Author Topic: To the Sea of Dreams: Redeux! (Notes and musings and other assorted thoughts.)  (Read 27009 times)


  • Poet of El Nido
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As I've posted on that topic, my Sea of Dreams parody has been put on indefinite hiatus.

As such, I would like to review (mostly to myself before I lose track again, and for those who just entered the theater) what this story is about.

Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams.

This is an AU continuation/interpretation of the series with Schala Zeal as its central focus. It is character driven, with time travel and the like taking more of a back-seat. It is an epilogue concerning the aftermath of Chrono Cross, a journey of discovery and redemption for Schala, and my own personal theory on the origins of Lavos.

Now, this story has gone through two incarnations: A serious novel, and a self-aware mile-a-minute parody. The first never made it past the prologues. The other I completed through Act 1, but due to too many internal retcons between chapters, I could not continue it as it was.

This will be my third attempt to tell this story. I have decided to take much inspiration from alfadorredeux and his Chrono Helix fic, and tell this story as an in-game script. (Apologies for not asking sooner.)

This topic however, shall be more or less my sounding board. I encourage discussion and feedback, not to boost my ego (....ok, maybe a little ego boost wouldn't hurt... *cough*), but because you all are the pinnacle of the Chrono fandom, and I want to make damn sure that I'm doing this series that we all love justice.

I will be posting story synopsis, character bios, and omakes when appropriate. I may also give ideas on a battle system in case somebody from Square might be listening in. :P

But yes, this is a tale I wish to tell even if it's the last thing I ever do. I will not give up on this, and I thank you all for your patience.

(Special Thanks to Alfadorredeux, Utunnels, Mr. Bekkler, FaustWolf, and Boo the Gentleman Caller for helping me out with this.)

UPDATE (03/07/2016) - Begun work on Story Synopsis, general topic cleaning up, and adding in last-minute features.

UPDATE (03/08/2016) - Added a new playable character and character bio. Will add Techs, Equipment, and related updates to the character at a later date.

UPDATE (03/17/2016) - Nearly finished incorperating Lavenda's equipment, stats, and info into the topic. Finished Prologue and Act 1 Story Synopsis.

UPDATE (06/28/2016) - Finished story Synopsis up through the first half of Act 3.

UPDATE (02/09/2017) - Aside from a few remaining Act 4 character quests, Story Synopsis is COMPLETE.

Skylark's To-Do List:

(Will Modify when appropriate.)

Opening Statement - COMPLETED
Opening Synopsis - COMPLETED
Character Bios for Act 1 - COMPLETED
Character Bios for Act 2 - PENDING
Character Bios for Act 3 - PENDING
Character Bios for Act 4 - PENDING
Secondary Character Bios - IN PROGRESS (SPOILER WARNING)
Potential Game Mechanics - COMPLETED
Tutorial Dialog - PENDING
Character Art - IN PROGRESS
Dual Tech List - COMPLETED
Triple Tech List - COMPLETED
Ultimate Tech List - COMPLETED
Element List - COMPLETED
Summon List - COMPLETED
Weapon List - COMPLETED
Status Effect List - COMPLETED
Mission Dialog - PENDING
Attributes and Character Roles - COMPLETED


.......phew. Getting more and more of this done every day.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 04:45:17 pm by skylark »


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Ooh, omakes!

I love me some Schala fanfics so I'll be checking in to see what you've got cookin', skylark. Giant fanfics have a way of getting too big to handle sometimes, but every step you take is well worth the writing practice.


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Giant fanfics have a way of getting too big to handle sometimes

Perish the thought!  I don't know how to do anything small.   :cry:


  • Poet of El Nido
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Giant fanfics have a way of getting too big to handle sometimes

Perish the thought!  I don't know how to do anything small.   :cry:

Preaching to the quior, buddy. :o



  • Poet of El Nido
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Now how to start this sounding board off?

How about with the basic story outline?


In the year 2480 AD, a mysterious young woman appears in the outskirts of Trann Dome with no memory of her past, only the name of Schala is recalled. She is found by a warm-hearted middle-aged revolutionary by the name of Roas and given shelter. Here, she learns that after a millennia of inactivity, the militaristic nation of Porre has once again launched a campaign to conquer the world, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Moved by the stories of other orphans under Roas' care, Schala resolves to fight, not wanting to see any other suffer in Porre's quest for dominance.

After six years of training under Roas, she joins the assault of the Arc of the Black Lion, Porre's central headquarters. Unfortunately, things take a grim turn as many of their allies simply disappear, as if they had been erased from time. What's worse is that the enemy becomes suddenly better equipped, and they are forced to flee. Schala and the survivors learn the awful truth: Someone had taken weapons from the future and sent them into the past, changing history. As a result, the world changes into one the revolutionaries don't recognize, one where Porre succeeded in conquering the world ages ago.

Realizing the only way to stop this is to travel to the past themselves, they head to a rebuilt Chronopolis. They are ambushed, with most of the revolutionaries and her mentor Roas giving their lives so Schala can make it through the newly-formed gate...

Meanwhile in the year 1227 AD, a mercenary by the name of Lark is on a mission to rescue miners who 'have seen too much'. He rescues them before investigating what they had seen. He finds highly advanced weapons and warmechs being extracted from some kind of gate. Realizing that this is bad, yet not knowing why, Lark destroys the facility.

With this, the fates of Lark and Schala become intertwined as they try to stop the rise of Porre, bring justice to the one who seeks to bend time, and deal with a vengeful entity with an ancient grudge against the planet...


Phew. I think I covered the basics. What should I do next? Characters or battle system ideas...?

Choices... :P
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 12:45:36 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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I think I will start off with characters.

During their journey, Lark and Schala will come to lead a prerequisite ragtag group of misfits (party members). But let's start these bios with our heroine first.

For official characters, things such as birthdays (unless proven othwise by official materials and the like) will be left to my discretion. Also, I hope the weights of everyone are realistic.

Edit: Information that changes as the story moves forward is put within parenthesis.

Edit: I am in the middle of writing out general outlines for the party's roles in the four Acts, as well as their final fates in the main endings. SPOILERS ABOUND!


Full Name: Schala Zeal
Gender: Female
Occupation: Amnesiac Maiden (Princess of Zeal/Queen of Medina)
Origin: (Kingdom of Zeal)
Age: 23 (26 by the end of the story)
Birthdate: March 3
Species: Human
Home Time: (2400 AD/12,000 BC/1230 AD)
Home Area: Wandering (Medina)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Hair Color: Silver White (Teal Blue in the True Ending)
Eye Color: Green
Build: Slender
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Dual Dagger/Sword
Innate Element: All

General Overview: A young woman with no recollection of her past. Her exotic features and perpetually forlorn expression give her a rather icy first impression, belying her kind heart and compassionate demeanor. However, there are times where she can be impatient and stubborn, making her appear standoffish at times. To see her smile is a rare thing, but when she does, the moment is said to be something to cherish.

In battle however, she seems to transform as all sense of compassion disappears. She becomes overly aggressive, with no regard for her personal safety. It's almost as if, unconsciously, she holds no value for her own life.

The reasons for this may be locked within the deepest depths of her memories...

It is revealed later on that Schala did not survive her separation from the Time Devourer unscathed. She had spent so long bonded to the creature than the Chrono Cross could not separate them completely. She is now a living fragment of Lavos, and like all good parasites, as long a even a single fragment exists, Lavos cannot be completely destroyed.

Upon reawakening her memories, Schala changes completely. She becomes far more submissive, and shies away from battle. Blaming herself for the deaths of Chrono and many others, she unconsciously desires her own destruction, and doesn't understand or see the value of her own life. Combined with being a living extension of Lavos, she tends to take unnecessary and often fatal risks. Only time will tell to see if this changes while among comrades...

History: In ancient times, Schala was the daughter of Alphard and Samaele Creojeanne, and princess of the ancient kingdom of Zeal. As a child, she was never able to sit still, was naturally inquisitive, and was never afraid to speak her mind, much to her mother's exasperation.

Everything changed however, when her father discovered the Frozen Flame within an ancient seabed, and her mother changing for the worst under its influence. Desperate, Schala stole into the inner sanctums of Zeal intending to destroy the Flame, hoping that doing so would bring the Queen back to her senses. However, she underestimated the Flame's hold on her mother, and was attacked, with her father forced to step in. The battle between King and Queen ended in a draw, but one last spell was aimed at Schala. With one act of sacrifice, King Alphard Zeal was slain in front of her... And Schala soon enough became the next Arbiter of the Frozen Flame.

Schala was never the same since then, a shadow of her former self, if even that. She blamed herself for her father's death. She never told anyone what had happened, so her long periods of silence or crying fits in her chambers were merely seen as mourning. As her mother's madness and cruelty continued, there were times Schala tried to speak out, but memories of what happened back then would paralyze her, making her submissive and easy to manipulate. Her kindness towards others remained, but even that was tempered by guilt.

However, everyone had a breaking point. As the people of Zeal reveled in their own self-glory, a quiet anger slowly built up in Schala. Anger she never previously acted upon, as she believed her father would never want her to to hate others. But in the end, hate she did. Under torture and threat of death in the Ocean Palace, for one single instant, she wished hubris and suffering upon those who thought themselves better than others. This one single moment would bring the destruction of the ancient kingdom and the first death of Chrono...

But Fate was not finished with her. Unable to live with what she had done, she was prepared to die in the collapsing Ocean Palace, but she had failed in her role as Arbiter, and was pulled into the Tessaract by a dying Lavos. For countless ages, she was fused to the creature, stewing in her own guilt and self-hatred. One day, she suddenly heard the cries of a young Serge, bringing her back to her senses for a brief moment. In that moment, using a fragment of her own life essence as a base, she created a daughter-clone, and sent her into the mists of time. Thus, Kid and Serge would become the instruments for her release... but not in the way she intended.

Freed from the creature she was, and the other reason for Kid's creation became apparent: She and Kid would merge along with the two realities. In the process, Schala would cease to exist as she wished... but so would Kid, becoming a life that was both, yet neither. Serge would not allow this, having fallen for Kid, not Schala. Left behind in the Tesseract, distraught, Schala made a desperate act as she was once more swallowed in time.

In the year 2480 AD, a young woman with no memories of her past would be found in the outskirts of Porre...

Act 1 - After her disastrous arrival in the year 1227 AD, Schala proceeded to accept a job to steal the Sun Stone from Porre, where she would meet Lark. After escaping from the city, she is invited to join the Zweibreicht Company by Glenn. During the mission at Zenan Bridge, she recognizes the Warmech that killed her surrogate family in the future and destroys it. This creates a new future where Roas and the others survive. Her secrecy regarding her mission eventually earns the suspicion, and later ire, of Lark. In the Zeal Ruins, she begins having flashbacks to her true past. After a confrontation with Dalton, she runs away into what used to be the throne room. She would encounter, of all things, a weakened fragment of Lavos, her memories reawakening as a result. The sudden influx of information sends her into a complete mental breakdown, attacking a group of 'Lavos Bits' with reckless abandon. Unfortunately, her mania fades to reveal that instead of Lavos Bits, she had attacked her friends, and she becomes numb with shock and horror...

Act 2 - Awakening in Manoria, Schala's personality reverts to the weak and submissive girl of old, her guilt compounded by her actions in the ruins. After a rough 'reunion' with Magil, she can only watch helplessly as Lark becomes the next Arbiter of the Frozen Flame, going mad by it's power. When Glenn begins his campaign to kill Lark, in the end, she is eventually the only one who believes Lark could still be saved. In this case, her beliefs were correct.

After being taken to Chronopolis, Schala is captured by Yarlen Shald, who tries to merge her with a mature Lavos Spawn. She is saved by a repentant Lark. When the group gets stuck at the End of Time, she stands reluctantly firm to protect Lark from the enigmatic Kale...

Act 3 - After six months in Termina, Schala finally begins coming out of her shell. During an infiltration mission in Viper Manor, she begins feeling something other than camaraderie for Lark. However, a mission in Terra Tower forces her to confront her role in Zeal's destruction, and she becomes withdrawn once more. When Porre attacks Viper Manor, Schala sacrifices herself to stop the corrupted Diana Vaal, tired of watching others die to protect her and seeing no value in her own life.

Schala remains comatose when the group travels to Medina, though she begins to become aware when Lark attempts to travel into her past to try and save her father. Due to their shared connection to Lavos, she awakens when she feels Lark wounded in battle. In the aftermath, she confronts (and returns) her growing feelings for Lark. In the aftermath of events concerning Balthezar, Schala finally vows to try and become a stronger person. She and Lark eventually marry, becoming king and queen of Medina.

Act 4 - A year and a half later, Schala has made good on her vow so far, though she still has much to sort out. She does what she can to support her husband and her people as the three-way war between Guardia, Porre, and Medina escalates, all the while trying to seal the various 'breaks' in time. In the final assault of Porre, she is the cornerstone of Lark's battle plan, leading a large force to attack the city from below the underground tunnel systems. After the battle, she is horrified as Kale raises the ruins of Zeal and merges them with the arriving spawn of Lavos.

Final Fate : Schala's fate depends on the ending acquired.

Bad Ending - In the first ending, she is unable to come to terms about her mother and her past in a critical moment, and her hesitation costs her Lark's life. She ends up driven mad with grief and succumbs to the fragment of Lavos sleeping within her, and becomes the final boss, leaving the surviving party members to put her out of her misery...

Normal Ending - In the second ending, investigating Kale's origins and revelations about her mother's madness gives Schala the final push to put her past behind her for good. Without such issues to distract her, she is able to save Lark's life. Unfortunately,she still carries a fragment of Lavos, and without and artifact like the Chrono Cross, she knows she will eventually be taken over by the creature even if they do destroy it. In the end, just as she had in the Ocean Palace, she sends her friends and beloved away to safety as she makes sure Lavos stays dead...

Good Ending - After many trials and trips through the Time Loop, the Chrono Cross is reconstructed. However, instead of using it to banish Lavos' essence from her, Schala attempts to make peace with this fragment, banking on the creature's will to survive. She ends up successful in this endeavor, and becomes separated from the hive mind. She is thus able to survive the final battle, ruling Medina alongside Lark for the rest of her days.

Notes: I am aware that what I put for hair color completely contradicts my beliefs. However, there had to be a damn good reason (besides throwing suspicion off Kid) that Kato changed her appearance. Here is my personal theory: Lavos is a being that's constantly evolving and changing. Having been bound to Lavos, Schala too was subject to changing. Which is why she had blonde hair and blue eyes (and became a loli, apparently) in Cross, and why she has silver-white hair (and a somewhat fuller figure) in this story.


