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Since Ayla and Kino are more or less the first members of what would be later called the Guardia line, this event must have been something memorable for the Entity.So my theory is not that Kino came out of the Gate but that it's the finding of Kino which created the Gate! Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #46 on: July 15, 2005, 09:56:57 am » Damn, they need a thumbs up emoticon!But u see my point!Very well thought of. It would give an explanation of why there is a Gate there in the first place. But y in the air?~LC Logged jotabe1789 Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 246 A question about Kino « Reply #47 on: July 15, 2005, 10:01:49 am » Speculation: Because it connects with a point where the other side of the gate is not in the air?(tribute for kotor fans ) Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #48 on: July 15, 2005, 10:07:47 am » Got it: The End of Time. It is a Gate that links there directly, there is no physical ground in the EoT, so its kinda in the air in a way.PS: Go KOTOR!~Darth LC Logged jotabe1789 Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 246 A question about Kino « Reply #49 on: July 15, 2005, 10:16:19 am » This is a stone in the way... but maybe...maybe the gates in the End of Time only appear when more than 3 travelers try to go through it. Maybe the gate in that cliff originally linked to some other time coordinate...yeah! kotor! Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #50 on: July 15, 2005, 10:18:08 am » then why doesnt that Gate take us to those co-ordinates then? The others all do!~LC Logged jotabe1789 Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 246 A question about Kino « Reply #51 on: July 15, 2005, 10:21:06 am » maybe is one of the other gates in the end of time...or maybe it was sealed for a reason...too many maybes Ockhams razor cuts this off Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #52 on: July 15, 2005, 10:24:17 am » There is one Gate in the EoT that doesnt have a partner, because 9 is an odd number. So where does that mystery Gate take us to then?Meh, who knows!~LC Logged Legend of the Past Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1679 A question about Kino « Reply #53 on: July 15, 2005, 10:24:52 am » Quote from: jotabe1789maybe is one of the other gates in the end of time...or maybe it was sealed for a reason...too many maybes Ockhams razor cuts this offCall me a dimwit, but I never quiet knew what Ockham's Razor is. Logged jotabe1789 Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 246 A question about Kino « Reply #54 on: July 15, 2005, 10:32:16 am » Ockham Razor says: "let's not multiply the beings without need". It means that if something can be explained in several ways, the simplest explanation that agrees with what is known, will be the correct. With so many maybes, i was complicating the explanation too much... but maybe it was necessary.And no the simplest explanation is not "A wizard did it", because then you would need to explain what is magic, how does it work, and why the wizard can use it Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 A question about Kino « Reply #55 on: July 15, 2005, 10:33:46 am » Quote from: LordchanderThere is one Gate in the EoT that doesnt have a partner, because 9 is an odd number. So where does that mystery Gate take us to then?Meh, who knows!~LCI've just checked. The 9 Gates form a sort of square, and it seems that each Gate from a side is linked to the Gate at the opposite side. Like this :1 2 34 5 67 8 91 links to 9, 3 links to 7, 6 links to 4... So it seems n°8 (Mystic Mountain) is linked to n°2 (Medina Village).N°5 (Proto Dome) is probably directly linked to the End of Time. Logged Legend of the Past Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1679 A question about Kino « Reply #56 on: July 15, 2005, 10:34:14 am » So let me get this straight. Ockham's Razor means that if there are several possible answeres to a question, the simplest one that follows the given data is the correct? Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #57 on: July 15, 2005, 10:35:22 am » Proto Dome Gate was a very special Gate considering it was the first to take the CT crew to the EoT, and the first time ever entered by 4 ppl too!~LC Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 A question about Kino « Reply #58 on: July 15, 2005, 10:38:19 am » Quote from: LordchanderProto Dome Gate was a very special Gate considering it was the first to take the CT crew to the EoT, and the first time ever entered by 4 ppl too!~LCWow, so maybe they would have popped up in the End of Time even if they were only 3... Or maybe this Gate is connected to the 1,999 AD Gate? Logged Lordchander Time Traveler (+800) Posts: 807 I might come back one of these days... A question about Kino « Reply #59 on: July 15, 2005, 10:41:47 am » I dont think so, though it is a possibility. The 1999 AD Gate seems somewat special and different, kinda like that Red Gate that transports Lucca, or the Green Gate on New Game+ TO 1999.PS: What is with the Red and Green Gates??~LC Logged Print Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 12 « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis » Characters, Plot, and Themes » A question about Kino