Author Topic: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!  (Read 1133 times)

Schala Zeal

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Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« on: April 15, 2012, 04:47:22 pm »

Although, not the Zeal you're thinking of, but certainly strange. Glass pyramid ruins underwater?

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2012, 08:38:25 pm »
Interesting. How reliable is that news site? I am a little cynical of such a thing, although it could very well be 100% legit.

(I chose to accept most things with an air of cynicism...)


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Re: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 09:11:41 pm »
I recall I heard of that years ago and I didn't believe it at all. Perhaps it was because there were too many fake news about Bermuda Triangle. Most of them were just piece of news without any follow-up.

Schala Zeal

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Re: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 09:20:37 pm »
Eh... I found the link on


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Re: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2012, 11:27:03 pm »
Interesting. How reliable is that news site? I am a little cynical of such a thing, although it could very well be 100% legit.

(I chose to accept most things with an air of cynicism...)

As you should.  Looking around that website, I found the following mission statement:

"Apparently Apparel (AA for short) is dedicated to changing the way that t-shirt printing and mainstream media news reporting is impacting the planet and its people. We chronicle the REAL Mother of All Battles, which is the battle for the souls and minds of Americans, their freedom and their civil liberties. We stand UNITED - white, black, yellow, red, gay, straight, Native American, legal immigrants, religious, spiritual, agnostic, and natural born citizens, ALL FIGHTING TOGETHER AS ONE UNIFIED FORCE to restore the US Constitution, and overturn the socialist legislation of an Orwellian federal government which is clearly now out of control.

We must free America from the clutches of the new world order elites which have now nested into Washington DC like a hive of international Illuminati parasites.

This battle is real, the stakes are incredibly high. If you don't think the NWO elite intends to destroy USA sovereignty, RFID microchip you against your will, and soon attempt to merge us all into a borderless, Godless globalist super-state, then you have been living on Pluto for the past few years.

Wake up! Don't just sit there. Throughout this website there are many articles that aid in the fight for freedom. Share these posts, essays, videos and truth research with those you know and love. Take up your blogger's post, dig deep and pound out the truth and help us take America back. The pen is mightier than the sword and the operative word for 2012 is UNITE.

Apparently Apparel will be right here, fighting by your side. God bless and keep the American Republic intact and sovereign for future generations.

Zach Royer, Director of Operations - Apparently Apparel | 2012"

I call BS.  There is nothing credible here.  Let's move on...


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Re: Zeal ruins discovered in Bermuda Triangle!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 02:49:21 pm »
Ah, the "New World Order." That's a phrase that is almost exclusive to some of the nuttier conspiracy theorists. About the only terms your see more often are "Wake up!" (in their mission statement, you'll note) and "Sheeple" (alas, it's not there: I was almost hoping it would be).

Mission statement aside, take a look at their other articles: "Nostradamus, X-Class Solar Flares and Earthquakes," "The Solar Flare That Sparked Humanity," or "The Unusual Effects of Magnetic Water." The titles alone are suspect, and the contents of each are bunk. If the pyramid article was true, that would be almost as surprising as the discovery of the pyramids themselves.