Full Name: Lark (Real Name: Cain Cray)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mercenary (King of Medina)
Origin: Medina
Age: 24 (27 at the end of the story)
Birthdate: May 17
Species: Fiend/Mystic
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies (Medina)
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Red
Build: Ordinary
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Dual Spears
Innate Element: Red

General Overview: A half-human Mystic who works alongside Glenn in the Zweibreicht Company mercenaries. Of the two, he is the one who gets jobs done. At first glance, Lark seems to be nothing more than an uncouth, womanizing braggart. However, not only does he have the skill to back up his claims, he shows a surprising amount of care in making sure the Company's clients walk away satisfied.

He is generally friendly and approachable, with a fiery sense of justice. However, a series of tragedies in his past has left him with a vicious grudge against Porre, and he occasionally laments his powerlessness in stopping the powerful nation. If he were to somehow be granted such power, would he be able to keep his morals intact?

Or would he lose himself to vengeance...?

Unfortunately, the answer is that he very nearly does. Once he discovers the Frozen Flame, he accepts the power it offers him, nearly losing his mind and alienating his allies in the process. Even though he isn't entirely himself during the following ordeal, Lark still sees himself responsible for the horrific actions in his wake. For the entirety of the story after, he fights an inner battle of wills with the Frozen Flame.

As for the matter of Schala, he is overcome by guilt for his attitude towards her during said ordeal, and owes her a life-debt of gratitude for STILL trying to save him even though he had given her every reason not to. Compounding his feelings is the fact that the two not only have very similar pasts, they both carry fragments of Lavos, giving the two a sort of psychic and emotional link. As a result, the two eventually forge a bond that cannot be broken.

History: Lark was originally born as Cain Cray, only son of Wren and Kalia Cray, and prince of Medina. As a child, he was hot-headed, willful, and somewhat crude, as most boys tended to be. Although his people didn't say it openly, many Mystics were wary of him due to his half-breed nature, which in itself was due to the fact his mother was a human.

In his mid-teens during a scouting trip, his father found a young human woman collapsed in the desert, and brought to the city. Soon enough, Cain fell for her, despite being politically arranged to the daughter of Marbule's Sage. In two years time, however, his life would change forever.

Diana Vaal had been a Porrean sleeper agent. Under the dark of night, she opened the gates to Medina, letting in Dalton and his armies. By the time Cain realized what was going on, he arrived just in time to see his father executed. In a rage, he tried to avenge him. The scar over his left eye and a stab to the gut by the girl he loved were the only rewards for his defiance.

In the aftermath, Cain became a scapegoat for the surviving Mystics. Unable to face their accusations, he fled the ruins of Medina. Betrayed, alone, and destitute, Cain lost faith in the good of others, as well as love. All he had left was anger. Hatred. Vengeance. In the wastelands, he vowed he would send every Porrean to Hell.

He made good on his word in the next few years, destroying every caravan, settlement, and military outpost he was able, leaving no survivors. He became known as 'The Bloody Flame', not once realizing that he was on his way to becoming the very monster Porre accused all Mystics of being. Everything changed again however, once he set his sights on the town of Zaineheim...

In Zaineheim, the Bloody Flame would run into opposition from a mercenary by the name of Glenn Zweibreicht. In response, he attacked a hospital, taking who he would later learn as Glenn's sister Hope, hostage. Instead of begging for her life, Hope simply apologized for the actions of humans. This ended up confusing Cain greatly, but what happened next would make him question everything he had being doing.

In the end, Hope gave her life to save her brother and Cain from Diana Vaal's double-cross. Gave her life to save a murderer like him. This and Glenn's unexpected 'mercy' would cause Cain to try and rediscover his humanity. In the end, Cain Cray and the Bloody Flame would both cease to exist, replaced by a childhood nickname that Reika Onin had called him on far too many occasions.

Unfortunately, Lark's hatred for Porre never abated even once...

Act 1 - After destroying a Porrean productions facility, he would take a job attempting to assassinate Dalton, where he would meet Schala. After escaping from Porre, he takes the time to mentor the new fledgling of the Zweibreicht Company until a mission to smuggle Elements across the Zenan bridge brings a horrifying thought to his mind: The possibility of Schala being a Porrean sleeper agent. He grows more and more paranoid as some of Schala's behaviors begin seeming more suspicious. Everything comes to a head inside the Aquarius Labs and the Zeal Ruins, where he angrily confronts her on his suspicions. Her silent evasion on the matter and the appearance of Dalton fueling his paranoia even further eventually drives him to action. He attacks, but is overpowered by Schala, who was suffering from a complete mental breakdown, and left for dead...

Act 2 - Awakening in Manolia having been rescued by Magil, Lark is unwilling to forgive or accept anyone's explanations concerning Schala. Believing his friends had betrayed him, he encounters the Frozen Flame in the Cathedral, which the Radical Dreamers had somehow secured. Without question, he accepts the power the Flame offers, and goes mad as a result and attacks his former allies. Only after the Radical Dreamers are slaughtered during his escape does he realize what his paranoia and hatred had cost him.

Everything comes to a head at the ruins of Zaineheim, where he futilely tries to fight off the Flame's influence, with Schala - the one person he had wronged the most - being the only one actively trying to save him. The Flame tries to take over completely, but the battle is won... at the apparent sacrifice of his childhood friend Reika. He later awakens in 2400 AD and becomes distraught at the fallout of his previous actions.

To make matters worse, he becomes hunted by an enigmatic entity known as Kale, who seeks the Frozen Flame. After Schala is captured, to the mistrust of his old allies, he aids in her rescue. Out of penance, he purposely puts himself in harm's way to protect everyone from both the haywire Lavos Spawn and the pursuing Porrean forces, forming a sort of dreamlike bond with Schala in the process. He is eventually forgiven by the others, while Schala had never blamed him in the first place...

Act 3 - After discovering that Reika had survived the events of Zaineheim, Lark and the others are hired on by the Acacia Dragoons. In the ensuing months, Lark is outed as the former prince of Medina, and also tries to come to grips with his growing relationship with Schala. Tragedy strikes when Diana Vaal, the woman who had betrayed his people to Porre, attacks Viper Manor. Lark and Glenn get their revenge on the sleeper agent, but Schala sacrifices herself in the process, becoming comatose.

Lark loses the will to fight on, and flees with the unconscious Schala to the ruins of Medina, not realizing that there are still survivors. Although given a cold reception from the majority of his people, he and Schala are given sanctuary. The others try to snap him out of his funk, but nobody can convince him to leave Schala's side. With a sudden appearance by Balthezar, he is given an opportunity to save her: Travel back in time to the age of Zeal and prevent the death of King Alphard. He does travel back, but realizes that going through with this course of action would not only possibly prevent his friends from ever existing, it would be betraying everything Schala had fought for. Thus he allows history to take its course.

However, his time in Zeal had reignited his spirit, and he fights off a Porrean excursion alone, regaining the respect of his people. From there, he leads an army to defend Medina from Dalton, though he is wounded in the battle, causing Schala to awaken from her coma due to their bond. In the aftermath, he and Schala become lovers, and after events concerning Balthezar, the two marry. Lark becomes the Sixth Fiendlord to lead Medina's armies in the coming three-way war between Guardia and Porre.

Act 4 - Lark's hands are busy with his duties as King and sealing the various 'breaks' in time, but eventually, he is able to amass enough allies and territory to lead a decisive assault against Porre. After securing the city, he makes his final stand against Dalton, eventually defeating the tyrant once and for all. However, Kale is not finished with him, as the madman still desires the Flame.

Final Fate: His eventual fate is determined by which ending is acquired.

Bad Ending - Schala's hesitation during the final battle with Queen Zeal causes Lark to expend much of his energy to rescue her. However, he is ambushed by Kale, who uses black magic to forcefully extract the Frozen Flame from his very being. The shock ends up killing him, leaving Schala alone in her grief and despair...

Normal Ending - Lark is ambushed and on death's door after getting the Frozen Flame forcefully extracted. However, Schala remains focused enough to save his life. After the final battle, Schala ends up sacrificing herself to stop Lavos, leaving Lark to mourn for years after. Although he eventually does remarry, he never truly recovers from the heartbreak, eventually disappearing into obscurity... and thus leaving history to repeat itself over and over in a stable time loop...

Good Ending - Lark and Schala both survive the final battles, but not before dealing with Kale once and for all in the crumbling ruins of Angra Mainyu. For the rest of his days afterwards, he strives to make the brighter future Chrono and many others fought for a reality.


Full Name: Glenn Zweibreicht
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mercenary Captain
Origin: Choras
Age: 27 (30 at the end of the story)
Birthdate: September 16
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Wandering (Choras)
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 214 lbs.
Hair Color: Pale Green
Eye Color: Green
Build: Tall and Lean
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Gun
Innate Element: Green

General Overview: Founder of the Zweibreicht Mercenary Company along with Lark. Of the two, he generally handles the finances and spoils of their jobs, though he does get involved directly more often than not. Mostly laid-back and snarky, he usually has a good joke or burn ready for almost any situation. Tends to be a habitual chain-smoker.

Although he and Lark practice a fair working relationship on the surface, he and Lark don't always see eye to eye. In fact, six years prior, Lark had been one of Glenn's bounties before being reformed. Details are scarce, but the conflict ended with the life of his younger sister. But has Glenn truly put the past behind him?

Or is he merely waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger?

The answer... is complicated. For a while, it seemed as though he and Lark had developed a fast friendship. However, the latter events of Act 1 begin to show how fragile it truly was. Lark coming into contact with the Frozen Flame and subsequent corruption in Act 2 ends up being the straw that breaks the Nu's back, and Glenn brings it upon himself to take him out, eventually going so far as to threaten to shoot through Schala in order to kill him... possibly hinting that Lark wasn't the only one being influenced by the Flame.

It is only during the party's attempt to escape from 2400 AD does Glenn finally gets a chance to end things. Hope's death, Reika's apparent sacrifice, the people of Manolia that were killed under the Flame's influence, Lark's actions as the Bloody Flame. Glenn finally has the justification he needs... and in the end, he is unable to pull the trigger. Lark's recent bouts of self-sacrifice, his own guilt at threatening Schala, and the memories of all the success they had as a company prove that as fragil as it ended up being, their friendship truly was genuine. Not only that, killing Lark would cause him to end up making a liar out of his sister. From that point on, Glenn vows to put the past behind him.

History: Glenn Zweibreicht was born as one of many illegitimate children to Vincent Galbanni, Merchant King and leader of Choras. Not recognized as a potential heir, he ended up growing up in the city's slums. His sister Hope would be born a few years after, and he would take it upon himself to take care of her as their mother was unfit to do so.

At sixteen, he became a mercenary trained in all manner of firearms in order to bring money into their home. However, on the day of his first job, the Blue Mist hit Choras, and his success was marred by the fact that Hope had caught the disease. He would commit her to a hospital and use all of his earnings for her treatment, growing increasingly exasperated as the years went on when it seemed that nothing was working.

Some years later, tragedy would strike as a fallen Mystic prince with a vendetta against Porre would attack the hospital, taking Hope hostage. Glenn insists on being the first to make contact. During negotiations, a squad of Porrean soldiers led by Diana Vaal opens fire on the three of them for the sake of 'tying up loose ends'. Hope sacrifices herself to save both her captor and her brother. Overcome by grief, Glenn nearly kills the Fiend, but is paralyzed by the fact that Hope saw something in him worth sacrificing herself for. This, he offers up a contract to the man: be someone worthy enough so Hope's death would not be in vain.

And so, the Bloody Flame was no more, and the Zweibreicht Company was formed...

Act 1 - After aiding Lark in his mission to rescue the miners from San Dorino, Glenn is once again forced into a backseat role in the next job, rescuing Lark and Schala and escaping from Porre when the job goes south. He soon after recruits Schala into the Zweibreicht Company. After Zenan Bridge, Glenn becomes more and more disturbed by Lark's growing paranoia, and wonders if he will break away from his contract. In the Zeal Ruins, he and Reika follow a distraught Schala, only to be wounded by her in the throne room...

Act 2 -

Full Name: Reika Onin
Gender: Female
Occupation: Daughter of Marbule's Sage
Origin: El Nido - Marbule
Age: 23 (26 at the end of the story)
Birthdate: February 8
Species: Demi-Human (Aquatic Type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Wandering (Medina)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair Color: Violet
Eye Color: Violet
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Bow and Arrow
Innate Element: Blue

General Overview: A rather... bouncy and energetic young mermaid hailing from the El Nido Archipeligo. She is a childhood friend of Lark and moonlights as the third junior member of the Zweibreicht Company, integral to keeping Lark and Glenn from killing each other. Is constantly upbeat and cheerful, as nothing ever seems to keep her down for long. Her thought process can be... a little 'out there' at times. Also, she is sexy, and she knows it. Much to Schala's annoyance.

Reika has pinned her lifelong hopes on one day being Lark's wife ever since childhood. However, due to events in his past, or the possibility that he's never been conditioned to see her as more than a friend, he ignores her advances... most of the time. She continues to support him regardless, hoping for the possibility of wedding bells in her future. But will her devotion be the end of her?

Will her feelings be doomed to be absorbed within the mists of time?

History: Reika was born to Bacchus and Minerva Onin as the eldest of two children. Energetic almost to a fault, it usually took a good majority of Marbule's community to help reign her in during her early years. Her mother would always tell her stories of how two souls could be forever bound by a Red String of Fate, and seeing how happy her parents were, she took those stories to heart. Enough so that when her family was summoned to a diplomatic conference in Medina and met it's young prince, who on a whim she would call Lark, she knew she had found her soulmate. The two were then arranged to be wed when they came of age.

Seven years after the birth of her brother Darien, Reika's mother would die off the coast of Choras. Everything changed in Marbule. Her father became a broken man, becoming apathetic to all around him in his grief. That apathy would soon enough spread to the majority of Marbule's citizens, who felt the Sage's loss as keenly as he did. Taking advantage of this grief, two conservative-minded advisors named Mustardio and Releesh would take charge of the city's affairs, slowly but surely isolating Marbule from the rest of the world. Reika would oppose them at every turn. After all, she was to become Sage in a few short years.

At least, that was what she thought...

The Purge of Medina brought a wave of fear to those not loyal to Porre. Reika however, implored the Sage's Council to send aid to their allied Medinans, her worry of her future fiancé showing through. Unfortunately, due to bribes, blackmail, or threats of death, as well as using her father's apathy to their advantage, the poisonous advisers accused Reika of acting under her own interests and needlessly risking the lives of Marbule's citizens. The verdict was unanimous. Reika Onin was exiled from Marbule.

