I was sitting here trying to remember whether or not their was a clone for Magus. In the black omen I believe in tubes there are clones of the party eerily floating if memory serves correctly. I knew that Zeal had cloned Crono, Marle, Lucca, Frog, Ayla and Robo and then I thought; wait clones are organic. Aren't they? Robo is not organic. So that makes me question the nature of the Zeal clones. When I think of cloning I think of DNA, biology both organic. Because Robo is not organic Zeal's method of creating clones is not organic in nature, or at least not completely organic. What methods did Zeal use to create clones? Are they merely dolls much like Bekkler's? Or were they aware living creatures?
This makes me think of the mystics and their abilities. We know the mystics have the ability to take on human form from 600 A.D. The cathedral, Magus's castle, and in 1000 A.D. the chancellor. This I assume is magic in nature. Is Zeal's cloning system magic in nature as well? Still the mystics were able to transform into people the party knew such as Crono's mother, Marle's father etc. Ozzie promised 100 monsters in Magus's castle which made these few mystics cannon fodder. So I am surprised these mystics knew Crono and Marle's names and even more so the features of their parents. Magic is clearly involved if not illusions or mind reading. Are Zeal's clones merely illusions, tricks meant to frighten the team? Or are they genuine clones created by the technology Zeal possessed?