Author Topic: Personality Discussion and Advice  (Read 5016 times)


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #30 on: November 30, 2011, 08:07:02 pm »
...Trying to figure out if your question is a trap or not.

Well, I guess it depends on what sort of trap you had in mind. But as far as I know, it was an honest curiosity.


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2011, 08:48:34 pm »
What you are lamenting is the cruel fact that many people alive right now do not deserve to live, and many more simply have not earned any appreciable worth as individuals. What you are seeing is that many people alive right now will tolerate, condone, affirm, and promote the acts of evil which you so despise, even when their acquiescence harms them directly, either because they are too stupid, too beholden, or too afraid to know anything better.

Hah, and would I not call ourselves superior for not being among these number, I would at least argue that we occupy a far superior position, one that comes with the perks of self-acknowledged worth and an ethical edge.

Lord J Esq

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2011, 09:24:15 pm »
I knew it was only a matter of time before a thread titled "Personality Discussion and Advice" would be converted into something else entirely with Lord J waxing on again about the Golden age and similar matters.  As a matter of fact I find such posts interesting and comforting so I like to read them.

Hah! Well, in my own defense, that post to Radical_Dreamer was very much "personality discussion and advice."

Now to compound the offense of off-topic excursion: for you Lord J I recommend finishing, if you haven't already, Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.  It is the often cited but seldom read definitive text on philosophy of language and since from what I gather you seem capable of understanding contemporary advances in philosophy you may as well complete your understanding of that topic.

I don't like the secret to get out too often, but I do actually read things on occasion. However, suggestions are always welcome, and you're more likely than not to hit on something I haven't read. For what it is worth, I do not hold Wittgenstein or any philosopher above myself, and I am at a point where I am as likely to uncover a good idea from a mook as from a sage. Well, perhaps not as likely, but surely you get my meaning. Let it suffice to replace your word complete with advance, and I will not object.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Well, I guess it depends on what sort of trap you had in mind. But as far as I know, it was an honest curiosity.

I know that if I were a misanthrope and you had asked that question of me I would be tempted at first to perceive it as a mockery or other denigration. Any time a question implies or appears to imply a negative judgment upon us for affirming something we have previously said to be true about ourselves, the temptation to such a perception will likely arise. You were, if I may be charitable, trying to find out if Sajainta approves of humans in principle if not in practice--that is, if, once removed of their considerable baggage, there are humans she likes, with your hypothesis being that the highly exceptional world of fictional characters (some of whom she has spoken favorably about) would likely serve to resolve your question. It is an honest question, but I can see how it could also feel dishonest. And you are so nice a person outwardly, Thought, that sometimes it makes one wonder what you think behind all that geniality. That's one of the inconspicuous perks of being more candid even on negative subjects, as I am. People have no reason to doubt my sincerity, because my sincerity already gets me into all kinds of hot water.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
What you are lamenting is the cruel fact that many people alive right now do not deserve to live, and many more simply have not earned any appreciable worth as individuals. What you are seeing is that many people alive right now will tolerate, condone, affirm, and promote the acts of evil which you so despise, even when their acquiescence harms them directly, either because they are too stupid, too beholden, or too afraid to know anything better.

Hah, and would I not call ourselves superior for not being among these number, I would at least argue that we occupy a far superior position, one that comes with the perks of self-acknowledged worth and an ethical edge.

The word inferior seems to be passing out of the American English vernacular. I was considering this the other day, when reviewing some of my writing from a decade ago. I myself have not used that word very often in recent years. Thinking upon it, the word has some of the strongest negative connotations of any word in English. In other words, our culture takes it as a genuine bad word, and thus usage has declined.

That's too bad, because it's a good word, and there are inferior people out there--not on the basis of sex, or race--but on the basis of their quality of character. In my philosophy, I hold human beings to share total equality in some respects, and none at all in other respects. We all deserve, for example, not to go hungry--unless one deserves the death penalty, in which case they should be executed rather than starved. But when it comes to the merits of our ideas, the contents of our ambitions, and many other things...humans are not equivalent.

It isn't generally useful to declare superior people. Putting aside the risk of corruption that goes with such titles (though we may presume that the risk is generally lower in truly superior people), superior people also possess the qualities of excellence, and individual excellence can be dwelt upon without disparaging the remainder of humanity. So, when you suggest that we occupy a superior perch for noting these injustices...yes, I think that's right. But I also think it doesn't particularly matter, because the simple observation of said injustices speaks for itself with regard to that particular facet of our integrity of character.

It also generally isn't useful to declare inferior people, for many of the same reasons in their converse.