Wandering the land, she would meet her arranged fiancé again, only to see him a changed man, with his heart closed to nothing but vengeance against Porre. Despite it all, Reika persevered. After hearing of the tragedy at Zaineheim years later, she sought Lark out again, shocked to discover he had formed a mercenary company with Glenn Zweibreicht. Unwilling to be apart from the man she loved anymore, she would become the Zweibreicht Company's third member...

Act 1 - Reika is left behind at the start of the story, building rapport with the Radical Dreamers in hope of more work for the Zweibreicht Company. When she returns to the group in San Dorino, she is shocked that they had recruited Schala in her absence, and immediately begins seeing her as a rival. After the events of Zenan Bridge, she eases up on her in response to Lark's growing paranoia, and attempts to play peacemaker for the group with varying degrees of success. When things come to a head in the Aquarius Labs, Reika slaps Lark, stating she doesn't want him to become 'that person' again. This stays his hand, but only briefly. Soon after, she and Glenn follow a distraught Schala, only to be the first to get cut down...

Trivia: Reika has the largest chest of the entire cast. For the playable characters, Laura and Lavenda tie at 2nd place, with Schala taking a very close 3rd.

Trivia 2: She is one of the few mermaids in the setting with legs. She has no idea how other mermaids can stand not having legs, as she sees their land-movement akin to scraping ones knees on the ground all the time.

Trivia 3: It's on her mother's side, but Reika is Nikki's descendant. She is a fan of his work and collects any vintage albums she can get her hands on.


Full Name: Gilbert Rhodius (Alias: Grobyc)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Acacia Special Ops.
Origin: El Nido - Termina (Porre)
Age: 30 (233)
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Cyborg
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 401 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: White
Build: Bionic
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Fist
Innate Element: Black

General Overview: A cyborg who has served the Viper Clan of El Nido for over 200 years. Having rediscovered his humanity sometime during his service, he is revealed to be blunt, honest, and serious-minded. He generally prioritizes his mission first, but is not beyond coming to the aid of others, if for no other reason than smoother operations. Highly intelligent, he has no patience for slackers and cowardice, and respects the strong (in both strength and conviction) above all else.

Unknownst all but the highest ranked members of the Acacia Dragoons, he was once known as Grobyc, Porre's former 'secret weapon'. He was amongst those who aided Serge in his adventures and was witness to the defeat of the Time Devourer. As such, he was one of the few who retained their memories of the events. Knowing he could not return to Porre after his insubordinations, he was given shelter among the Viper Clan, where he has remained ever since.

Over time, he has steadily replaced more and more of his human parts with machine in order to prolong his lifespan, all to continue his duty to protect the Viper Clan. However, he knows he cannot cheat death forever, and prays that the Clan's future is secure before his eventual passing.

But in truth, how long does he have left?

Act 1 - Gilbert arrives in Truce along with Schwann after the events of Zenan Bridge. He doesn't think much of the Zweibreicht Company at first when they run into him at the pier, but starts changing this view when they are eventually summoned to Carmillia's estate. He finds Lark to be a surprisingly capable commander during the Defense of Manoria. He joins the group under the pretense of sharing info, but is actually keeping tabs on Lark on General Maria's orders. In the Zeal Ruins, he is the only one still conscious after Schala's mental breakdown...

Notes: Leaves the party for a good majority of Act 3. Permanently leaves the party after defeating Shald in Act 4. Any accessories and equipment that aren't exclusive to him will be returned to the inventory.

Full Name: Schwann Tarvos
Gender: Male
Occupation: Grandmaster of the Four Devas
Origin: El Nido - Guldove
Age: 33 (36 by the end of the story)
Birthdate: July 26
Species: Demi-Human (Feline Type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 287 lbs.
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Maroon
Build: Giant and Muscular
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Great Axe
Innate Element: Yellow

General Overview: A tiger-like Demi-human acting as leader of the Four Devas of the Acacia Dragoons, and closest confidant of General Maria of the Viper Clan. A giant even among Demi-human standards, he gives off a frightening first impression, especially if one meets him on the battlefield. However, those who actually know him boast of a jovial persona, though he can be a bit too boisterous for his own good. He's always looking for a good scrap. Has a 10-year-old daughter named Annette whom he dotes upon every chance he gets.

Ten years previous, Lady Maria had been abducted by a certain individual on Schwann's watch. Leading a company of twenty, he succeeded in rescuing her from her captors. However, an incident occurred on the way back to Termina, leaving Schwann and Maria as the only survivors. To this day, neither of them speak of it.

What could have happened on that day...?

Act 1 - Schwann arrives in Truce with Gilbert after the events of Zenan Bridge. Unlike his colleague, he takes a keen interest in the Zweibreicht Company, having heard the rumors associated with their recent success. He offers up a challenge to test their strength in one of the city's Missions. Although he does not join the party, he does accompany them to Manoria and the Aquarius Labs. While in the labs, the group ends up tripping the alarms, and he offers to hold off the enemy while the group finishes their mission...


Full Name: Laura Vastor (Real Name: Laurallia Estane Guardia)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Captain of the Guard (Fallen Heir of Guardia/Queen of Guardia)
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Age: 26 (29 at the end of the story)
Birthdate: April 19
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Guardia
Height: 6"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Toned
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Nodachi
Innate Element: White

General Overview: A stoic woman and personal sword of Governor Carmillia Vastor of Guardia. Beneath her cool demeanor and sharp tone lies a fierce determination and sense of duty. As she puts duty first, she has no patience for distractions, and admonishes the very concept of 'wasting time'. Has a surprising fondness for 'cute things' and is very easily flustered. It is not easy to earn her trust, but for those who do, her loyalty is undying. All she wants in life is a place to belong.

Whispers from years past speak of the affair Count Vastor had with one of his maids. Laura, the product of this union, faced severe prejudice from her half-sister Carmillia because of this. Even to this day, she is treated as garbage despite her unfailing duty, but bears the abuse as Carmillia is the only family she has left. As such, her sense of duty has become somewhat distorted. And then there are the stories of her bearing a long-forgotten bloodline.

However, the day may come soon where her duty and her conscience will clash, and she may realize too late that her 'dear sister' does not have her best interests at heart...

Act 1 - Laura first appears after Lark, Schala, and Glenn escape from Porre, impressed by the fact they had been able to escape at all. She meets the group again in Truce, after the events of Zenan Bridge. After their meeting with Carmillia, Schala overhears an argument between her and Laura. The other girl confronts her, but Laura tells her to let sleeping dogs lie. She accompanies the group to the Aquarius Labs and aids Schwann in holding off the enemy. However, she soon slips away from combat, embarking on a mission of her own...


Full Name: Magil (Real Name: Janus Zeal)
Occupation: Masked Magician (Fallen Prince of Zeal)
Origin: Zenan Mainland (Kingdom of Zeal)
Age: 31 (32 by the time he leaves in Act 3)
Birthdate: Unknown
Species: Human
Home Time: Unknown (1025 AD)
Home Area: Wandering (Guardia)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Hair Color: Teal Blue
Eye Color: Green
Build: Tall and Slender
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Rod
Innate Element: Black

General Overview: A mysterious vagrant who appears to the group during a time of crisis, hiding his face behind a strange mask.

Act 1 - Magil arrives in Truce shortly after the group's meeting with Carmillia, and offers his pardons... though Schala accuses him of leering. He is only shown once more after the party leaves for the Aquarius Labs, claiming to have a forboding premonition...

Notes: Schala's a major character of interest. You knew this guy had to be involved somehow. :P

Notes 2: He doesn't join up until act 2.

Notes 3: Not a permanent party member. He replaces Schala/Lark during times where either one of them are 'indisposed'.


Full Name: Lavenda (Lavender)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Warrior Priestess
Origin: Reptite Dimension
Age: 21 (24 at the end of the story)
Birthdate: Refuses to divulge
Species: Dragonian
Home Time: 2400 AD - Reptite Dimension
Home Area: Terra Tower
Height: 5.6
Weight: 139 lbs
Hair Color: Lavender Purple
Eye Color: Gold
Build: Slender
Hand: Right
Weapon: Bladed Whip
Innate Element: Black

General Overview: A Dragonian Priestess inadvertantly awakened from cryosleep by Lark and Schala at the beginning of Act 3. Prideful with a bit of a temper, but out of the awakened Dragonian, she keeps a much more level head than any of them. She holds a chilling familiarity for the rogue entity known as Kale, and by extension, Lavos. Initially distrustfull of Lark and Schala (both carriers of some sort of fragment of Lavos), but eventually builds a rapport upon their mutual dislike of Kale.

It seems she may know far more of the truth of things than she's willing to tell. Just what is she hiding...?

Act 1: Does not appear at all.

Act 2: Is briefly seen at the very end of the Act sleeping within a crystal structure in Terra Tower.

Act 3: Lavenda is officially introduced when Lark and Schala investigate strange reactions from Terra Tower at the beginning of the act. She and her brethren are awoken when the tower's systems detect the high quantities of Lavos corruption within Schala. Aware of what Lark and Schala are (and humanity as a whole), she has the two held at weapon-point while she accesses Dinopolis' living memory. She finds the history of the war with Chronopolis, the Dragon God's corruption, the colonization of El Nido, and the extermination of the rest of the Dragonians by mainlanders... egged on at the hands of Kale.

Upon realizing their mutual animosity towards the rogue, Lavenda has Lark and Schala released and proposes a temporary alliance. Although it starts as a union of convenience, Lavenda reluctantly comes to think highly of her newfound companions. When Kale attacks Terra Tower at the conclusion of Termina's last mission, she attempts to overpower him, following him through one of his Gates as he tries to escape.

After doggedly fighting Kale through different eras, Lavenda is finally ditched during The 2nd Battle of Medina. She is reunited with the party after the conclusion, and remains in the group from then on.

Trivia 1: I originally had a Shakespeare/Hamlet naming scheme for the Dragovian characters in this story, but during the past few months, I decided to name them after various herbs as a throwback to Toriyama. Lavenda, for instance, being named for lavender. Her original name was Ophelia.

Trivia 2: Originally, this character only had a minor role as a hologram in an important Act 4 sidequest where she narrates the origins of Lavos and thus the greater evil behind the story (and the series as a whole). This was mostly because I just wasn't sure how to insert her properly into the main party. I've finally found a way to do that (and it was so laughably easy, too), so now she's part of the main narrative as I originally intended.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 05:08:54 pm by skylark »


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Secondary Characters (NPC's important enough to have their own character portrait.)


Full Name: Roas Braugnwein
Gender: Male
Occupation: Leader of the Radical Dreamers - 2486 AD
Origin: Kingdom of Zeal, 11,999 BC
Age: 37
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Braugnwein Residence
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Build: Lean
Hand: Ambidextrous
Innate Element: White

General Info - A revolutionary from the year 2486 AD. Not much is known of his early years except that he was once employed in the Time Research Facility Chronopolis. He would then go on to marry fellow researcher Ninya and retire in Choras. However, Porre's sudden invasion would put the latter plan on hold. Angered by the injustice, he vowed to fight.

He would take in many orphans and survivors during the next two years, as well as reform the Radical Dreamers. Among his recruits, a girl named Schala would seem to peak his interest, enough that he would personally train her in his dual-bladed fighting style. Their relationship could be said to resemble that of a father and daughter.

He had perished within Chronopolis in order to buy time for Schala to escape into the past. When Schala made a particular change in the timeline however, he was able to survive the ambush.

It is eventually revealed that Roas, Ninya, and Vathos each came from a different era. In Roas' case, he came from the year 11,999 BC, where he was bodyguard, advisor, and close friend to King Alphard Zeal until a time experiment gone wrong sent him to the End of Time.

The only reason he does not tell Schala of her history is because he realized that it was her choice to start anew. A choice he chose to respect.


Full Name: Ninya Braugnwein
Gender: Female
Occupation: Radical Dreamer
Origin: Guardia, 10 AD
Age: 35
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Braughnwein Residence
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Red
Eye Color: Silver
Build: Toned and Fit
Hand: Right

General Info - Wife of Roas Braugnwein and his second-in-command in the Radical Dreamers. Was employed in Chronopolis along with him. When not in the field, she helps look after the orphans and survivors Roas has taken in. When on a mission, her personality undergoes a complete 180, becoming rough and authoritative.

Died in Chronopolis alongside Vathos, cut down by a custom-created warmech... At least until Schala destroyed that warmech in the past, changing her fate.

It was eventually revealed that Ninya, Vathos, and Roas each came from a different era. In Ninya's case, she was once one of many unwilling concubines of Cedric Guardia in 10 AD. Fearful for her life and of the madness of Cedric due to the Frozen Flame, she eventually slew him and fled Guardia, where she stumbled into a Gate and ended up at the End of Time.

Lark being the next Arbiter justifiably gives her cause for concern, if only for Schala's sake.


Full Name: Vathos Dumar
Gender: Male
Occupation: Radical Dreamer
Origin: Guardia, 600 AD
Age: 38
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Unknown
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 259 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Muscular
Hand: Right

General Info - A Radical Dreamer and close friend of Roas Braugnwein. Like Roas and Ninya, he too was once a researcher in Chronopolis. Out of all of the Dreamers he is the most serious-minded, but always seems to stop to lend an ear when the situation calls for it. Prefers to use heavy artillery while on the battlefield.

He died alongside Ninya in Chronopolis, cut down by a strange new warmech... At least until Schala destroyed the warmech in the past, changing his fate.

It is eventually revealed that Vathos, Roas, and Ninya each came from a different era. In Vathos' case, he was a lieutenant in the Guardia army during the Fiend War of 600 AD. Alone, he lured a company of Mystics to Truce Canyon. During the battle, a Gate opened beneath him and he was sent to the End of Time.

As a soldier of Guardia during the Fiend War, Vathos is understandably mistrustful of Lark, though that sentiment would eventually fade in time.


Full Name: Techno
Gender: Male
Occupation: Radical Dreamer/Mission Control
Origin: El Nido
Age: 28
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Chronopolis
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Build: Scrawny
Hand: Left

General Info - A Radical Dreamer and Schala's Mission Control while on her journey to the past.

The fourth among Vathos, Roas, and Ninya, he too worked in Chronopolis. In a sense, he never really retired. He prefers to sit behind a computer screen instead of getting his hands dirty, as he is particularly unsuited for physical exertion.

He gets his name from his gift; He is a technical prodigy, capable of inventing all sorts of gadgets and computer programs, his finest work being his personal information Codex. Some say he could be on par with Lucca Ashtear from ancient times.

He is prone to snark at any given opportunity, and once he starts talking, he has trouble stopping. A good slap to the back of the head usually fixes this.


