I'm back, and whoa, the Compendium's has exploded in my absence -- I should take a hike, it seems! We've got some news that developed over the last two weeks as well.
Claado Shou has put together an awesome AMV using Chrono Trigger's shots that functions as a trailer for Chrono Symphonic. It features sephfire's beautiful opening song, and masterfully segued video sequences. Check it out
Secondly, I'm happy to launch The Bend of Time, a section of the site for informal ramblings or features. Right now we've got two up already -- Zizzlebob's hilarious "Truth Behind Chrono Trigger" and a smashing travel log of Hadriel and YbrikMetaknight's recent journey to see the Dear Friends concert in Fort Worth, Texas. Check them both out at
this page.
Thirdly comes juicy fan project news. Cybersoulx reports that after his first host went down, he located a new place to upload his fan project Chrono Killer, which is a Beats of Rage type game using Chrono series characters and backdrops. It's still 85 megs roughly, so pack a lunch if you're on dialup. Grab it
here. You'll have to wait a few seconds for the download button to appear. In addition, two new RPGMaker sequels have appeared. The first, using XP, involves a different world in which Lavos never landed and Guardia never rose. It's untitled, and information can be found at
this thread. Second is another untitled project being done in RPGMaker 2K, and the creator is currently soliciting help
Stay tuned for the feature "Which Gurus' invention has had the most impact on the series?" in which I discuss the poll results and analyze the choices made.