dimension because they have no link whatsoever together.
Maybe if you time travel back a timeline is created, it would memorize when you are, then go to the main timeline and take this section of the timeline and copy/paste it before the split. Now a new link would be made exactly before when you arrive, setting a new link between the two, prior to that point everything is the same.
With that theory you could go back to the "beginning of time" +1 and there would always be a link between the two.
What do you think, it go way longer that U even though I could write