Full Name: Infiniti 'Fin' Braugnwein
Gender: Female
Occupation: Radical Dreamer
Origin: Choras
Age: 23
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Braughnwein Residence
Height: 6"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Build: Slender
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Machine Gun
Innate Element: Red

General Info - A Radical Dreamer and adopted daughter of Roas Braughnwein. Her parents were friends with Roas, and when Porre attacked Choras, he took her in along with many others. It wasn't until he took in Schala did she begin to realize that her adoptive father was leading a double-life. One that she wanted in.

Although she was often jealous of the attention Roas would give Schala, she would still end up being as a sister to her. The pranks they would pull in the Dreamers could be seen as the stuff of legends if given enough time.

Time however, would be mercilessly cruel. Fin was among the first to disappear into nonexistence during the temporal recurrence that changed history...

Her original name before she was taken in by Roas was Wilder, making her Rupert Wilder's descendant... meaning that some sort of fatal misfortune would befall him due to the changed history...


Full Name: Belthesar
Gender: Male
Occupation: Curator of Chronopolis
Origin: Unknown
Age: Indeterminate
Species: Human
Home Time: 2486 AD
Home Area: Chronopolis
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Indeterminate
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Indeterminate
Build: Indeterminate
Hand: Left

General Info - A wizened old man who manages the day to day operations of the Time Research Facility Chronopolis. He is a sympathizer to the cause of the Radical Dreamers, having been saved from a nasty business concerning Porrean politics.

Watching from afar, he has kept his own eye on Schala ever since she arrived in 2486. For what reason, nobody seems to know...


Full Name: Jessica
Gender: Female
Occupation: Barmaid/Mercenary Guild San Dorino Liaison
Origin: San Dorino
Age: 25
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: San Dorino
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Hair Color: Red-Orange
Eye Color: Green
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Right

General Info - A feisty barmaid from the village of San Dorino. Also serves as the town liaison for the Mercenary's Guild. Tends to act flirty and/or confrontational to get a rise out of her customers. She claims it's therapy.

She tends to have purely physical on-again/off-again relationships with Lark whenever the Zweibreicht Company returns to Dorino.


Full Name: Mina
Gender: Female
Occupation: Barmaid
Origin: San Dorino
Age: 25
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: San Dorino
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Green
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Left

General Info - A barmaid of San Dorino and Jessica's twin sister. Is far more tolerant and absent-minded than her sister. She is considered the town's resident darling.

She has a horrible habit of getting lost.


Full Name: Rogek
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mayor of San Dorino
Origin: San Dorino
Age: 68
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: San Dorino
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Thin
Hand: Right

General Info - The kindly old mayor of San Dorino. Helps to manage the financial affair of the mine as well as the village.

Some years earlier, he was among those who believed that all mercenaries were nothing more than cutthroat opportunists. However, after having his life saved without being asked for a reward by the Zweibreicht Company three years ago, his stance has softened. He will still abide no lawlessness in his town, though.


Full Name: Zappa
Gender: Male
Occupation: Blacksmith
Origin: El Nido (Termina)
Age: 27
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Termina
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 189 lbs.
Hair Color: Grey-Violet
Eye Color: Maroon
Build: Solid
Hand: Right

General Info - A young and obstinate blacksmith from the city of Termina, and great grandson of Karsh. Boys in the family that choose to take the mantle of the family forge is renamed Zappa, after Karsh's father. Although still young, he has remarkable talent in forging weapons. Unfortunately, he can be a bit too much of a braggart for his own good.

His big mouth did end up getting him into trouble. He was once requested to forge a set of specialty equipment for an Acacian VIP. However, the job forced him to recognize the limits of his skill, and he was unable to deliver. Seeing this as a personal shame, and a shame upon his family, he closed up the forge and left on a journey to hone his craft...


Full Name: Terrence Ishito
Gender: Male
Occupation: 10th Seat - Porre High Command
Origin: Porre
Age: 37
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Porre
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 214 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Average
Hand: Right

General Info - An idealistic military gentleman from Porre and a descendant of Norris. A diamond in the rough of Porre's fanaticism, he believes there is a better way to carry on Porre's glory than forced expansion. However, he is also a man who values loyalty before reason, and therefore does not openly object Dalton's policies. Everything he does is for the peace and contentment of Porre's citizens, making him beloved by the general populace, and his willingness to show respect for friend and foe alike makes him grudgingly respected by the nation's remaining enemies.

However, he is absolutely despised by Yarlen Shald, who fervently believes that Terrence's idealism is a blight and disgrace to Porre's glory. When Dalton first arrived in Porre and made Shald his Chief Scientist and advisor, he pushed for Terrence's immediate execution. However, Dalton knew he would lose the support of the people if he did so, thus Terrence was demoted to 10th Seat of High Command - basically a glorified desk clerk. Even from his ineffectual vantage point, Terrence does what he can to minimize the damage of the war...


Full Name: Ozzie
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mystic Knight
Origin: Medina
Age: Indeterminate
Species: Fiend/Mystic
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 278 lbs.
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Black
Build: Short and Stocky
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Unknown
Innate Element: Green

General Info - The leader of a bandit trio of 'Mystical Knights' from what was formerly Medina. He tends to be a brag about his skills to his enemies, when all he really does is bark orders to his cohorts from the rear. He is a bit of a coward and will turn tail whenever he encounters a situation he is unable to handle.

He holds an intense hatred for Lark for some reason...


Full Name: Slash
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mystic Knight
Origin: Medina
Age: 29
Species: Fiend/Mystic
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 6"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Grey
Build: Lean
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Sword
Innate Element: Blue

General Info - The warrior of a bandit trio of 'Mystical Knights' from what was formerly Medina. Boasts to be as fast as the wind, but unlike Ozzie, he has the skill to back up his claim. Has an unfailing sense of loyalty to those who earn his respect, and despises those who abandon their responsibilities.

Because Ozzie (so far) has not abandoned his responsibilities, Slash still serves with distinction despite his leader's cowardice...


Full Name: Flea
Gender: Female (newhalf)
Occupation: Mystic Knight
Origin: Medina
Age: 27
Species: Fiend/Mystic
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Red
Build: Slender
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Magic
Innate Element: Red

General Info - The mage of a bandit trio of 'Mystical Knights' from what was formerly Medina. Wild, flirty, and dangerous, 'she' tends to shoot first and ask questions later. 'She' technically has no normally identifiable gender due to coming from a long line of shapeshifters. However, 'she' is a bit of an oddity in that 'she' is the first ever genuine female of her clan. Of course, thanks to family tradition, 'she' is still considered dual-gendered due to having... *cough* ...extra anatomy.

Unlike 'her' other two cohorts, 'she' holds no malice towards Lark, and in fact has a bit of a crush on him. Unlike with most women, this freaks Lark out due to... obvious reasons.


Full Name: Nu and Mamo
Gender: Undeterminable
Occupation: Weird Travelers
Origin: Unknown
Age: Indeterminate
Species: Nu and Kilwala
Home Time: Unknown
Home Area: Varies
Height: 4'5" (Nu), 3" (Mamonja)
Weight: Indeterminate
Build: Monster
Hand: Ambidextrous


Full Name: Rupert Wilder
Gender: Male
Occupation: Leader of the Radical Dreamers - 1227 AD
Origin: Guardia
Age: 30
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Manoria Village
Height: 6"
Weight: 162 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Average
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Sword
Innate Element: Yellow


Full Name: Vent
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mercenary Guild Truce Liason
Origin: Guardia
Age: 38
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Truce
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Build: Stocky
Hand: Right


Full Name: Sven
Gender: Male
Occupation: Steward of Lady Carmillia
Origin: Porre
Age: 39
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Vastor Estate
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 234 lbs.
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Indeterminate
Build: Solid and Muscular
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Fists
Innate Element: Blue


Full Name: Count Winfred Marduke
Gender: Male
Occupation: Corrupt Nobleman
Origin: Porre
Age: 47
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Choras
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Hair Color: Aging Brown
Eye Color: Light Purple
Build: Ordinary
Hand: Right


Full Name: Crowley
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bloodfang Mercenary Captain
Origin: Choras
Age: 28
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 162 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Red
Eye Color: Maroon
Build: Solid
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Rifle
Innate Element: Black


Full Name: Jansen
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bloodfang Mercenary
Origin: Choras
Age: 26
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Red
Eye Color: Maroon
Build: Muscular
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Great Hammer
Innate Element: Green


Full Name: Browning
Gender: Female
Occupation: Bloodfang Mercenary
Origin: Choras
Age: 27
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Varies
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Hair Color: Green
Eye Color: Green
Build: Muscular
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Dual Sickles
Innate Element: White


Full Name: Hope Zweibreicht
Gender: Female
Occupation: Terminally Ill Sister
Origin: Choras
Age: Deceased (16 at time of death)
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: (Formerly Zaineheim)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 99 lbs.
Hair Color: Pale Green
Eye Color: Green
Build: Frail
Hand: Right


Full Name: Gaspar
Gender: Male
Occupation: Guru of Time
Origin: Kingdom of Zeal
Age: Indeterminate
Species: Human
Home Time: The End of Time
Home Area: Gaspar's Space
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Indeterminate
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Indeterminate
Build: Thin
Hand: Right


Full Name: Yula
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mercenary Guild Termina Liason
Origin: El Nido (Guldove)
Age: 28
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Termina
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 127 lbs.
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Gold
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Right


Full Name: General Maria Alouette Viper
Gender: Female
Occupation: Ruler of El Nido
Origin: El Nido
Age: 30
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Purple
Build: Toned
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Sword
Innate Element: Yellow


Full Name: Annette Tarvos
Gender: Female
Occupation: Schwann's Precocious Daughter
Origin: El Nido
Age: 9
Species: Demi-Human (Feline-type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Hair Color: Red-Orange
Eye Color: Purple
Build: Smallish
Hand: Right


Full Name: Garai
Gender: Male
Occupation: One of the Four Devas
Origin: El Nido (Termina)
Age: 26
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Solid
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Dual Sword
Innate Element: Green


Full Name: Marta
Gender: Female
Occupation: Diva of the Four Devas
Origin: El Nido (Guldove)
Age: 31
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Hair Color: Silver with Red bangs
Eye Color: Grey
Build: Tall and Slender
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Shot (Shurikens)
Innate Element: Black


Full Name: Hubert
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fledgeling of the Four Devas
Origin: El Nido (Arni)
Age: 18
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Viper Manor
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Ordinary
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Swallow
Innate Element: Blue


Full Name: Bacchus Onin
Gender: Male
Occupation: Sage of Merbule
Origin: El Nido (Marbule)
Age: 52
Species: Demi-Human (Catfish-type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Marbule
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 236 lbs.
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Stocky
Hand: Left


Full Name: Darien Onin
Gender: Male
Occupation: Son of Marbule's Sage
Origin: El Nido (Marbule)
Age: 19
Species: Demi-Human (Merman-type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Marbule
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 162 lbs.
Hair Color: Light Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Build: Ordinary
Hand: Right


Full Name: Minerva Onin
Gender: Female
Occupation: Wife of Marbule's Sage
Origin: Zenan Mainland
Age: Deceased (41 at time of death)
Species: Demi-Human (Mermaid-type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: (Formerly Marbule)
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Right


Full Names: Mustardio and Releesh
Gender: Male
Occupation: Self-entitled Advisors
Origin: El Nido (Marbule, Guldove)
Age: 42, 47
Species: Demi-Human (Sparrow-type, Goblin-type)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Marbule
Height: 6'5, 5'2"
Weight: 142 lbs., 245 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Blue, Bald
Eye Color: Red
Build: Tall, Stocky
Hand: Right, Left



Full Name: Rose (Rosemary)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dragovian Intelligence Operative


Full Name: Thyme
Gender: Male
Occupation: Lavenda's Personal Aide


Full Name: Tamlen
Gender: Male
Occupation: Chancellor of Medina


Full Name: Kaege
Gender: Male
Occupation: Captain of Medina's Guard


Full Name: Wren Deveritas (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: King of Medina


Full Name: Kalia Deveritas (Deceased)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Queen of Medina


Full Name: Darreth
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mercenary Guild Medina Liason


Full Name: Alphard Zeal (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: King of Zeal


Full Name: Samaele Creojeanne (Deceased)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Queen of Zeal


Full Name: Janus Zeal (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Prince of Zeal


Full Name: Kid
Gender: Female
Occupation: Thief
Origin: Darkness Beyond Time
Age: 21
Species: Human
Home Time: 1025 AD
Home Area: Kid's Villa
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Slender
Hand: Ambidextrous
Innate Element: Red

General Info: The daughter-clone of a certain person. Having dealt with tragedy for most of her life, she would eventually find solace with a young man named Serge. A solace that was unintentionally threatened when they came to save this certain person. She found herself beginning to merge with this person, and realized that in doing this, this person would cease to exist...which was what she apparently wanted.

The problem was, in a way, Kid would cease to exist as well. She remembered her declaration just moments before that she was her own person. As such, when Serge spoke out in a fit of anger, she joined him in rejecting this person's wishes, though she would feel guilt over it for the rest of her days. Enough guilt that she would eventually take this person's name out of respect.

"Oi, she bloody well didn't want it. Figured I might as well have it."

Although she would mellow out as time went on, Kid never truly lost her fiery personality, and she would eventually follow in her 'sister's' footsteps and take in orphans from Porre's conquests. Eventually, Porre would threaten to bring their war to her doorstep. Her talents would be key to Guardia retaining it's independence... at least for a while.

Then one day in the not so distant future, a man by the name of Rupert Wilder would become inspired by her story...


Full Name: Serge
Gender: Male
Occupation: Fisherman
Origin: Arni Village
Age: 22
Species: Human
Home Time: 1025 AD
Home Area: Kid's Villa
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Ordinary
Hand: Right
Innate Element: White

General Info: A young fisherman born in El Nido, he was the focal point of a plan to save a certain person from a timeless imprisonment. However, something happened that was unexpected. Upon meeting this certain person, and learning certain things that were about to happen, something inside him snapped.

Perhaps it was from being used by so many. Perhaps it was the fact that Kid, the woman he had come to care for, would merge with this person, in a way ceasing to exist. Maybe it was because of this person that he had gone through so much pain to begin with. Regardless of the reason, he had enough, and in a fit of anger, thoroughly rebuked and rejected this person, taking Kid with him and leaving that person alone in the darkness.

Although the realities merged, he would remember everything that had happened. As such, he found he could not stay in Arni Village anymore lest he grow increasingly bitter. He would go on to the Zenan Mainland with Kid and help rebuild Lucca's orphanage, eventually marrying her. He would also go on to sell a certain artifact he recieved from an old man to a traveling Mystic.

Of course, as the years went on, he would regret how things had played out with that certain person, but if he were to do it again, he would still leave her with these final words:

"Don't latch on to me or others to find happiness. You have to find your own. You have to earn it. You have to fight for it."

