Darth Lavos, indeed. Actually, more like the Dark Lord Lavos.
Hum I'm jsut wondering why didn't you took the face of the Lavos you see in the very final battle? is it because it's an interpretation.
to Legend: maybe look at your setting because it's not everyone who'll use imageshack to host -_-
Well, firstly, that is not Lavos. That is the centre bit. The Lavos bit is the one left of centre, and has no face.
The reason I did so is, as you said, interpretation. I drew it for my fanfiction, wherein I see Lavos as a dark lord of sorts (I was, after all, the one that began that view of him.) As such, I see him like Sauron in many respects, chief of which is being a deciever. Similarially, he is also something of a shape shifter, and can beguile the eyes. Thus I hold that the form of Lavos that you combat is simply disguise and illusion, and Lavos fled gravely wounded (like Sauron at Tol-Sirion) but not destroyed. Another form I have him appear in - this is his darker one - is that of a high and majestic angel or lord of Zeal. Or, rather, that is the illusion he puts forth in order to beguile others. This drawing was meant as a half-way, as his fair form fades into shadows and darkness. See him drawing his sword, and the shadow of skull upon his features?
'Now he came at them from his dark throne, in a form monstrous and fearful to behold, the chamber trembling beneath his mighty footfalls. It was as a creature of night that he appeared, a seemingly visible embodiment of anger, hate, and darkness, and indeed of all evil will. His raiment was darkened, and the hues of the sunrise had now become as the clouds of night which veil the moon and stars. He bore his dark blade before them, its edge shimmering with the chill power of evil'
That is how I describe him. I felt that a more cunning and mighty being than a simple unfeeling insect was in order to contest the might of Serge, Schala, Janus, and Crono. After all, how does one write combat against something so non-descript as the Lavos Bit? It would tire if it did not speak, did not give cunning and dark reply.
So all of this is indeed interpretation of mine, but I favour it. Call it the DK Lavos-Sauron.