Author Topic: Schala and Lavos  (Read 16271 times)

Legend of the Past

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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2005, 03:44:21 am »
Fine, then. Why isn't there a TD in the Lavos Timline, then?


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2005, 03:48:43 am »
I agree that Schala fell down because of her emotional circumstances. But I can't see her fighting Lavos physically. Her Mother was also there with Lavos. In the Ideal time Line, Schala had to escape with her Mother. In Crono's time line, Zeal rode the back of Lavos, and the DBT is not Lavos' pocket dimension.

Schala was sent to the DBT immediatly after she was sucked in to the Mammon Machine. And because the DBT is like a pocket dimension, time not passing quickly, she may have waited 2 minutes, and then pop, Lavos comes and ensnares her.


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2005, 01:57:01 am »
I've always wondered why Lavos tried to merge with Schala to begin with, rather than attempting to kill her or send her back in time like everyone else (though I suspect the Entity did that). Could there, perhaps, be a link between Schala and Lavos...?

I mean, she was the only one able to use the Mammon Machine - even Zeal, who was possessed by Lavos in a way, could use it. My best guess as to why this happened was because Schala was powerful enough to use it with the pendant, and her use of it forged a link between the two; maybe Lavos thought it more expedient to merge with her for some reason since this link exists. Am I missing something?

Legend of the Past

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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2005, 03:04:51 am »
Quote from: Syna
I've always wondered why Lavos tried to merge with Schala to begin with, rather than attempting to kill her or send her back in time like everyone else (though I suspect the Entity did that). Could there, perhaps, be a link between Schala and Lavos...?

I mean, she was the only one able to use the Mammon Machine - even Zeal, who was possessed by Lavos in a way, could use it. My best guess as to why this happened was because Schala was powerful enough to use it with the pendant, and her use of it forged a link between the two; maybe Lavos thought it more expedient to merge with her for some reason since this link exists. Am I missing something?

Schala gets sent to DBT, Lavos is dying and is sent to DBT. Schala has a lot of life force, Lavos has little. Lavos sucks Schala in for her life force.


  • Squaretable Knight (+400)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2005, 03:49:01 am »
Oh, OK. Still doesn't explain why she's the only one who can use the Mammon Machine, though, and apparently that was sent to DBT with her....

...and apologies if I should know this already, but why is anyone sent to DBT to begin with? i wonder how it differs from the End of Time...


  • Radical Dreamer (+2000)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2005, 04:55:58 am »
Sometimes, it almost makes me think that the Arbiter is also Schala. She controlled the Mammon Machine, and the Mammon Machine by RD had the FF in it.

Anyway, Yes, Lavos would try and suck her life force. She is a very powerful person indeed. I don't see her physically fighting. But I could see her mentally and magically fighting him!


Legend of the Past

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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2005, 07:43:10 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Sometimes, it almost makes me think that the Arbiter is also Schala. She controlled the Mammon Machine, and the Mammon Machine by RD had the FF in it.

Anyway, Yes, Lavos would try and suck her life force. She is a very powerful person indeed. I don't see her physically fighting. But I could see her mentally and magically fighting him!


You said it, man. And yeah, Schala was probably an Arbiter. I had also thought, at some point, that perhaps Lavos was an arbiter as well, but could not see WHY he would want to use it if he had far more power then the FF.


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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2005, 09:52:34 am »
Isn't the point that the FF is a part of Lavos?

Also, I just found another cliche well not a real cliche but:
Did anyone notice that Magus went "I survived the darkness to beat you Lavos", while in acctual fact, it was Schala who had to really survive the real darkness.

Legend of the Past

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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2005, 09:54:21 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
Isn't the point that the FF is a part of Lavos?

Also, I just found another cliche well not a real cliche but:
Did anyone notice that Magus went "I survived the darkness to beat you Lavos", while in acctual fact, it was Schala who had to really survive the real darkness.

Yes, but hey, it was closest to Lavos at some point...

And it's irony, not cliche.


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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2005, 02:39:37 pm »
In the original timeline Lavos didn't need to form with Schala, since he was never defeated by the group. Schala most likely transported her and her mother out of the Ocean Palace, thusly explaining why there is no Black Omen in the original timeline.

In the Crono timeline Lavos was dying and took Schala because she was more poweful than the Queen and they were the only two around in the DBT. The Queen pulled some chessy BS and became Lavos's lackey for running the Black Omen.

Schala was the one who communicated with the Mammon Machine because she had the pendant. Without the pendant you can't do anything with the machine, for both the pendant and the MM are made from dreamstone. Being the arbiter has nothing to do with it. By that logic Crono, Marle, or any of the magic users in the group could have been the arbiter, because they also communicated with the MM.

I thinkwhat Magus meant by darkness was mental darkness for being gated away from everything he held dear and being forced to become a mighty wizard for a bunch of mystics. Not so much a physical darkness.