Full Name: Melchior (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Guru of Life


Full Name: Chrono (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Former Prince of Guardia


Full Name: Nadia 'Marle' Guardia (Deceased)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former Princess of Guardia


Full Name: Wort (Mugwort) (Deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Dragovian High Priest


Full Name: Saffira (Saffron) (Deceased)
Gender: Female
Occupation: Tragic Visionary
Origin: An era long before humanity...
Species: Dragovian
Age: 24
Home Time: Lost to the ages
Home Area: Lost to the ages
Height: 5.8
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Build: Slender
Hand: Left
Innate Element: All

History: In an age lost to time, a planet's lifecycle ago, Saffira went on a journey to improve the lives of her fellow Dragovians, advocating a harmonious balance between nature and Dragovian science. Her charisma and compassion won her many followers, and she was eventually seen by many as a living saint. However, for others her actions were seen as blasphemy to planet worship, and many attempts were made on her life. The Dragovians became divided and war loomed on the horizon.

Amongst Saffira's many followers, one she eventually favored amongst all others was a drake known as Kale, and the two would fall in love. Unfortunately, her naivete and her kindness prevented her from seeing his darker tendencies, such as his devotion to her bordering upon delusion, or the fact that he had taken it upon himself to create a bioweapon on order to destroy those who wished her harm... or perhaps she did know, and favored him most to try and temper this darkness.

Sadly, Saffira's dreams would not come to fruition, and her assassination by her enemies would become the catalyst for the planet's nightmare. Her death drove Kale past the point of insanity and hatred, causing him to merge her body with that of his bioweapon in his madness and grief. In Kale's eyes, siphoning enough energy to breach the shores of Zurvan and absorbing the collective unconciousness of the planet's life would ressurect Saffira into a Goddess...

...and thus Lavos was born.

Act 4 - Her only appearance in the story as herself aside from flashbacks is during the pivotal step taken to unlock the True Ending. Using an unstable Dragon Tear and the fragments of the Chrono Cross collected from the different endings, Schala attempts to commune and come to an understanding with the essence of Lavos within her instead of outright purging it.

What she finds instead is what's left of Saffira's conciousness, corrupted and in pain, with Schala not knowing where she ends and Lavos begins. Eventually, Schala manages to bring Saffira to her senses long enough for her to implore Schala to stop Kale. Saffira then merges her essence with Schala, finally at peace.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 10:14:33 pm by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
  • Black Wind Agent (+600)
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Full Name: Dalton
Gender: Male
Occupation: Emperor of Porre
Origin: Unknown
Age: 35
Species: Human
Home Time: Unknown
Home Area: Porre
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 218 lbs.
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Yellow
Build: Muscular
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Demonic Greatsword
Innate Element: All
Rival to: Lark


Full Name: Diana Vaal
Gender: Female
Occupation: Porrean Sleeper Assassin
Origin: Porre
Age: 24
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Porre
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Build: Slender
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Large Guns/Cannons
Innate Element: Yellow
Rival to: Glenn


Full Name: Hans Vaal
Gender: Male
Occupation: Porrean Commander
Origin: Porre
Age: 28
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Porre
Height: 6"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Build: Average
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Rapier
Innate Element: Green
Rival to: Reika


Full Name: Yarlen Shald
Gender: Male
Occupation: Porrean Chief Scientist
Origin: Porre
Age: 35
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Porre
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Build: Scrawny
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Personal Warmech
Innate Element: White
Rival to: Gilbert/Schwann


Full Name: Carmillia Vastor
Gender: Female
Occupation: Governor-Prefect of Guardia
Origin: Porre
Age: 33
Species: Human
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Guardia
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair Color: Maroon
Eyes: Red
Build: Slender
Hand: Left
Weapon Type: Whip
Innate Element: Red
Rival to: Laura


Mura & Same
Gender: Indeterminate
Occupation: Demonic Dream Spirits of Dalton's Sword
Origin: Split off from the Masamune
Age: Indeterminate
Species: Dream Spirits (Malevolent)
Home Time: 1227 AD
Home Area: Porre
Height: 3"
Weight: Weightless
Eye Color: Red (Black Sclera)
Build: Impish
Innate Element: Black
Rival to: Masa, Mune, and Doreen

General Info - During the Fall of Guardia, Dalton stole the Masamune. In his hands, it became a tool of bloodshed, eventually becoming corrupted. As it became so, these two Dream Spirits were born from Dalton's desires for glory and conquest.

After Dalton disappeared from the age, Mura and Same remained in the corrupted sword, sowing discord and corrupting the minds of all who found it, among them Radius and Dario. However, the two were dispelled from the Masamune by the power of the Einlanzer in the Dead Sea.

They would wander the ages, lost, until chance reunited them with Dalton. From then on, they would become his sword, the Murasame...


Full Name: Samele Zeal
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former Queen of Zeal/Right-hand of Kale (Dream Spirit of Guilt)
Origin: Kingdom of Zeal (Born from Schala's repressed guilt)
Age: Indeterminate (Appears 25)
Species: Human...? (Malevolent Dream Spirit)
Home Time: 12,000 BC
Home Area: Unknown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 129 lbs.
Hair Color: Teal Blue
Eye Color: Red
Build: Voluptuous
Hand: Right
Weapon Type: Scythe
Innate Element: All
Rival to: Schala

General Info: The former Queen of the ancient kingdom of Zeal, previously believed to have been killed in the Black Omen. Whatever connection that she was granted with Lavos has inexplicably drawn her to Kale's side. Having seemingly acquired the immortality she has sought, she aids him in fueling Carmillia Vastor's delusions of granduer.

What is her role in Kale's plans? How did she survive, and why has she returned? Only the past knows for certain...

However, the truth is far more complex. Simply put, this creature is not who she claims to be. Samele Zeal died long ago, even before the Black Omen. She died shortly after her husband, when she realized she had killed him under the Frozen Flame's influence, and subsequently destroyed her own mind to prevent Lavos from using her to hurt her children as well. Unfortunately, there was no reason that something else couldn't control her.

A dream spirit, malevolent and crafty, was born from the utter pain and guilt Schala felt over the death of her father and failure to save her mother. The creature, feeding off the very guilt it was born of, held a ravenous hunger and realized that it could use the now catatonic queen as its vessel. Sifting through the memories, it restored only the negative aspects of the queen's personality. As a result, Samele Zeal was reborn as a psychophantic servant of Lavos with the spirit conveniently along for the ride, purposely targeting Schala and perpetuating her guilt in order to continue feeding.

Even after the Ocean Palace disaster, even after the battle atop the Black Omen destroyed what remained of Samele's mind, even after the Time Devourer... she has fed well, with nobody save Kale ever the wiser.

...until the path of the normal/true endings in Act 4. Schala, having found closure with Serge, resolves to return to the ruins of Zeal in order to put the past behind her. Upon seeing the spectral memories of Samele's true final moments, she realizes what has been transpiring for years, and becomes distraught by the fact that all her beliefs that her mother would see reason and all the suffering she endured as a result were all for nothing... before becoming completely and utterly enraged. Finally able to see the truth, Schala confronts the spirit, who realizes that her power supply has now been officially cut off.

Regardless, the spirit and Schala have their final confrontation in the Parasite Palce...

Final Fate:

In the Bad Ending, Schala never returns to the ruins, so the spirit is able to keep up her deception to the very end, giving Kale the perfect opportunity the extract the Frozen Flame from Lark. In the end, she and Kale are brutally killed soon after by the Lavos-possessed Schala.

In the Normal/True Ending, Schala's confrontation in the ruins emboldens her, leaving the spirit no other choice but to fight her on even ground. In the end, the Dream Spirit of Guilt is no longer a match for Schala's newfound will, and is completely destroyed.


Full Name: Kale
Gender: Male
Occupation: Judge/Executioner
Origin: An era long before humanity...
Age: Timeless
Species: Dragonian
Home Time: Lost to time...
Home Area: Lost to time...
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 286 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blood Red
Build: Muscular
Hand: Ambidextrous
Weapon Type: Wrist Blades
Innate Element: Black

General Overview: A myserious figure pulling the strings of Carmillia Vastor in Guardia for some sort of unknown purpose. In actuality, he is a humanoid dragon with an imposing prescence and dark countenance. He is a being utterly devoid of empathy save for one person, and even that is twisted by his own delusional mind.

In his own words, he is the creator of the interstellar parasite known as Lavos, and so he seeks the Frozen Flame, intending to claim 'what is rightfully his'. Judging by the fact that he is able to not only summon Lavos Spawn from the Darkness Between Dimensions, but control them as extensions of himself, there may very well be some truth to his claims.

Kale believes himself to be one chosen to bring judgement to the gods, and will not allow anything to stand in his way. There is no doubt that if left alone he will bring about the complete and utter destruckion of the planet...


Full Name: Lavos
Gender: Asexual
Occupation: Parasite
Origin: An era long before humanity...
Age: Ageless
Species: Vanarathian Tick mutated by Kale's genetics and Saffira's absorption.
Home Time: Lost to time...
Home Area: Lost to time...

(To be modified later.)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 05:32:33 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
  • Black Wind Agent (+600)
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Trophy List

(If I had my way, the potential game would be full 3D, but I'd settle for 2D on PSN.)


Bronze Trophies:

Last of the Dreamers - Completed Schala's Prologue.
Burning Justice - Completed Lark's Prologue.
Fate or Chance? - Escaped from Porre.
To the North - Protected the convoy and entered Guardia.
Her Majesty's Service - Earned the confidence of Governor Carmillia.
Unwanted Memories - Completed Act 1.
A House Divided - Escaped from Guardia... without Lark.
Arbiter's Fury - Defeated a former friend driven to madness... at a great cost.
The Planet's Nightmare - Discovered the identity of the one who changed history.
Redemption - Completed Act 2.
Dragoon's Confidant - Gained the trust of the Acacia Dragoons.
My Cursed Existance - Lark's parents and Glenn's sister have been avenged... but Schala...
The Beginning of the End - Witnessed first-hand the death of an ancient King.
Wedding Bells - Completed Act 3.

As Long as it Pays the Bills - Completed your first Mission.
War Games - Completed your first Command Sequence.
Brave New World - Unlock the World Map for the first time.
Everything Begins With Nu - Discovered your first Nu Hiding Spot.
Dual Basics - Performed your first Dual Tech.
Full Assault - Performed your first Triple Tech.
That's Gotta Hurt! - Performed your first Ultimate Tech.
Cross Combo Adept - Dealt at least 1,000 damage with a Cross Combo.
Chain Adept - Chain 20 hits during a Cross Combo.
Element Driver - Utilized 50 Element Drives.
Power of Nature - Won a battle using only Elements.
Getting to Know You - Watched your first Skit.
When this Baby Hits 88MPH... - Drive full speed on the Jet Bike in 2486 AD for 1 minute.
Monster Hunter - Fill 50% of the Bestiary.
Informist - Completed 25% of the Codex.
Studious - Completed 50% of the Codex.
Captain's Favor - Glenn joins your party.
Mermaid's Affection - Reika joins your party.
Guardian's Fist - Gilbert Joins your party.
Knight's Loyalty - Laura joins your party.
Dragoon's Honor - Schwann joins your party.
Wyrm's Amusement - Lavenda joins your party.
Princess' Trust - Schala rejoins the party.
Princess' Will - Perform all of Schala's techs at least once.
Demon's Fury - Perform all of Lark's techs at least once.
Captain's Bullet - Perform all of Glenn's techs at least once.
Mermaid's Arrow - Perform all of Reika's techs at least once.
Cyborg's Fist - Perform all of Gilbert's techs at least once.
Knight's Sword - Perform all of Laura's techs at least once.
Dragoon's Axe - Perform all of Schwann's techs at least once.
Magician's Mask - Perform all of Magil's techs at least once.
Wyrm's Lash - Perform all of Lavenda's Techs at least once.

Silver Trophies

Midas' Hubris - Liberated Choras. Glenn has got his work cut out for him.
Through the Ocean Blue - Crowned a new Sage of Marbule. What will Reika do now, though?
My Devotion - Rescued General Maria. Schwann has some explaining to do.
The Patriot - Defeated Shald... Gilbert has now found peace...
Succession Crisis - Liberated Guardia. Laura's ancestors would be proud.
Vengeance - Defeated Dalton and brought down the Porre Empire. Medina's fallen can now rest in peace.
Corrupted Blood - Defeated the last shadow of Zeal. All that's left is...
But the Future Refused to Change - Defeated the Planet's Nightmare, but the price was too high... (Bad Ending)
The Planet's Sorrow - Discovered the origins of Lavos. Lavenda can only lament the tragedy...
Pyrrhic Victory - Defeated the machinations of Kale, but was the sacrifice worth it...? (Normal Ending)

Flame Champion - Became the Arbiter of the Frozen Flame.
A New Dream Awakens - Begin your first New Game+.
Time Marches On - Viewed all Extra Endings.
They're Running the Asylum - Unlock the Developer's Office.
Those Guys are a Pain! - Complete the NuMamonja Mission line.
Fury of the Planet - Complete the Count Marduke Mission line.
Pissing Contest - Complete the Bloodfang Mercenaries Mission line.
Demon's Glory - Became the next Fiendlord
A Love Story Across Time - Viewed all scenes between Lark and Schala throughout the game.
Everything Ends with Nu - Discovered all Nu Hiding Spots.
Scholar - Completed 75% of the Codex.
Monster Master - Completed the Bestiary
Cross Combo Master - Dealt at least 5,000 damage with a Cross Combo.
Chain Master - Chain 50 hits with a Cross Combo.
Ultimate Cross Combo - Utilize an Element Drive, then a Summon, and finish with an Ultimate Tech at the last second.
Troll - Kill 50 enemies with DoT damage from Lavenda's magic.

Gold Trophies

Balthesar's Lament - Vowed to prevent the stagnation of mankind.
A Radical Dreamer - Made peace with those left behind.
After the Fall - Made peace with your sins.
Harmony - Reconstructed the Chrono Cross.
To the Sea of Dreams - Destroyed the true evil from within the shores of Zurvan. (True Ending.)

A Crimson Echo - Defeated a great evil from an alternate reality.
Professor - Completed the Codex.
Entertaining - Viewed all skits.
Historical Value - Using the Codex, reconstruct the original timeline from before history was changed.
Special Thanks - Fully furnished the Developer's Office.
Confidence of the Masses - Completed all Missions.

Platinum Trophy

To Far Away Times - Completed everything in the game.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 11:19:45 pm by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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FMV Descriptions



1. Change and Arrival - We see Schala as she appeared at the end of Chrono Cross, floating within a darkened void unconscious. Her body begins to glow white signifying another genetic change. Her figure becomes less childlike and slightly more womanly. Her hair changes from blonde to silver, and her eyes change color back to green.

