Author Topic: Japanese Ages, Heights, Etc. for Trigger  (Read 6968 times)


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Re: Japanese Ages, Heights, Etc. for Trigger
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2012, 08:54:00 pm »
I decided to look at the CT OAV Manga “Next Gate” pages since Angerona uploaded some more pages recently. It looks like they're the original source of the character ages/heights/weights. One source of them, at least.

So far, I've found these characters' info:
  • Frog: Next Gate 15
  • Ayla: Next Gate 16
  • Magus: Next Gate 18
The remaining ones are probably in the magazines yet-to-be-scanned.

Robo’s info is there as well:
Next Gate 17
175 cm tall and a weight of 189 kilos.

My bet is the August 1996 magazine should include further info about one of the main girls (Probably Lucca). Unfortunately the other issue from the same year I got is previous to the characters’ profiles release, but let’s hope it will include something interesting =S…
It's been good to see around again, Vehek.

What do they mean by "Next Gate ..."?
They are articles that were published parallel to the Chrono Trigger manga release on the pages of the V-Jump magazine from 1995 to 1997. They provide some extra information about CT that wasn’t published anywhere else as far as I know (Sometimes with interesting data, others not so much).

You can find here the issues that have been acquired and scanned here:
In my opinion this one is particularly interesting, since includes some black and white image that were created by the production staff during the game’s development (Including Ayla and Kino taking care of a bunch of kids).

Here is a sketch of the Tyrano Lair drawn before the pixel graphics were created.

However, lots of info seem to be related to the main characters of the manga (Nuu and Mamo), so I don’t think it will be  very relevant (But unfortunately I’m not enough proficient in Japanese to say it for sure =S…)


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Re: Japanese Ages, Heights, Etc. for Trigger
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, 09:20:10 pm »
If this is true, then that means that Lucca is 19 compared to Crono and Marle's 17 and 16. Pretty cool. Meanwhile, Glenn is 40 years old! Which, of course, means...



Come on!  :) Being fair, we old people need to have some fictional characters our age too! :wink: (Most JRPG characters are created thinking of teenagers or people in their early 20’s maximum (And, personally speaking, 40 years old still gives me a good range…), and 40 years old men can be quite appealing    8)))...