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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2005, 06:40:44 pm »
Quote from: SilentMartyr
In the original timeline Lavos didn't need to form with Schala, since he was never defeated by the group. Schala most likely transported her and her mother out of the Ocean Palace, thusly explaining why there is no Black Omen in the original timeline.

In the Crono timeline Lavos was dying and took Schala because she was more poweful than the Queen and they were the only two around in the DBT. The Queen pulled some chessy BS and became Lavos's lackey for running the Black Omen.

Schala was the one who communicated with the Mammon Machine because she had the pendant. Without the pendant you can't do anything with the machine, for both the pendant and the MM are made from dreamstone. Being the arbiter has nothing to do with it. By that logic Crono, Marle, or any of the magic users in the group could have been the arbiter, because they also communicated with the MM.

I thinkwhat Magus meant by darkness was mental darkness for being gated away from everything he held dear and being forced to become a mighty wizard for a bunch of mystics. Not so much a physical darkness.

.......... Schala had to survive the darkness for over 13,000AD in the Crono world... I think thats way more than Magus. And it was mental! Schala was struggling to not lose her mind, and in a desperate attempt, sent Kid out with her compassion.

Also, there is no proof that Schala only communicated with the MM because of the pendant. Qutie frankly, the pendant simply allowed Schala to unleash its power without going closer too it to do so. Otherwise the Queen may have done it herself. Schala could have simply gone "No, this is enough!" and dropped the pendant and ran off. But no. Even Schala states that without her and her pendant,  the Ocean Palace would never operate.

Also, in the Crono Time line, the Queen never went into the DBT. She died at the hands of Crono and Co. Schala popped into the DBT probably after the Black Omen was destroyed or a while after the Ocean Palace incident, then while she was there, in around 20 minutes, Lavos popped up because Time doesn't flow in the DBT to fast. Then as he saw her as the arbiter or life giver, he ensnared her to drain her of her energy, or if she was really a powerful godlike person, to really merge with her.


  • Enlightened One (+200)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2005, 08:20:55 pm »
I am not sure that the time inside the tesseract moves at the same rate that in the normal universe... for all we know, it could move back and ahead at different speeds...
Also, the Lavos that is merging with Schala... i doubt it is Lavos, they one Crono and co. fight. It's more like one of its spawns looking at the size (CT Lavos is larger than a day without food!).

Speculation: My theory is that, in the meeting with Schala, the Lavos-inside-the-shell, maybe in embryo state, died, and the shell tried to replace him with Schala.

teh Schala

  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2005, 09:34:08 pm »
Quote from: Zaperking
Even Schala states that without her and her pendant,  the Ocean Palace would never operate.

Interesting point.  More specifically, the Mammon Machine wouldn't operate.  This could mean that in the Black Omen timeline, Schala lives on, as immortal as Queen Zeal, because the Mammon Machine is still operational.  Where she is, that's the question.  Probably inside the Mammon Machine, as the Crimson Echoes hack surmises.

And Zaper, yes, that was basically what I meant when I talked about Schala fighting Lavos.  Of course she wouldn't physically run up and punch him...  She'd let her magic do the talking!  THAT's what I meant about the two of them just duking it out for God-knows-how-long.


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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2005, 11:16:28 pm »
Seeing as I'm new, I might not know much, but if time moves so slow in the Tesseract, it might not have been a long conflict. Presumably, Schala and a Lavos Spawn (Which it seems to be, because of size issues, and being in the Tesseract doesn't change the whole DEAD thing) had a fight not with fists or magic, but with WILL. You don't need to be a god to have good willpower. And if Kid is truly a clone of Schala, then she has a lot of it ^^ Of course, Kid is a seperate entity entirely, so that might not mean jack squat. Regardless, it's probably safe to assume that the two confronted, started to biologically merge while their minds fought, Schala released Kid, and within seconds, Serge and crew come to her rescue.

As for this whole Arbiter thing, yea, that may be true. It could also be that her innate, strong magical power was required, and Queen Zeal just couldn't fill those shoes.


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Schala and Lavos
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2005, 06:46:10 am »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Seeing as I'm new, I might not know much, but if time moves so slow in the Tesseract, it might not have been a long conflict

1. There might not even have been a conflict
2. If there was, it may have been very short if time works the same way as

Quote from: Zaper
she may have waited 2 minutes, and then pop, Lavos comes and ensnares her.

If it was only 2 minutes between when Schala arrives and Lavos is sent to the DBT (something like 13,000 years) then there prob. wasnt a fight at all. Come to think of it, it was prob. this:

Schala pops in to DBT.
2 mins later:
Lavos pops in, weak, takes Schala and forms TD
2 mins later:
Serge arrives and uses the CC.

So as u can see, Schala was only in the DBT for 4 mins before getting let out.

This quote:

Quote from: Kid
And she waited 13000 years for it too!

or something along the lines of that. This quote is wrong.

PS: Could some1 grab the real words she says, i think Legend had it on another thread somewhere.