Movies eh?
(In some sort of an order)
Spider-Man 2
Donnie Darko
Ferris Bueler's Day Off
Terminator 2
Event Horizon
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
Butterfly Effect
Day After Tommorrow
Dumb and Dumber
Star Wars IV-VI
The Lion King
Tommy Boy
Black Sheep
Bruce Almighty
War of the Worlds was pretty good, but I think that Tom's character made some bad decisions.
When he first went to the lightning strikes at the center of that intersection, he was an idiot for staying and watching the thing getting ready to attack. I mean come on, if you see this gigantic device come out of the ground you're telling me you are going to watch it until it does something? I don't know, it just doesn't seem like the thing to do.
Then at the boat, why get on it when you can plainly see the tanks. It's not like the boat is gonna outrun one of those things, even on the water. And being on the thing makes you a huge target, you can miss a small group of people, but its pretty damn easy to shoot at a boat teeming with people.
Considering the circumstances, I probably would have done the next thing, but it is pretty dumb. When he first saw Tim Robbins the guy was holding a shotgun in the air. I mean, if you have a 10 year old(or somewhere near there) daughter that you don't want to scar for her life, you might avoid such a situation at all costs. Especially when he started talking to her about what would happen in her dad died. I would have been thinking it was time to go.
I should probably put ever Jim Carrey comdey up there, well minus the Cable Guy (shudders). But I'm lazy so I just put his two best.
Oh and Batman Begins is definetely Batman movie revivial good. Any comic fan should see it, its a really interesting origin.