Thus, the question appears before us of when it is useful to do such things. Such declarations are helpful when we have need to make the contrast. In the course of the consideration of how people are unequal, and the significance thereof, we have need to compare people against each other, to better ascertain a better vector for the development of the human condition in ourselves and the improvement of our society. This is most useful when we compare individuals, or small groups. To do so with large groups requires very specific and difficult demarcations--or else we end up replicating the conditions where the words superior and inferior ran into trouble originally. To that end, it's also worth noting that, in additional to whatever overall superiority or inferiority a person or group might possess relative to a counterpart, it is possible and probably more useful to determine superiority or inferiority with regard to particular character traits, rather than the character overall.

Lastly, I might note that we could perhaps make the effort to apply superiority and inferiority in the absolute as well as in relative comparisons. I don't typically have the motive to do so myself, but I wouldn't rule it out as inherently inappropriate. For instance, it might be meritorious to declare that closed-mindedness is objectively an inferior trait. Since we are speaking in the absolute here, the "what" in "inferior to what" would have to be the human condition itself, or perhaps even the sapient condition itself--i.e., a trait that is inherently inferior to the cognitive potential of the entity who possesses it.

Katie Skyye

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2011, 10:05:56 pm »
This is off-topic to the current discussion, but it's relevant to my day...
Until today, I have been completely unable to fall asleep in class, no matter how tired I was, how sick, or how few hours of sleep I'd gotten the night(s) before. But today I had been in constant, nagging pain since I'd woken up was a dark room...and i put my head down and dozed of for about ten seconds in Animation class and had an honest-to-goodness dream of the non-day variety. I was really asleep! I wonder why I am suddenly able to do this now, when I never have before...and so many people in high school (and even college...) are able to drop off in every class, even if they got plenty of sleep...

Anyway, I'll get out of y'all's way~

Lord J Esq

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2011, 10:10:55 pm »
It's your thread! You get to take it in any direction you want.

I've never been able to fall asleep in class...although fatigue has sorely tried me.


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2011, 10:17:50 pm »
The only way I got through my two-hour art history course my junior year was a huge cup of coffee.  It was a fascinating class, but two hours in a dark classroom + running on no sleep = bad idea.

Picture unrelated.


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2011, 11:58:02 pm »
And you are so nice a person outwardly, Thought, that sometimes it makes one wonder what you think behind all that geniality.

If you are curious, you can always ask. The same goes for anyone else, of course. I endeavor to be as honest as I can. If I happen to not say something, its only because I think it isn't worth people's time (and given some of the things I have said, that doesn't speak well for what I have held back!).

Though, I am curious (honestly, again): did you mean to imply that there is something inherently insincere about being genial?

This, however, nicely transitions me into another personality trait that I thought might be interesting to share. I have, on occasion, been accused of being aloof because I rarely share many details of my life. The dark truth behind this is that I have great difficulty imagining that the details of my life would actually interest people, and thus I don't wish to burden them with boredom. An example of this is that I'm a cancer survivor, but I think only one or two people here know that (if even that many). I don't try to hide it at all, but it never comes up and, since my experience was unfairly easy, it never seems proper to force it to come up either.

So, if for some reason anyone here thinks that I'm some great mystery (unlikely, but it has happened before), allow me to disabuse you of that notion. I'm not a mystery, just socially inept.

And as a final mention: Katie, I also found that sleeping in class if a learned trait, mostly through the opposite. I used to fall asleep in work meetings! (they always held them after lunch, my normal slow period, and they dimmed the lights). It only happened once, but it came close several times, and I eventually learned how to NOT fall asleep. Usually.


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2011, 12:13:55 am »
So, if for some reason anyone here thinks that I'm some great mystery (unlikely, but it has happened before), allow me to disabuse you of that notion. I'm not a mystery, just socially inept.
Socially inept folks are mysterious~ 8)

"Fucking reserved blokes, how do they work?!"

I guess a lot of us are quite reserved in real life. But in a forum like this, introverts suddenly open up and turn into friendly extroverts. That's a miracle. Hats off to that!

Also, Thought, if I every stopped writing I wouldn't even be able to write. At all. Let alone post at the Compendium. The only reason I'm here, the greatest reason I have a blog, and the biggest reason I take considerate amount of time to respectfully read and write to people in length (even if it takes hours, or days) is because I refuse to give up battling my handicap. I fear of undoing all my efforts since childhood. I don't myself wasted into obscurity.

@Katie: Sometimes, beyond all that genuine curiosity, people really need to get some sleep!  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 12:17:43 am by tushantin »

Lord J Esq

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2011, 12:34:28 am »
Though, I am curious (honestly, again): did you mean to imply that there is something inherently insincere about being genial?

No, I did not. Not directly, anyhow. The geniality provides a cloak--well I know--but that does not require there be anything furtive to be cloaked.

I had forgotten you are a cancer survivor. You had told me, years ago. I rather think the details of interesting people's lives are often themselves interesting, both inherently and in context, but I also respect the choice to withhold revealing them.

