Yeah, but there's a difference w/those Iliad namesand the CT names in that the Iliad ones seem rather exotic and hard to pronounce, whereas the CT names were extravagantly common (in NA anyways) and easy to pronounce. Jacky sounds more like a kid's name to me, yeah, and it's the name that they gave him, so I agree w/it. I mean, why fix what's not broken? Why give meaning for something that didn't need it nor was intended to have it?
I think both Maou and Kaeru are both more suiting than Magus and Frog. And they just sound cooler.
I don't see why the names were changed, I mean really though, "what's in a name...etc etc."
Well, if you quote 'what's in a name', you're shooting yourself in the foot quite badly. That is Juliet speaking the night regarding Romeo, unawares that he is listening. She says that if it is his name that keeps them apart, ie. he being a Montegue and she a Capulet, then why not simply change it, for is it the name that makes him who he is? A rose by any other name would spell as sweet. Essentially, by that reasoning, change Jacky to Janus by all means! It does not change who he is. Just a Shakespearean gripe.
Regarding the Iliad, though... I would disagree. Those names are every bit as easy to pronounce as the Japanese ones are! Maou... I don't exactly know how THAT should be said, and it sounds incredibly exotic and strange to my ears. Likewise Kaeru. Names like Athene and Alexandros and Akhilleus... well, those are far easier to pronounce in my opinion. After all, is not Alexander a common name?
Anyway, personally, though, I find the sound of Maou quite uncool, and far less ominous sounding that Magus. In fact, Maou almost sounds like a kid's word to my ears. I confess that Kaeru does sound better than Frog, although it's Japanese sound in a Middle-Ages setting is a little incongruous. Overall, the thing is, I've never really been a fan of much of the whole Japanese culture or language, being far more western-minded (for which I rarely watch anime). Thus I much prefer the western names to these things. The argument for Jacky is, Jacky sounds like a colloquial name, whereas Zeal is ancient. It doesn't fit right. The names must match the setting, and that one doesn't. To me, honestly, it DOES sound broken. Jacky does not sound like the name of the prince of an ancient kingdom. Janus does.