The screen fades to black.

Caption: And if, somehow, a part of me shall remain...

The screen turns white before refocusing on a snowy landscape in the year 2400 AD. Schala is asleep on the grass, a sword embedded in the ground near her.

We see a figure running toward the unconscious girl. It is a man by the name of Roas Braugnwein. He kneels to check her pulse. Suddenly...

Porrean Scout: Search the area! Readings show the disturbance originated from here!

Roas stands up to meet them head on.

Porrean Scout: *raises weapon* Who are you?! Identify yourself!

Roas: Hmph...

Roas unsheaths dual katanas.


2. Assault on the Ark - Roas' ships wait for the order.

Roas: Fire!

The carriers fire upon the Ark's defenses. Alarm klaxons sound as the area erupts in chaos. Radical Dreamers drop from the carriers and open fire on the Porrean infantry, Ninya leading them.

Vathos: We're up!

Techno: *as he jumps* I hate this paaaaaaaaaart!!!

Vathos lands on his feet and immediately starts unloading rounds from a large chaingun. Techno lands on his rear.

We cut to Schala up next to jump. Time seems to slow as she witnesses the battle before her. A strong pat on her shoulder brings her back to reality.

Dreamer: You're next! Go!

Schala jumps, gliding gracefully through the air before landing from a flip. Three troopers approach her, weapons drawn. She unsheaths her dagger and the Masamune and takes them down, tossing a throwing knife at a fourth trooper.

Schala runs down the walkway to see Fin struggling with a trooper. She almost reaches them when Fin fires, killing the trooper. Fin falls backward, shaken that she had actually killed a person.

Schala: Fin! Fin! Calm down! Remember why we're here.

Fin nods and is helped up. The two women continue on to see Roas making short work of eight troopers.

Roas: Hey! What kept you?

Suddenly, a Warmech drops down in front of them.

Roas: Huh. Is this what passes for cavalry around here?

Schala: Tell me you're joking.

Roas: He's not.

The Warmech stands ready.

Schala: Lovely...


3. Temporal Recurrence - A large beam of light shoots from the Ark, then morphs into a ring wave encompassing the entire planet. The appearance of the Ark changes as new armaments appear from nowhere. Resistance members hit by the wave disappear into light as it passes. Techno, Vathos, and Ninya are not affected.

Porrean troops hit by the wave are changed, suddenly equipped with more advanced armor and weapons. Even the Warmechs are given sleeker designs and armaments.

Inside the Ark, Roas and Schala unshield their eyes. Schala nearly falls backward as she sees a giant Warmech where Arkham was just moments ago. The Colossus' eye sockets begin to glow...


4. Through the Gate: Death of a Mentor - Shock Troopers immediately open fire on the fleeing Schala. Roas steps in the way, taking a couple of hits in the process.

Schala leaps from the balcony and into the waiting Gate.

Roas notices the Warmech aiming a large cannon at the Gate. Glowing with a bluish aura, he charges at the mech point-blank just as it fires.

Schala sees the resulting explosion. Flying out of the fireball is one of Roas' katanas, which imbeds itself into the floor. We cut to a shot of Schala's horrified expression just as the Gate closes around her.

We pan out from the chamber as the screen goes white. Back to Schala from within the timestream, she sees a vision, a shadow of a memory. One of a red-haired teen being engulfed in light.

Shedding a few tears for the fallen, Schala allows the timestream to carry her into the unknown...


5. Lab Explosion - Inside the Labs, the warmech manages to tear itself from its other arm trapped in the magnet. Meanwhile, Lark scrambles to get away from the complex. He is thrown forward by the ensuing explosion and hits the ground rolling.

Rising, his eyes widen when he sees the silhouette of the warmech in the flames. However, bit by bit, the machine crumbles apart, finally stopped.

Lark collapses backwards, spread-eagle.

Lark: I don't get paid enough for this crap...


6. Envoy from the Future - We see Lark gaze at the sky for a few more moments before he follows Glenn and the freed hostages back to the village.

As they leave, the smoke and clouds over the destroyed lab part, revealing a glowing blue light. The light floats to the ground... then expands.

The Gate opens, revealing Schala inside it. Time slows as Schala floats out of the Gate. Time resumes as she falls to her knees, the Gate closing behind her. Looking around, she sees the fiery ruins behind her. Standing to her feet, her hand absentmindedly moves to the bracelet where Techno stored his Codex.

She lowers her head as the camera pans out, at a loss as to what to do now...


7. Porre in All its Majesty - The carrier cab drives through the gates of the city. As opposed to the 13th century influence of the rest of the world, Porre clearly looks a cross between that and the 22nd century, far more advanced than a city from this time should be.

We see troops marching en-mass with more modern-day weaponry. We see viewing screens showing what appear to be Porrean propaganda films. We see steam-punk inspired cars parked all along the sidewalks. Smokestacks churn out smoke in the industrial districts. Tall skyscrapers blot the sky in the noble's districts.

And finally, Schala's face darkens at the sight of the Ark of the Black Lion looming high above the city. We pan out to a bird's-eye view of the city, as we see that Porre encompasses far more land than originally thought...


8. Captured - We see from Schala's eyes as shadowed figures enter their sight; Porre's Chief Scientist Yarlen Shald and two soldiers.

Shald: Well well... Did you have fun? Just what did you hope to accomplish here, hmmm? All you've done is delay the inevitable. (Leans forward) After all, a future without Porre is no future at all. (Smiles twistedly)

(The screen turns white.)

Shald: That's right. I know who you are, and I know why you're here. But you are too late. You are far, far too late. *cackles*

We cut to Porrean hover-vehicles surrounding the Opera House. Lark and Schala, cuffed and chained, are pushed through the doors by Military Police. They are led and shoved into one of the hover vehicles amidst angered and frightened onlookers. Unknownst to Schala, Lark's face darkens as he gives them a menacing glare, as if to say 'I'll make all of your lives Hell' before the transport closes.

The prison transport rises and heads towards the Ark. Meanwhile, Glenn, who had caught up, can only watch...


9. A Demon Unleashed - As the flames rise over their makeshift pyre, Lark suddenly gives out a furious and guttural roar as his eyes pool with a glowing red light.

With a mighty feat of sudden strength, Lark breaks free of his and Schala's restraints.

Executioner: What?! What the hell's going on!!?

The flames around the pyre transform into a cyclone of flame, obscuring the condemned. The now frightened nobles begin to run as more soldiers enter the arena. Inside the cyclone, a frightened Schala witnesses a transformation.

The cyclone dissipates. Standing in Lark's place is a demon with coal-black skin, black feathered wings, and glowing red cracks along its body as if the flames of hell would burst forth from them at any moment.

Soldier: Demon!!!

The soldiers immediately open fire, but the demon is already on the attack, smashing soldiers across the arena left and right. Spectral chained claws of flame impale and set aflame others. Hellfire engulfs the arena. The Commander takes this as a cue to retreat.

Schala can only back away from the sight of this demon surround by corpses and flame...


10. Escape! - Soldiers surround the hall, drawing their weapons on the duo. Lark and Schala are backed into the balcony railing. Lark looks down at the long drop, then turns and glares at the soldiers.

Schala: Now what?

From above, the Colossus from before drops down behind the soldiers.

Lark: That can't be good.

Lark makes one last look over the railing as the soldiers aim to fire. Without warning he grabs a shocked Schala and leaps over the balcony. As they fall, Lark sprouts his demon wings. He then launches a ball of fire into the air, where it explodes.

Lark: Glenn!!

As if responding to the signal, a three-seater hover bike, with Glenn as its pilot, emerges from behind a nearby building. Lark aims for the passenger seats. As he and Schala land safely on the Wind Rider, she slaps him.

Schala: What the hell?!

Lark: Sorry. Spur of the moment.

Glenn does a double-take when he sees Schala.

Glenn: Do I want to know?

Nearby, aerial warmechs prepare to launch in pursuit.

Lark: No time! Go!

The three are soon chased above the city, weaving across the skyscrapers as their pursuers try to shoot them down. Lark and Schala eventually return fire with their Elements, the pursuit eventually breaking off.

The Wind Rider eventually passes the city limits.

Lark: Woohoo! We're gonna make it!

Unfortunately, back at the Ark, the Colossus takes aim and fires. The almost impossible shot hits the Rider's left engine.

Glenn: Dammit Lark! You jinxed us!!

The vehicle takes an uncontrollable dive towards the forest below. Lark shields Schala from the inevitable crash while Glenn ducks his head.

The vehicle soon disappears into the trees. Some of the trees soon shake and a pillar of smoke rises...


11. A Charming Companion? (Reika's Introduction) - Lark gets a sudden chill as he heads back to the Tavern with Jessica and Mina. He turns around...

Reika: You JERK!!

The girl's punch sends the man flying back, comically rolling a couple of times before skidding to a stop. Mina and Jessica immediately rush over to him.

We cut to his view as we pan up Reika.

Reika: I leave you alone for one week, and already you're flirting! Is it too much to ask to reign it in?!

We finally stop at Reika's annoyed face.


12. Leviathan Across the Bridge - We see Reika glowing in a blue aura. Suddenly, an orb of blue light emerges from her body.

Reika: Wake up...! We need your help!

Reika raises her arm and the orb explodes, beginning to form a shape.

Porrean Captain: Is that thing casting a summon?! Fire! Fire!!

His men begin firing, but it is too late. A large wave of water crushes the battalion.

The water begins to form into a long shape. Soon enough, Leviathan gives a mighty roar, causing the survivors to flee. But the beast is not finished, and she charges across the bridge, knocking away or devouring anyone in her path. The bridge supports begin to crumble under her assault.

Hans wakes up just in time to see the Summon charging forward. He doesn't get the chance to shout out a cry before he is swallowed in a tidal wave.

And finally, the central supports of the Zenan Bridge give out, sending the Second Checkpoint crashing into the river. Schala and the others look on in a mixture of fear and awe before Reika can be heard collapsing to her knees, her aura fading.

Reika: Thank you...

We pan out to a far view of the remains of the bridge. Leviathan gives one last roar before melting back into water...


13. Enter the Dragoons (Gilbert and Schwann's Introduction)


14. Memories, Madness, and Tragedy


Act 2:

15. An Arbiter is Born


16. Corruption


17. A Beloved Sacrifice


18. Enter Kale


19. Justice? Vengeance? Or Excuses?


20. Escape from the Colossus


Act 3:

21. Survivors of the Dragon Race (Lavenda's Introduction)


22. Dinner Party


23. Cursed Existance


24. Majesty of Zeal


25. Death of Alphard


26. Dueling Dragons


27. The Rune Cannon Fires


28. A Tender Emotion


29. A Fiendlord is Born


Act 4:

31. The Nightmare


32. Liberation


33. Gilbert's Last Stand


34. The Assault of Porre


35. Assault on the Colossus


36. Death of a Tyrant


37. Judgement of the Planet


38. Balthesar's Lament


39. Destruction and Despair


40. Madness of Loss


41. The Delusional God


42. A Bitter Farewell


43. Destruction and Sacrifice


44. Into the Sea of Dreams


45. Death of an Abomination


46. The Chrono Trigger


47. Destruction and Creation


48: A Farewell to Arms.


49. Forward into the Future.


50. An Epilogue
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 02:28:50 am by skylark »


  • Guru of Time Emeritus
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I've totally fallen behind in feedback, but skylark, I just wanted to say I'm enjoying the way you started off with a short synopsis and are gradually expanding into more esoteric, world-specific things in this overview thread. It's successfully leading me on as a reader, so I shall have to give your full script a read in the script-dedicated thread.

I've always thought of Schala as 22 and more like 5'7'', but we'll let that slide.  :wink: Can't wait to dig in. Your character bios are so much better than mine were, back when I started out by doing that sort of thing -- you are totally on the right track there IMO. You've inspired me to try my hand at it again. Character bios are so fun!

The post dedicated to achievements ("Trophies") is especially fascinating to me. The game industry has really enforced this over the past three or four years, hasn't it?


  • Poet of El Nido
  • Black Wind Agent (+600)
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I've totally fallen behind in feedback, but skylark, I just wanted to say I'm enjoying the way you started off with a short synopsis and are gradually expanding into more esoteric, world-specific things in this overview thread. It's successfully leading me on as a reader, so I shall have to give your full script a read in the script-dedicated thread.

I've always thought of Schala as 22 and more like 5'7'', but we'll let that slide.  :wink: Can't wait to dig in. Your character bios are so much better than mine were, back when I started out by doing that sort of thing -- you are totally on the right track there IMO. You've inspired me to try my hand at it again. Character bios are so fun!

The post dedicated to achievements ("Trophies") is especially fascinating to me. The game industry has really enforced this over the past three or four years, hasn't it?

Well, it' also a personal reference thread for me for in case I get sidetracked. :P

Well, I always felt that Schala was 17 and Kid was 16. Plus, we see Schala's body changing in the first FMV. Who's to say she didn't grow a couple of inches? Besides, it's more of a design choice. I wanted to have Lark and Schala nearly the same height. :wink:

Yeah, I always get a good feeling when I get a trophy. It says that I've reached a certain milestone, and it's very cathartic. :P


  • Poet of El Nido
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Single Tech List


Physical Techs:

Rapid Strike - A series of lightning-fast attacks with sword and dagger. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Dagger Toss - Throw a whole bunch of throwing knives at once. (Target: All Enemies)

Backflip - Launch an enemy with a well-placed wind-assited flip kick. (Target: Enemy Group)

X Breaker - The ultimate dual-blade technique learned from your mentor. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits: x4)

(Note: After a certain event in Act 3, Schala's Rapid Strike will change into Sword Dance.)

