Oh? I was unawares. I'm not really all that big on my mythologic scholarship
Although I always have liked mythology...Huh...Isn't there any kind of demon god in Japanese myth?
You got me there, I suppose, as I really don't know it well enough. I suppose it depends on the defenition of god. Kronos as a Titan could be considered a demon of sorts, perhaps, and Zeus is his son. But instead the Olympians are gods. Personally, I think that in old myth 'god' is any one of the good guys or bad guys, and 'demon' plainly bad. I'll check the meaning of demon, though.
Okay, the lexicon has proven me wrong. Demon, or daimwn as it is in Greek (the Greek keys don't work on win98 here at home, I guess), simply means god or goddess, though in the New Testament (written in Greek), it has an evil connotation.
Actually, what I was specifically thinking of was what I know of Hindu myth, and how there is constant war between the gods and demons there (similarially, the Norse Aesir and Vanir are at war with the Jotun; most other myths have these great wars in the past, with victory already accomplished: Olympians over Titans, Marduk over Tiamat, and so on.)