Author Topic: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!  (Read 4424 times)


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After a year of waiting (really sorry about that, I'll explain that further down) Chrono Trigger Unglued: Episode 23 is finally here! Watch as Crono and Company discover that maybe going south wasn't the most productive of directions to travel through the raging dust storm in their quest for batteries to put in Lucca's Gate Key. They do - however - have their first encounter with the much lauded Enertron, there's just some minor issues of comfort that have to be overlooked when the device is used. Afterwards, Crono finally acquires some much needed Ether... sweet-sweet Ether!

As for why this episode took so long, my old laptop became virtually completely unusable near the beginning of this year when I found myself charged and wanting to get production on this episode done. Later when I did finally get a new laptop in March, I realized that if I didn't crank-up the writing on my book I would never get it published in time for my mom - who has cancer - to be able to see it before she died. I am glad to say I was able to get it done while she was still alive (she doesn't look so good right now, she probably won't be here much longer). After that, various other forms of delays kept stalling production such that it took 2 whole months to get the episode done after I finally began working on it.

I beg your apologies, I have sacked those responsible (including myself).

Those you who are interested in reading my 100% original book "The Vagrant's Tale" (which is heavily revised from the first draft I showed long ago, and now has 2 bonus chapters never before seen online) you can find it - in dead tree format - for sale here:

Anyways, now that Episode 23 is out, a casting call for Dubbed Episode 3 will probably begin soon.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 10:00:57 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2011, 05:53:43 pm »
All good things come with time and Chrono Trigger Unglued is no exception!

Congratulations on getting your book published! I myself want to one day get my own original book published and I think its fantastic that you did so! I'm so glad your mother got to see it in time. I know it's not the same but my grandmother died of cancer and I always regretted the fact that she never actually saw me achieve anything I really wanted to do and I can only imagine that feeling is much worse with ones mother. :(

Anyway your books officially on my christmas wish list and my prayers are with your mother.

Awesome episode lmao I love Gaspar's line, personally i have 20 gil riding on no.

Crono is SO happy and I loved where the voices were thrown in XD The bonus scene was hillarious xD
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 06:22:45 pm by TheMage »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2011, 09:06:06 pm »
The bonus scene was so worth getting.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 09:58:55 pm »
I'm sorry to hear about your mother's illness. Thanks for the update by the way. Merry Christmas.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 10:25:31 pm »

I'm glad that you all liked the secret scene a lot. As some of you may remember, Cryo has completely left CTU. He decided he no longer wanted to be writing for CTU anymore sometime last year, and this was his farewell script that he wrote - at my urging - after he officially quit. He was originally supposed to also write a secret scene for this script, but he hasn't been seen by anyone on the CT team since October 2010 (yes, I didn't mistype that). So, when it came time to produce the episode myself, I realized I was going to have to make a secret scene of my own (it's not CTU if there's no secret scene). I've long worried if people would like CTU without Cryo's writing at the helm, a lot of contention happened - with people rage qutting the series - when it was handed over to me back in late 2005. Still, despite all that, it was actually still Cryo writing the bulk of it at the time (outside of Episode 15, which I wrote entirely myself). So I've long been worrying, what with people already thinking CTU stopped feeling like CTU the second I joined, that it would only get worse when Cryo left and I would only end up angering the half of the fanbase that didn't leave when I first joined.

So hearing that the part everyone liked the most was what I wrote it something of a relief.


Thank you for the holiday wishes, have a Merry Christmas yourself.


Thank you for your interest in my novel. Let me know what you thought of it when you get it. Also, thank you for your concerns.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2011, 10:35:47 pm »
As long as SOPA doesn't intervene with the internet at the stake of our hands, the world at a crisis right now, all is fine in the world as long we take it slowly. Like that Megaman Legends Abridge guy for taking almost a year too when it came to making another episode for episode 3 of Legends 2.  The music sounds familiar. Is it from Final Fantasy?


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 10:53:13 pm »
I assume you mean the song that plays during the bulk of the episode, that song is the theme of Winter from Rune Factory 2 (you can't find this online, I sampled it with an audio-line cable running straight from the DS's headset port to my PC's microphone port). If you mean the song that plays during the secret scene, that is actually an open source song - made specifically for flash artists to use freely - that I found on the Newgrounds audio portal. If you mean the song that plays while Gaspar is talking every episode, that is actually the end credits theme to a very old game called Deja Vu.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 10:55:22 pm by Clovis15 »


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2011, 09:28:34 am »
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's illness. Stay strong and congratulations on your novel, that's really awesome.


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 07:22:24 am »
Thank you all for you help, the episode was 14th in Newground's weekly top 15 (we've never made it to the weekly top 15 feature ever before)!


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Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued - Episode 23: "Let's Get Enertroned!" is Here!
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2012, 06:52:47 am »
I haven't visited the site in a while this sounds interesting I'm definitively going to take a look tomorrow at work when I have my lunch break.

You said you were hosting a casting call, are you looking for voice actors, I'm trying to get into that field so if I could audition that would be great.