Sword Dance - A beautiful, yet deadly dance with two swords. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits: x3)

Magical Techs:

Skygate (White) - Light up an enemy from above and below. (Target: Single Enemy)

Luminaire (White) - Unleash holy destruction. (Target: All Enemies) (Can exceed Damage Limit)

Dark Bomb (Black) - Bombard foes with negative energy. (Target: Enemy Group)

Forever Zero (Black) - Return all to nothingness. (Target: All Enemies) (Can exceed Damage Limit)

Starburst (Blue) - Drown the enemy with a mystic deluge. (Target: All Enemies)

Conflagration (Red) - Burn the enemy with hellfire. (Target: All Enemies)

Gigawatt Blow (Yellow) - Fry the enemy with lightning. (Target: All Enemies)

Constriction (Green) - Strangle the enemy with summoned vines. (Target: All Enemies)

Support Techs:

Pilfer - Snatch an item from an unsuspecting foe. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Recover - Heal a certain amount of HP. (Target: Single Ally) (Starting Tech)

RecoverAll - Heal a decent amount of HP to everyone. (Target: All Allies)

Mystic Font - Raise an ally's magic power. (Target: Single Ally) (Stacks with Genius Element)


Physical Techs:

Flame Knuckle (Red) - A one-two-three of fiery fury. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Hundred-Stab - Spear your foes faster than they can blink. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits: x2)

Air Drop - Fly high into the air to perform a mighty dropkick. (Target: Single Enemy)

Overflow (Red) - Fill an enemy with fire energy and make them explode! (Target: Single Enemy)

Magical Techs:

Heat Bomber (Red) - Toss a larger-than-normal fireball. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-Tier) (Starting Tech)

Explosion (Red) - Burn your foes to a crisp. (Target: All Enemies) (Mid-Tier)

Flare (Red) - Call forth the flames of justice. (Target: All Enemies) (High-Tier) (Can exceed Damage Limit)

Support Techs:

War Cry - Unleash one's fighting spirit. (Target: Single Ally) (Starting Tech) (Stacks with Strengthen Element)

Demon's Roar - Powerful shout disorients foes. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance of inflicting Fear status)


Physical Techs:

AP Bullet - Fire an armor-piercing shot through your foes. (Target: Enemy Line) (Ignores defense) (Starting Tech)

Chaos Mine - Shrapenel grenade leaves enemies in a world of hurt. (Target: Enemy Group) (Chance to inflict Confuse status)

Bullet Storm - Fire everything you've got. (Target: Immediate area)

Magical Techs:

Razor Wind (Green) - Fire off a wind blade or two. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-Tier)

Tempest (Green) - A large gust rips apart foes. (Target: Enemy Group) (Mid-Tier)

Hurricane (Green) - Massive storm blows enemies away. (Target: All Enemies) (High-Tier)

Support Techs:

Swipe - Quick footwork leaves an enemy without its belongings. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Heal - Restore a decent amount of HP. (Target: Single Ally)

Heal Plus - Restore a great amount of HP. (Target: Single Ally)

Heal All - Restore a massive amount of HP to all allies. (Target: All Allies)

Regeneration - A potent medicine that gradually restores vitality. (Target: Single Ally) (Bestows Regen status)

Purify - An herbal remedy said to lift status ailments. (Target: Single Ally)

Smelling Salts - A strong remedy that awakens a wounded ally. (Target: Single Ally)


Physical Techs:

Piercing Arrow - Fly your shot straight and true. (Target: Enemy Line)

Arrow Rain - Turn your foes into pincushions. (Target: All Enemies)

Magical Techs:

Aquaburst (Blue) - The enemy sure could use a bath. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-tier) (Starting Tech)

Snowblind (Blue) - Subject your foe to a chill. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Frozen status)

Whirlpool (Blue) - Flush your enemies with a massive wave. (Target: All Enemies) (Mid-tier)

Deep Freeze (Blue) - Freeze your opponent solid. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Frozen status)

Tsunami (Blue) - Banish your foes into the deep. (Target: All Enemies) (High-tier)

Cocytus - Unleash the frozen hell of the Tenth Circle. (Target: Enemy Group) (Chance to inflict Frozen status)

Support Techs:

Charm - Distract enemies with feminine wiles and take their items. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Haste - Incease ally's agility. (Target: Single Ally) (Stacks with Nimble Element)

Cure - Heal a decent amount of HP. (Target: Single Ally) (Starting Tech)

Cure All - Heal a great amount of HP to all allies. (Target: All Allies)

Revive - Bring an ally back from the brink. (Target: Single Ally)


Physical Techs:

Rocket Punch - Fire a rocket-propelled fist at an enemy. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Multi-Fist - A rapid-fire flurry of punches. (Target: Single Enemy)

Hair Cutter (Black) - Deploy laser hair to cut enemies down to size. (Target: Enemy Line)

Deathblow (Black) - One well-placed hit could knock down a foe. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance of Instant Death)

Magical Techs:

Shadow Force (Black) - Attack a foe with summoned shadows. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-tier)

Shadow Blaze (Black) - Black flames judge your foes. (Target: All Enemies) (Mid-tier)

Shadow Crash (Black) - Crush your foes with the dark. (Target: All Enemies) (High-tier)

Support Techs:

Shut Down - Save power to come back stronger. (Target: Self) (Inflicts Shut Down status for 3 turns) (Starting Tech)

Black Fog - A dark mist disorients foes. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance of inflicting Blind status)


Physical Techs:

Cyclone - Spin-cut nearby enemies. (Target: Enemy Group) (Starting Tech)

Slash (White) - Fire off a shockwave. (Target: Enemy Line)

Divider - Cleave an enemy in two. (Target: Single Enemy)

Frenzy - Confuse the enemy with fast movements and strike. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits: x4) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)

Magical Techs:

Light Blast (White) - Blind an enemy with light. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-tier) (Starting Tech)

Lucid Shine (White) - Strike all enemies with light rays. (Target: All Enemies) (Mid-tier)

Holy Lightning (White) - Sear enemies with light from the heavens. (Target: All Enemies) (High-tier)

Support Techs:

Aura - Heal a decent amount of HP. (Target: Single Ally) (Starting Tech)

Provoke - Draw enemy attacks to you. (Target: Self) (Starting Tech)

Protector - Increase resistance to magic. (Target: Single Ally) (Stacks with Strong Minded Element)

Resurrection - Revive an ally to Full HP. (Target: Single Ally)


Physical Techs:

Tiger's Fang - One swing usually does the trick. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Rock Tosser - Toss an large boulder. (Target: Single Enemy)

Bolt Cutter (Yellow) - A bolt of thunder arcs along the ground. (Target: Enemy Line)

Tiger's Fury - A technique passed down the Tarvos Clan for generations. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits: x3) (Can exceed Damage Limit)

Magical Techs:

Stone Crusher (Yellow) - A stalagmite shoots from the ground. (Target: Single Enemy) (Low-tier) (Starting Tech)

Rock Spire (Yellow) - Stalagtites fall upon enemies. (Target: All Enemies) (Mid-tier)

Gaia's Rage (Yellow) - The earth swallows up foes. (Target: All Enemies) (High-tier)

Support Techs:

Stonewall - Raise a comrade's fortitude. (Target: Single Ally) (Stacks with Hi Res Element)

Tiger's Roar - Beast's shout paralyzes enemies. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance of inflicting Stop status)


Physical Techs:

Hundred Lashes - Make sure they call you Queen. (Target: Single Enemy) (Strikes twice)

Dragon's Bite - Call upon a dragon to devour an enemy whole. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance for Instant Death)

Coiled Serpent - Foes are wrapped in bladed thorns. (Target: Enemy Group) (Damages by %of player HP. Less HP = more damage)

Karmic Retribution - Make a foe feel the pain of their sins all at once. (Target: Single Enemy) (Damage multiplies by every Damage over Time effect afflicted on the enemy, up to x4)

Magical Techs:

Shrouded Venom - Choking toxins detriorate foes. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to afflict Poison status.) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect.)

Dark Gear - Crush your foes slowly with conjured shadows. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to afflict Stop status.) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect.)

Antimatter - Slowly tear your foe apart from the inside. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to afflict Fear status.) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect.)

Shadow Wound - Festering wounds drive foes to madness. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Confusion status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect.)

Bloody Eye - Blood magic boils foes eyes. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inlict Blind status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Cursed Word - Forbidden spell curses foes. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Curse status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Black Ice: Freeze the very soul of an enemy. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Frozen status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Infernal Plague: Inflicts foes with a cursed sickness. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Flu status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Corrupting Rot: Black magic dissolves a foe's bones. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Sprain status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Third Degree: Blood magic conjures up phantom flames to immolate foes. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Burn status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Waking Nightmare: Forbidden spell pulls foes into a sleep of death. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Sleep status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Demonic Absorbtion: Forbidden spell drains enemies' will to fight. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Fatigue status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)

Support Techs:

Blood Siphon - Forbidden spell steals the life force of an enemy and makes it your own. (Target: Single Enemy) (Restores 50% of HP stolen and bestows Regen status to self) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect.)

Rejection - Black speech nullifies all magic. (Target: Field) (Inflicts Seal status)


Physical Techs:

Wandain - Teleport your staff into a foe's innards. (Target: Single Enemy) (Starting Tech)

Wanda Swords - Transform your staff into a mass of swords to impale your foes. (Target: Single Enemy)

Lightning Rod (Black) - Use your staff to conduct a bolt of black lightning. (Target: Single Enemy)

Doomscythe - Awaken a reminder of your dark past to slice foes to ribbons. (Target: Enemy Group)

Magical Techs:

Dark Mist - Dissolve your enemies with this forbidden spell. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance of decreasing Defense) (Starting Tech)

Devil's Claw - Drag an enemy to Hell. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance of Instant Death)

Darkmatter - Give your foes a taste of absolute destruction. (Target: All Enemies)

Support Techs:

Mystic Font - Raise an ally's magic power. (Target: Single Ally) (Stacks with Genius Element) (Starting Tech)


Dash & Slash - Attack your foe with lightning speed. (Target: Single Enemy)

X Breaker - Personal finishing technique. (Target: All Enemies) (Hits: x4)


(Fin does not have Techs.)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 02:52:52 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Dual Techs

Schala - Lark

Red Pin (Red) - Toss fire daggers at foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Dagger Toss (Schala), Heat Bomber (Lark)

Launch & Spike - Launch an enemy then SLAM it into the ground. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Backflip (Schala), Air Drop (Lark)

Supernova (White) - Combine holy and flame energies to annihilate foes. (Target: All Enemies) (Can exceed Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Luminaire (Schala), Flare (Lark)

(Note: At the beginning of Act 4, because of events at the end of Act 3, the animations of Launch & Spike and Supernova change to reflect them. They also gain a fourth Dual Tech together.)

Blade Waltz - A combination attack only possible due to the bond between husband and wife. (Can exceed Damage Limit) Techs Used - Sword Dance (Schala), Hundred Stab (Lark)

Schala - Glenn

Healing Wind - Regenerate the health of all allies. (Target: All Allies) (Bestows Regen status)
Techs Used: Recover (Schala), Regeneration (Glenn)

Tornado Dance (Green) - A dance of blade and razor wind. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used: Sword Dance (Schala), Tempest (Glenn)

Gale Force (Green) - What happens when tornados combine? (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Constriction (Schala), Hurricane (Glenn)

Schala - Reika

Twin Charm - Send your foes into bliss and get free stuff. (Target: Single Enemy) (If Lark is in the battle party, he gains War Cry status upon performing Twin Charm, complete with heart symbol above his head.)
Techs Used - Charm (Reika), Pilfer (Schala)

Frozen Rain (Blue) - A freezing downpour guaranteed to ruin your enemies' day. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Hexagon Mist (Schala), Deep Freeze (Reika)

Double Cure - Heavy healing for all allies that also increases evade. (Target: All Allies) (Stacks with Nimble Element)
Techs Used - Recover All (Schala), Cure All (Reika)

Schala - Gilbert

Graviton Pressure (Black) - Dark powers crush enemies. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used: Dark Bomb (Schala), Shadow Force (Gilbert)

Nullify - Dark powers nullify Elements. (Target: Everyone) (Bestows Seal All effect)
Techs Used: Mystic Font (Schala), Black Fog (Gilbert)

Zero Vulcan (Black) - Blast enemies into the Void. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed Damage Limit)
Techs Used: Forever Zero (Schala), Multi-Fist (Gilbert)

Schala - Laura

Shining Knives (White) - Toss blades of light. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Dagger Toss (Schala), Light Blast (Laura)

X-Strike - A simple attack, yet classic. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed Damage Limit)
Techs Used: Rapid Strike (Schala), Cyclone (Laura)

Magic Circle - Increase magical might. (Target: All Allies) (Bestows Genius and Strong Minded effects)
Techs Used: Protector (Laura), Mystic Font (Schala)

Schala - Schwann

Falcon Hit - Toss your ally for an aerial strike! (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used: Rock Tosser (Schwann), Rapid Strike (Schala)

Earthen Prayer - Restore some HP and increase defense. (Target: All Allies)
Techs Used: Stonewall (Schwann), Recover (Schala)

Shockwave (Yellow) - Kick an enemy to the air, and watch them crash down. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Tiger's Fury (Schwann), Backflip (Schala)

Schala - Lavenda

Black Fangs

Bloody Fullers

Hazard Zone

Schala - Magil

Yin & Yang (White) - A lost art between brother and sister. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Skygate (Schala), Darkmatter (Magil)

(Note: This is Magil's only Dual Tech.)

