FF7 and FF8 where the best examples of rpgs where the main char is severely mentally handicapped (lol i still remember when, close to the beginning of the game Squall says "i dreamed i was a moron" and i was like "wake up! you are a moron!")... but that made them enjoyable, searching the reason their minds are so screwed lol ^_^ I loved those games.
Not so much FF9... i enjoyed it greatly while i played... but it didn't grew on me after i finished it.
Must... resist... the urge... to replay Xenogears...
Phantasy Star? never played any, to be honest... and well, Genesis RPGs never sold nearly as much as SNES, for two reasons:
1.- There weren't nearly as many Megadrive/Genesis as there was Superfamicom/SNES, worldwide (specially in Japan, where most rpgs are sold).
2.- Genesis-only gamers were expecting mainly either sega arcade conversions or arcade like games. RPGamers had shifted notoriously to SNES.
So, if there was good rpgs in Sega, they were good games that noone (relatively ^_-) played.
Star Ocean isn't universally hailed. It has in his favour, the best snes-rpg graphics, and digitalized voices... but many people complain about the gameplay, including me
lol Can someone explain me how to battle? lol
For a remake of CT, nowadays they should add a lot of eyecandy (just like the resurrection project was doing). A lot more cutscenes (yeah, maybe cellshading would do a lot of good). New scenes, sidequests and endings, with more char development.
But seriously. We are talking about a Square remake here. The same guys who, to remake CT, FF4,5,6 for PS, they just used the SNES rom, and created a PS emulator of SNES. The same guys that, for extra in-game content in the FFs remakes, they just put an intro and ending FMVs, that are not even proper intro and endings, but scenes taken from different points of the game. I don't have much hopes they would do any different in a hypotetical CT remake.