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2011, 03:34:22 am »
Strange bit about me: I have a strange need for lullabies.

It doesn't even especially matter what kind of song it is, either; Murmaider II: The Water God has worked just as well as Ziggy Stardust, and Rocket Man having similar results in comparison to Ophelia. I just have to have some kind of music in my head to get a decent night of sleep.


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2011, 05:54:05 am »
I couldn't sleep to those kind. o_o"
Strange bit about me: I have a strange need for lullabies.
Music is excellent to get to sleep, but mate, I think you're bordering on addiction.

I have a horrible habit of annoying people, either intentionally or unintentionally (and often I very much enjoy doing it, which makes me a horrible person). For instance, my work-training has wired me to be courteous (even involuntarily) to customers or strangers, and hence I call almost everyone "Sir" or "Madam" respectfully (except for my boss, whom I call by his first name; hey, he's a friend too!). As I said, all this is involuntary, and hence comedy ensues:

Me: There you go, Sir. That'll be 20 Rupees.
Abdul: Boy, don't call me "Sir". I'm your friend now! Call me by my name.
Me: Alright, Sir.
Abdul: .... Abdul!
Me: *gulp* Okay, Sir.
Abdul: What! Sir again?
Me: I'm sorry, Sir!
Abdul: ....  :x
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 05:56:26 am by tushantin »

Katie Skyye

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2011, 12:33:10 pm »
I get words stuck in my head.

Not lyrics--words. In addition to the music constantly playing in my head, sometimes there will be a deadpan voice that just repeats a word. The other day it was "Alfitaria," a town in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's not as if it's over and over again--about three or four times a minute, maybe. "Alfitaria."


It's really strange. I've never met anyone else who has this. It's not all that often, but when it happens it's really noticeable (to me).

« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 05:19:30 pm by Katie Skyye »

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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2011, 05:05:11 pm »
I get words stuck in my head.

Not lyrics--words. In addition to the music constantly playing in my head, sometimes there will be a deadpan voice that just repeats a word. The other day it was "Alfitaria," a town in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. It's not as if it's over and over again--about three or four times a minute, maybe. "Alfitaria."


It's really strange. I've never met anyone else who has this. It's not all that often, but when it happens it's really noticeable (to me).

That happens to me. It's just your brain trying to connect things that don't necessarily have anything to do with each other. It's like your brain is the DMV and the word is the next person in line, they keep asking for that person and the automated voice plays it over and over til they figure out what to do with it.

I should note that this is similar to but not the same as incessantly quoting a tv show or movie. I get voices and dialects stuck in my head with the words a lot of the time, and have the urge to say them. If for nothing else, than often just to see if I recognize it from somewhere when I hear it out loud. Sometimes it's from something (ex: "Yeahsch, of Quuwasch" - from Darrell Hammond's impersonation of Sean Connery saying 'yes, of course'; "You so cah-ray-zay" - said about 15 times in the movie 'Bebe's Kid's'). And sometimes it's not {ex: "What-cha-der-kin-at?"(said with the chin out, redneck style); "PROVE IT!"(said with force from the gut like Tom Cruise yelling or Doc Brown saying anything); "Found a rocket locket in a socket put in pocket til that pocket socket locket rocket knocks it."(tongue-tying phrase) - your guess is as good as mine}. I think it's just a flood of references being put together and made sense of by brainpower. If not it may be a symptom of a personality disorder of which I am unaware :-P
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 05:12:01 pm by Mr Bekkler »


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Re: Personality Discussion and Advice
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2012, 03:11:39 pm »
I have two conflicting tendencies, the existence of which doesn't make any sense:

1) When I'm thinking, working, frustrated, daydreaming, meditating or simply not interested, I tend to daze off into a world of my own and don't witness much around me, be it someone's face or whatever -- instead, I rely on the context of their tone and intention, body language (out of the corner of my eye, and other senses), smell and other presence (such as reflections, shadows, etc.). At these times I don't even care if someone misplaced their mobile phone; don't disturb me, because I'm thinking, dammit! Sheila kept demanding for her yellow bag, and I handed her one -- I didn't even notice that it was actually a towel I gave her, not the bag.

2) When I'm not thinking deeply, I have a tendency of observing anything and everything, from the attire someone's wearing to the minute artifact (insect, nail, bread-crumb, etc.) hidden in even the most odd places, all out of curiosity. For instance, just now while having dinner, before I dug in I analyzed my spoon, saw traces of oil, but no traces on the table, and deduced where it was last placed despite their insistence that the spoon was washed thoroughly. They were not aware of the traces of oil, but of course, nothing escapes my eyes.

Some people find these traits either adorable or plain awesome. Those who have to deal with it, on the other hand, (such as my parents, brother, some friends, etc.) know how annoying it is.