Author Topic: Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!  (Read 1504 times)


  • Porrean (+50)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« on: July 11, 2005, 06:02:51 pm »
>----------------CHRONO VOID--------------<

Before I tell the story, lets just get one thing straight, forget about Chrono Cross. The events at the beginning of the game that are in the CT world obviously create a new timeline apart from the one that leads to CC so don't question how something could happen because it's not mentioned in CC.

At the end of CT, a portal opened and all the characters returned to their respective worlds. Frog and the king to 600AD, Robo to 2300AD, Ayla to 65,000,000BC etc..

But Robo's time no longer existed, the future 2300AD had changed, and Robo had no place in that new time. Only a few minutes after everyone left Leene Square the portal opened again, and Robo was sent flying out back into 1000AD. He knew he did not belong there, he had to leave; go to somewhere else. He didn't know what would happen if someone else found him there but he didn't want to find out

He knew the way Crono and Marle had travelled through time before, using the Pendant and the teleport pads. Robo had to steal Marle's necklace in the middle of the night, but he needed it more than her at the moment.

He put on the pendant, turned on the telepad, and stepped onto it. It seemed there was no place for him in that world, because the pendant opened a gate to another....the gate grew bigger and bigger, the pendant shattered and Robo only managed to catch the chain before he was sucked into the portal. The portal sucked in all of Leene Square, and then closed. A crater remained.

Ronan, the hero of our story, went the next day to the place where Leene Square had been, to find a small blue stone sitting in the dirt. He was puzzled by this so he picked it up and looked at it, the stone began to shimmer and he was sucked into a portal that suddenely appeared....sucked into another world.

I can't tell any more for the same reason I wouldn't want to tell you about Lavos if you'd never played CT.

All I can say is that the civilisation you find when you get to the other world is at the same technological level as Zeal, and the year is 700AD.

I already have everything worked out, the antagonist, the story-shape, I just need to work on the graphics and get the mapping done. I have a guy who's making (and almost finished) a CT battle system, when that's done I'll be able to do the game.

I'll be away for about a month starting tonight, so not much progress will be made on the game until I come back.

Oh, and you know how the CT party drew their magic from the planet to do magic? Well, the new world is a new planet, so any characters you have in your party that were in the original CT will have to learn everything again, only all the tech/magic will be different.

NOTE: Crono and Marle will NOT be in the game, maybe some of the other characters will be but I'm not telling you who  :twisted:


From the cutscene at the beginning, Robo is going to face his destiny.

Inside one of the houses in the other world.

NOTE: I still don't have a main character, my spriter is working on him, Robo is just there as a placeholder (but you know he's in the game)


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2005, 08:09:39 pm »
the screens look nice


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2005, 11:27:45 pm »
Aw, I was all excited thinking that Robo was going to be the main character...



  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2005, 01:29:17 pm »
You better have Ayla if there is no Crono. And Robo not being the main character is a dissapointment, I got my hopes up too V_T.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2005, 01:53:06 pm »
Robo a leader? Is it me or it doesn't sound like him? When I watched teh screens before the resumee I though the exact same thing, am I alone?

Looks great keep the good work and I hope for a demo soon


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2005, 11:38:34 pm »
Yeah, but Robo's so badass that he could do anything if he wanted. Plus, sometimes doing the unexpected brings unexpected good results.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2005, 12:55:36 am »
Badass? You are certainly not talking about this part

Robo: Th...these are my friends!

Robo: R-64Y, R-67Y, and R-69Y!
   Good to see you!

Robo: Wh, what are you doing?!

R-64Y: You are defective.
R-67Y: You have been tainted.

Robo: Pardon?

R-69Y: Have you forgotten our
   All intruders must be eliminated!

Robo: THAT was my purpose?

Robo: I'm...malfunctioning?
R-64Y: Affirmative.

Robo: A defect...I'm a defect...

R-64Y: You shame us!
   You must be destroyed.

Lucca: Wh, what are you doing!

Marle: Robo!
   Crono, Robo's getting

Robo: No, stop!
   These are my brothers!

Lucca: But they'll destroy you!

Marle: You'll break down!

Robo: Please stop.



He was very, but very not badass IMHO


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2005, 04:58:32 am »
Heal Beam
Uzzi Punch
Area Bomb
Double Bomb

'nuff said.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2005, 05:40:13 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Heal Beam
Uzzi Punch
Area Bomb
Double Bomb

'nuff said.

tru dat.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2005, 01:34:03 pm »
Those are attacks, you could say than that each character of the group is bad ass by looking a their awsome skills, but from inside none is really bad ass except Magus


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
Yeah, but I didn't just list random Techs that HAPPENED to include Robo...I listed some of the BEST Techs in the whole game.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2005, 12:23:48 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Heal Beam
Uzzi Punch
Area Bomb
Double Bomb

Heal beam? I never used any heal spell I jsut bought elixir, so I don,t know
Confuse or triple kick are way better than this, no?
Area bomb I never liked it the monster need to be so close to Robo
Never tried that one

They jsut look like attack that robo would do since his body is for combat but his mind is really different, but he know his power and use it well


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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2005, 01:32:06 am »
Heal Beam gives Robo the best multi-target healing Tech.
Confuse and Triple Kick may be better, but cost more MP.
Area Bomb & Double Bomb are two of the best ways to take down Lavos' Core.

Plus, his critical w/Crisis Arm is like second only to Ayla's Bronze Fist AND it occurs more often too...

Robo's like, the best character (all around at least) in the game.


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2005, 11:08:28 am »
That's your personal opinion, I say Crono his the best since he has one of the better one single target atatck (confuse) and one of the best multi attack magic (luminaire)

For the uzzi punch, DUH! it cost more mp because it's better, now we would need the mp/dmg ratio to comapre them


  • Porrean (+50)
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Chrono Void, my fan game has a title, and a story!
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2005, 04:19:14 pm »
Robo's not the main character but the point is (And the thing I forgot to mention, hehe) that there will be NEW characters with their own attacks, double techs etc that will be balanced out just like the original CT characters so that everyone will work together fine.

The party will be a mix of some old CT chars and some new characters.

And I'm not sure if the old characters will have the same Techs either