two battles dragoons are usless in you say, now lets look at strategy
1. do some battle and get you sp to 100
2.battle whatever boss
3 turn dragoon and attack
4 since you only have 100sp or 1 turn draggon after your attack as dragoon you turn normal again
5 lyod or whatever attacks since it can kill dragoons in 1hit and you are human after your attack you dont die
conclusion you delt more damage and dident die in one hit.
FINAL additions are an exeption since you have to max out the levels on all other ones and they are ment to be powerful. but that is later in the game so staying healthy in the long run is more importent than dealing mass damage then getting pwned cause of a lower armour stat
and i only go dragoon for bosses so my D LVL gets really high thus
1. i can easily pwn bosses with minimal damage
2. i get my additions and D LVL up on monsters which i can kill easily due to high damage from high level additions
3. look at the final boss i would stay dragoon for ages taking minimal damage then my chars come out of dragoon i heal back to full heath with everyone. then i deal more damage than i would in dragoon with my damage dealers cause of final additions.
my sp recharges to max i heal hp and mp then i go dragoon reapet from beggining
and you get a pwned boss or final boss only diff with a boss not the final disc i may not have final additions.
there prove me wrong