Lark - Glenn

Smash & Grab - Beat down an enemy and take their stuff. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Swipe (Glenn), Flame Knuckle (Lark)

Napalm (Red) - Toss an incendiary grenade. (Target: Enemy Group) (Chance to inflict Burn status)
Techs Used - Chaos Mine (Glenn), Explosion (Lark)

Tornado Flame (Red) - Catch enemies in a funnel of fire. (Target: All Enemies) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Flare (Lark), Hurricane (Glenn)

Lark - Reika

Antipod (Black) - Unleash opposing forces on an enemy. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Heat Bomber (Lark), Snowblind (Reika)

Comet Arrow (Red) - Rain fire upon your foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Heat Bomber (Lark), Arrow Rain (Reika)

Antipod Omega (Black) - Salamandine and Leviathan combine their destructive powers. (Target: All Enemies) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Flare (Lark), Cocytus (Reika)

Lark - Gilbert

Blazing Combo (Red) - A fiery attack of martial skill. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Multi-Fist (Gilbert), Flame Knuckle (Lark)

Flamethrower (Red) - Unleash a stream of concentrated flame. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Explosion (Lark), Multi-Fist (Gilbert)

Gravity Bomber (Black) - Crush the enemy with the force of a meteor. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Overflow (Lark), Shadow Crash (Gilbert)

Lark - Laura

Fire Whirl (Red) - A spinning sword of flame. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Heat Bomber (Lark), Cyclone (Laura)

Fire Sword (Red) - Unleash heat energy from your sword. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Explosion (Lark), Divider (Laura)

Flare Sword (Red) - Unleash solar energy from your sword. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Flare (Lark), Frenzy (Laura)

Lark - Schwann

Meteor Hit - Give the enemy a taste of a freefall dropkick. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Air Drop (Lark), Rock Tosser (Schwann)

Frightening Roar - Stops enemies in their tracks. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance of inflicting Fear and Stop status)
Techs Used - Demon's Roar (Lark), Tiger's Roar (Schwann)

Magma Driver (Red) - Show the enemy the planet's destructive fury. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Flare (Lark), Gaia's Rage (Schwann)

Lark - Lavenda

Aerial Assault (Green) - Dive-bomb an enemy from an unfathomable height. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used: Aerial Drop (Lark), Hundred Lashes (Lavenda)

Dragonfire (Red) - Call upon a swarm of fire drakes to carpet bomb foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Explosion (Lark), Dragon's Bite (Lavenda)

Hellfire (Red) - Enemies burn in agony. (Target: All Enemies) (Inflicts Burn status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)
Techs Used: Flare (Lark), Festering Wounds (Lavenda)

Glenn - Reika

Snowstorm (Green) - Batter foes with a chilled wind. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used: Razor Wind (Glenn), Snowblind (Reika)

Blizzard (Blue) - Freezing winds cripple foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Tempest (Glenn), Deep Freeze (Reika)

Curing Salve - Potent medicine heals and restores Element Power. (Target: All Allies)
Techs Used: Heal Plus (Glenn), Cure All (Reika)

Glenn - Gilbert

Gatling Raid - A storm of bullets perforates foes. (Target: Area)
Techs Used - Bullet Storm (Glenn), Multi-Fist (Gilbert)

Black Bullet (Black) - Evil bullet pierces through enemies. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used: AP Bullet (Glenn), Shadow Force (Gilbert)

Chaos Fog - Fog blinds enemies from multiple grenades. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance of inflicting Blind and Confuse status)
Techs Used - Black Fog (Gilbert), Chaos Mine (Glenn)

Glenn - Laura

Wind Slash (Green) - A sword wave followed by countless wind blades. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Slash (Laura), Razor Wind (Glenn)

Sword & Gun - Slash and blast through surrounding enemies. (Target: Area)
Techs Used - Bullet Storm (Glenn), Frenzy (Laura)

Holy Bullet (White) - Bullet of light pierces evil. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - AP Bullet (Glenn), Lucid Shine (Laura)

Glenn - Schwann

Rock Tornado (Green) - Fierce winds rip chunks of earth into enemies. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Tempest (Glenn), Rock Spire (Schwann)

Lightning Storm (Yellow) - Ferocious winds accompany booming thunder. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Hurricane (Glenn), Gaia's Rage (Schwann)

Thunder Raid (Yellow) - Destroy foes with a lightning-infused gatling. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Bullet Storm (Glenn), Bolt Cutter (Schwann)

Glenn - Lavenda

Drakewing (Green) -

Mach-5 (Green) -

Dirty Bomb (Black) - The next step in chemical warfare. (Target: All Enemies) (Inflicts Poison Status) (Inflicts a stacking Damage over Time effect)
Techs Used: Chaos Mine (Glenn), Shrouded Venom (Lavenda)

Reika - Gilbert

Freezing Fist (Blue) - Cryogenic punch freezes an enemy. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Frozen status)
Techs Used: Deep Freeze (Reika), Rocket Punch (Gilbert)

Black Rain (Black) - Enemies become caught in a deadly rainstorm. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Whirlpool (Reika), Black Fog (Gilbert)

Bubble Drop - Float over the enemy to deliver a flying elbow. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used: Tsunami (Reika), Deathblow (Gilbert)

Reika - Laura

Ice Sword (Blue) - Encase your sword in freezing mist. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Snowblind (Reika), Divider (Laura)

Blizzard Blade (Blue) - Sub-Zero sword puts a foe on ice. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Cocytus (Reika), Frenzy (Laura)

Precognition - Guardian angel picks you up when you fall. (Target: Single Ally) (Bestows Auto-Revive status)
Techs Used: Revive (Reika), Resurrection (Laura)

Reika - Schwann

Cube Toss (Blue) - Hurl a glacier at your foes. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Rock Tosser (Schwann), Deep Freeze (Reika)

Avalanche (Blue) - Bury your foes under ice, rock, and snow. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Deep Freeze (Reika), Rock Spire (Schwann)

Ice Smasher (Blue) - Smash a frozen enemy to pieces. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Cocytus (Reika), Tiger's Fang (Schwann)

Reika - Lavenda

Tail Slap (Blue) - Sometimes, ass kicks you. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Piercing Arrow (Reika), Hundred Lashes (Lavenda)

Siren's Song


Gilbert - Laura

Shining Laser (White) - A holy light streaks across the battlefield. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Rocket Punch (Gilbert), Lucid Shine (Laura)

Black Sword (Black) - Encases sword in negative energy. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Divider (Laura), Shadow Blaze (Gilbert)

Gravity Sword (Black) - Crush an enemy with a sword of darkness. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Frenzy (Laura), Shadow Crash (Gilbert)

Gilbert - Schwann

Beast Toss - Punch an enemy back and forth. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Multi-Fist (Gilbert), Rock Tosser (Schwann)

Thunderhead (Yellow) - Charge cyborg hair with lightning energy. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Hair Cutter (Gilbert), Bolt Cutter (Schwann)

Skullcrusher - A brutal and often fatal combination attack. (Target: Single Enemy) (Doubles chance of inflicting Instant Death)
Techs Used - Deathblow (Gilbert), Tiger's Fury (Schwann)

Laura - Schwann

Stonecutter (Yellow) - Cut apart a petrified enemy. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance of inflicting Sprain status)
Techs Used - Divider (Laura), Stone Crusher (Schwann)

Spirits Up - Increase defensive might. (Target: All Allies) (Stacks with Hi Res and Strong Minded Elements)
Techs Used - Stonewall (Schwann), Protector (Laura)

Beast Frenzy - A maddened assault tears an enemy apart. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits x8)
Techs Used - Frenzy (Laura), Tiger's Fury (Schwann)

Laura - Lavenda

Venom Sword

Plague Sword

Shining Breath

Schwann - Lavenda

Lightning Scale


« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 01:24:46 am by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
  • Black Wind Agent (+600)
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Triple Techs

(All Triple Techs can exceed the Damage Limit.)

Schala - Lark - Glenn

Hotshot (Red) - Fry your enemies with a supercharged heat cannon. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Conflagration (Schala), Overflow (Lark), Bullet Storm (Glenn)

Schala - Lark - Reika

Trinity (White) - Fire, Ice, and Lightning combine to annihilate foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Gigawatt Blow (Schala), Flare (Lark), Cocytus (Reika)

Schala - Lark - Gilbert

Omegaflare (Black) - Dark nova destroys all. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used: Supernova (Lark, Schala), Shadow Crash (Gilbert)

Schala - Lark - Laura

Z-Slash - A dance of blades cuts an enemy to pieces. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - X-Strike (Schala, Laura), Hundred Stab (Lark)

Schala - Lark - Schwann

Meteor Drive - Launch and smash an enemy. Twice!
Techs Used - Launch & Spike (Schala, Lark), Tiger's Fang (Schwann)

Schala - Lark - Lavenda

Dark Eternal

Schala - Glenn - Reika

Omnicure - Restore allies to full health. (Target: All Allies) (Exceeds HP Limit)
Techs Used - Double Cure (Schala, Reika), Heal All (Glenn)

Schala - Glenn - Gilbert

Black Wind (Black) - Fortell the enemies' doom. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance to inflict Instant Death)
Techs Used - Graviton Pressure (Schala, Gilbert), Tempest (Glenn)

Schala - Glenn - Laura

Holy Healing - Heal allies and cure negative status effects. (Target: All Allies) (Exceeds HP Limit)
Techs Used - Recover All (Schala), Panacea (Glenn), Aura (Laura)

Schala - Glenn - Schwann

Falcon Tempest (Green) - Give the Falcon Hit a little boost. (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Razor Wind (Glenn), Falcon Hit (Schala, Schwann)

Schala - Glenn - Lavenda

Dragon's Feast

Schala - Reika - Gilbert

Acid Rain (Yellow) - Searing rain lowers enemy defenses. (Target: All Enemies) (Chance to inflict Defense Down status)
Techs Used - Black Rain (Reika, Gilbert), Gigawatt Blow (Schala)

Schala - Reika - Laura

Arc Impulse (Blue) - Ice cross causes massive damage. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Cocytus (Reika), X-Strike (Schala, Laura)

Schala - Reika - Schwann

Petrifying Arrow (Yellow) - Unleash an arrow charged with the power of earth. (Target: Enemy Line) (Chance to inflict Sprain and Stop status)
Techs Used: Gigawatt Blow (Schala), Rock Spire (Schwann), Piercing Arrow (Reika)

Schala - Reika - Lavenda

Harem Charm - Concentrated allure guarentees a rare item. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used: Pilfer (Schala), Siren Song (Reika, Lavenda)

Schala - Gilbert - Laura

Terminus Blow - Send your enemy to the hereafter. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - X-Strike (Schala, Laura), Multi-Fist (Gilbert)

Schala - Gilbert - Schwann

Triple Raid - A deadly dance of death. (Target - Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Sword Dance/Rapid Strike (Schala), Tiger's Fury (Schwann), Multi-Fist (Gilbert)

Schala - Laura - Schwann

Maximum Shock (Yellow) - Unleash the mother of all lightning strikes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Gigawatt Blow (Schala), Bolt Cutter (Schwann), Holy Lightning (Laura)

Schala - Laura - Lavenda

Forbidden Beast

Schala - Shwann - Lavenda


Lark - Glenn - Reika

Zweibreicht Special - Show an enemy the might of the Zweibreicht Company Mercenaries! (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Air Drop (Lark), Bullet Storm (Glenn), Deep Freeze (Reika)

Lark - Glenn - Gilbert

Atomic Grenade (Red) - Destroy your enemies with a nuclear-fusion bomb. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Napalm (Lark, Glenn), Shadow Blaze (Gilbert)

Lark - Glenn - Laura

Inferno Cyclone (Red) - Set the very winds ablaze. (Target: Area)
Techs Used - Hurricane (Glenn), Fire Whirl (Lark, Laura)

Lark - Glenn - Schwann

Cyclonic Drop (Green) - Travel the winds to bring death from above. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Air Drop (Lark), Hurricane (Glenn), Tiger's Fang (Schwann)

Lark - Glenn - Lavenda

Black Box

Lark - Reika - Gilbert

Antipod Fist (Black) - Break a magical fusion with a well-placed rocket fist. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Antipod (Lark, Reika), Rocket Punch (Gilbert)

Lark - Reika - Laura

Triple Kick - Combine Fire, Ice, and Light into a devastating series of kicks. (Target: Single Enemy) (Hits x3)
Techs Used - Air Drop (Lark), Cocytus (Reika), Holy Lightning (Laura)

Lark - Reika - Schwann

Glacial Smash - Toss a frozen enemy into a waiting fist of fire. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Flame Knuckle (Lark), Cube Toss (Reika, Schwann)

Lark - Reika - Lavenda

Charm Attack (White) - Their allure makes one fight all the harder. (Target: Random Enemies) (Hit x5) (Animation changes in Act 4)
Techs Used - Flame Knuckle (Lark), Siren Song (Reika, Lavenda)

Lark - Gilbert - Laura

Shade Impulse (Black) - A triple strike of dark power. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Hundred Stab (Lark), Gravity Sword (Gilbert, Laura)

Lark - Gilbert - Schwann

Pinball Assault - Knock around an enemy between three fighters. (Target: Single Enemy)
Techs Used - Beast Toss (Gilbert, Schwann), Flame Knuckle (Lark)

Lark - Laura - Schwann

Stalwart Defender - Prepare your tank for the coming assault. (Target: Laura) (Stacks with Hi Res and Strengthen Elements) (Counter Rate increased by 50%.) (Enters Provoke status)
Techs Used - War Cry (Lark), Provoke (Laura), Stonewall (Schwann)

Lark - Laura - Lavenda

Devil Trigger (Black) - Shadow and Light combine to awaken the demon within. (Target: Single Enemy) (Can exceed the Damage Limit)
Techs Used - Overflow (Lark), Holy Lightning (Laura), Karmic Retribution (Lavenda)

Lark - Schwann - Lavenda


Glenn - Reika - Gilbert

Ice Gatling (Blue) - Cryo bullets put foes on ice. (Target: Area) (Chance of inflicting Frozen status)
Techs Used - Gatling Raid (Glenn, Gilbert), Cocytus (Reika)

Glenn - Reika - Laura

Lifeline - Guardian angels protect allies. (Target: All Allies) (Bestow Auto-Revive status)
Techs Used - Smelling Salts (Glenn), Precognition (Reika, Laura)

Glenn - Reika - Schwann

Nature's Wrath (Green) - The planet takes its anger out on all foes. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Hurricane (Glenn), Gaia's Wrath (Schwann), Tsunami (Reika)

Glenn - Reika - Lavenda


Glenn - Gilbert - Laura

Divider Slash - Show your enemy that it is already dead. (Target: Single Enemy) (Chance to inflict Instant Death)
Techs Used - Wind Slash (Glenn, Laura), Deathblow (Gilbert)

Glenn - Gilbert - Schwann

Axiomatic (Green) - Spin your great axe among the winds. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Hurricane (Glenn), Multi-Fist (Gilbert), Tiger's Fang (Schwann)

Glenn - Laura - Schwann

Cyclonic Spin - Round and round we go. We stop when the enemies fall down. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Tiger's Fang (Schwann), Tempest (Glenn), Cyclone (Laura)

Glenn - Laura - Lavenda

Vampiric Regeneration

Glenn - Schwann - Lavenda

Stinging Wind

Reika - Gilbert - Laura

Mirror Beam (White) - Reflect beams of light onto your enemies. (Target: Enemy Group)
Techs Used - Rocket Punch (Gilbert), Lucid Shine (Laura), Deep Freeze (Reika)

Reika - Gilbert - Schwann

Delta Force (White) - The powers of Water, Earth, and Darkness combine to destroy the enemy. (Target: All Enemies)
Techs Used - Tsunami (Reika), Shadow Crash (Gilbert), Gaia's Rage (Schwann)

Reika - Laura - Schwann

Divine Shield - Holy powers raise your defensive abilities to their maximum. (Target: All Allies) (Stacks with Nimble, Hi Res, and Strong Minded Elements)
Techs Used - Haste (Reika), Spirits Up (Laura, Schwann)

Reika - Laura - Lavenda

Pyozo Dance -

Reika - Schwann - Lavenda

Dark Storm

Gilbert - Laura - Schwann

Knight's Oblivion - Show the power of your devotion! (Target: Enemy Line)
Techs Used - Slash (Laura), Multi-Fist (Gilbert), Bolt Cutter (Schwann)

(Note: Magil, Roas, and Fin do not have Triple Techs due to not being permanent party members.)

Laura - Schwann - Lavenda

Null Striker
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 01:16:12 am by skylark »