Author Topic: SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0  (Read 2383 times)


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SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0
« on: August 07, 2012, 04:44:21 pm »
Hello! :D
It's quite a long time since my last post. My scanner is broken so I need one to get some draws to pain, but anyways... that's not the point of it.
I recently found very good orchestra samples and soundfonts that make my remastered (or remix, whatever) songs of the soundtrack of Chrono Trigger!
Go and check it out ;) They are all to free download :wink:
I'm planning to include also more Prerelease Versions, like the other 2 versions of "Battle 1", that are already uploaded ;D

« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 04:46:06 pm by WerderChile »


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Re: SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2012, 07:34:06 pm »
Thanks WerderChile, it's great to have these all in one place! I am loving that rendition of "Secret of the Forest!"


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Re: SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2012, 09:26:54 pm »
And here's more on my own soundcloud channel
It's Chrono Trigger and 2 Versions of Frog's Theme ;D


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Re: SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2012, 12:02:00 am »
Not bad, but it seems to me like you could use some more practice. I don't mean to offend you by that, because it is good quality.

Let me explain: I've been the objective ear for one of my friends over the years ( as he has gone through and done remixes of his favorite video game music. At the beginning, he was way worse than where you are, now; but over time he got better and now makes the music sound a lot better than they did in the games themselves.

not really too much refinement to do; I noticed some peculiarities in Manoria's Cathedral and Boss Battle 1. Didn't sound quite right to me. In a few others, I detected almost no audible change from the original. Don't be afraid to take artistic license. Then, I run into Guardia Castle. Good job. I like that you raised the octave a bit and threw in some extra stuff to flesh out the music better. You must have really loved listening to that one while playing the game.

Honestly, this is great work and I look forward to seeing what you can do in the future.


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Re: SOUNDCLOUD Chrono Trigger Remastered 2.0
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2012, 03:17:48 pm »
Would you tell me which songs and what's wrong with them? Then I'll search it to improve them as well as I can.
But as I have said, I'm not a pro, I'm not studying music or something like that but I put a lot of effort and I try always to do my best.

Probably it's not noticed, but every song is a "reinstrumentalized song", that means there is nothing of the original song instead of the notes that are transcribed and no additional arrangement is involved.

Manoria's Cathedral an organ that I didn't wanted to sound louder to fit better to the original without change it.
In Boss Battle 1, the intro is just too hard to transcribe it and to fit in well, also the percussive organ is another challenge.

Don't be afraid and give some feedback. I'll try to answer and fix what it needs to be fixed.
