Author Topic: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)  (Read 12984 times)


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2012, 09:45:35 pm »
I really enjoyed how the TTI isn't exclusive to time travelers.

Yeah, I'm gonna try not to go too much into that, lest my head explodes. :P

But seriously, I read somewhere (might have even been here) that the entire area around Chronopolis is protected by TTI due to magnetic interference.

Or something. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2012, 12:53:40 am »
I just finished reading it while I was at work and I really liked the story. Don't worry about the TTI part, since you are the writer, you are the God of your world. So you do not have the duty to explain everything.


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2012, 03:09:53 pm »
4. 1227 AD - Just Another Day on the Job

(From here, we change perspectives. An image of the World Map of 1227 AD appears.)

In the year 1220 AD, history began to take a brutal turn. A man believed to have died in the year 1006 AD appeared in Porre as mysteriously as he had disappeared. As such, he was given the moniker of "The Immortal Emperor". Under his leadership, Porre redoubled their efforts of world conquest.

Some nations, under the Emperor's unrelenting might, were cowed into submission. Others were wiped of the map. It seemed that the world would be united under a single banner.

But there were those in this world who served no lord. Followed no flag. They were known as mercenaries, living as they saw fit. Selling their services to the highest bidder, many were seen as opportunistic and dishonorable. Save for one group.

They were known as the Zweibreicht Company...

Dorino Research Labs: Outskirts

Naming Screen: Lark

(We see a large complex crawling with Porrean Privates. A single lone figure sneaks past the guards and enters the complex through a discarded vent.)

Dorino Research Labs - Interior

?????: What's your situation?

Lark: I'm in.

?????: Alright. The hostages are probably being held in the larger storage rooms at the east and west of the building.

Lark: What the hell did these guys see to be locked up in a place like this?

?????: Doesn't matter. Our job is to get the hostages and get out. I'm not having you go pyro on this one.

Lark: Tch. Fine. But I've got a bad feeling about all this.

(Lark crawls upon the upper wires and catwalks into the right storage chamber.)

Hostage: How long are you keeping us here? We're starving!

Porrean: I said quiet!

Hostage: You can't do this to us! We did nothing wrong!

Porrean: *cocks rifle* You want to see your families alive again?! Then shut up!!

(Lark drops down behind the soldier and incapacitates him.)

Hostages: !!!

Lark: You guys alright?

Hostage: Wait, you're not a soldier...!

Porrean: (from the next room) Hey, what's going on in there?

Lark: Play along. (grabs the rifle) These guys are starting to get uppity, sir!

Porrean: Just shoot them! ...and do you sound alr-

Lark: I said QUIET!! (Fires into the air.)

(One of the hostages thinks quickly and feigns death. The soldier runs in to investigate, only to see the body of the other one. Lark takes him out and tosses the soldiers' guns to the hostages.)

Lark: Now that that's taken care of, what happened to you guys? Why are you being held here?

Hostage: We were mining a new vein when one of the guys opened up a new passage. We were seeing where it led when we saw this big room with a lot of freaky machinery. Weapons, mechs, it was nothing like we've ever seen.

Hostage: Apparently, it wasn't something we were supposed to see, cause then we got tossed in here. Brian tried getting away, but we don't know what happened to him.

Lark: Don't worry. Your friend is wounded, but alive. We're here to get you guys out.

Hostage: Thank you...

(Reaching the northern exit after incapacitating more guards...)

Lark: Alright, what's the status? I've cleared the first group.

?????: They're changing the guard now. Now's your chance to slip out.

Lark: Alright. There's a small break in the outer partition. My partner's waiting on the other side. He'll get you out.

Hostage: Alright. We'll wait by the partition, but we're not leaving without the others.

Lark: Fair enough. Then keep out of sight.

Hostage: One thing. One of our guys is pretty prone to panic. He might blow your cover if you aren't careful.

Lark: (deadpan) Well, isn't that nice. I'll keep that in mind.

(As Lark makes it to the other chamber...)

Panicked Hostage: Get me out of here... Please...

Hostage: Shut up. You're gonna get us all killed.

Porrean: Guys, he's at it again. Should I just shoot him and get it over with?

Commander: Tch. Might as well. Nobody's gonna miss him.

Lark: 'Three guards. Two by the door. One of them's near an alarm. Gotta make this count...'

Panicked Hostage: Aaaahhh... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!! D-D-Demon!! In the rafters!!

Lark: !!!

(The solitary guard looks up.)

Porrean: What the-?! Someone's up there!!

(Lark drops down on the soldier. Unfortunately, the alarm is triggered.)

Lark: Dammit!

Combat: Porrean Private, Porrean Commander

Lark: Well, I hope you're all happy. Your friend just cut our odds of survival in half!

Panicked Hostage: S-Stay away... *whimper*

Lark: Tch!

(Another group of soldiers enters.)

Combat: Porrean Private x3

Hostage: Get a hold of yourself! We need to get out!

Lark: How good are you guys at carrying dead weight?

Hostage: We've got it! Just get us out of here!

Dorino Research Labs - Outskirts

(The two sets of hostages meet up at the hole in the outer wall. The panicked one is the first through.)

Hostage: Heh. Warned you about him.

Lark: Nevermind that! Is this everybody?

Hostage: We're all here.

Lark: Then get back to town! I'll hold them off!

Hostage: Good luck... And thanks.

(Lark turns to a small platoon as the hostages escape.)

Combat: Porrean Private x4

(In the walkway above, a sniper takes aim at Lark.)

Porrean: You're mine, freak!

Lark: !!!

(A shot rings out, and the soldier falls over, dead. We pan up to a man holding a smoking rifle.)

Name Entry: Glenn

Lark: Took you long enough.

Glenn: You were the one messing around. Let's get out of here.

Porrean: They're over there!

Lark: Can't do that yet. There's still trash to take out.

Glenn: Don't be stupid! We did what we came here to do!

Lark: The job'll be shot to hell if these guys follow us back to town. Someone's gotta hold them off.

Glenn: .......

Glenn: Tch. I'm not paying for your funeral.

Lark: Will you get going already? I'm not gonna die in a gutter like this.

(As Glenn leaves...)

Lark: I got too much to answer for, remember?

(As Lark heads to the main entrance...)

Lark: Woah! The hell is that?!

(A large aerial cruiser intercepts our hero.)

Porrean: Target sighted! Preparing to engage!

Boss Fight: ZPIII Aerial MkI

(The vessel soon crashes into flames. The alarms fade.)

Lark: Unbelievable... If this is the kind of tech the Porres are gonna start churning out...

Lark: Glenn, can you read me?

Glenn: Hey. You made it. Are we done now?

Lark: What did those miners tell you?

Glenn: Enough. Why? What's with that tone?

Lark: It's worse than what they said. I just swatted some major tech out of the sky. If they're mass-producing stuff like this...

Glenn: Let it go, man. Just once, let it go.

Lark: I can't! I won't risk letting these things see the light of day! Not when I can do something to stop it!

Glenn: Shit... I was afraid you were gonna say that. Fine. Go play hero, but if things get too hairy, then get your ass out of there. You hear me?

Lark: Thanks, Glenn.

Dorino Research Labs - Underground Station

(Heading underground from the interior, Lark makes his way above a large chamber. A researcher speaks to someone via monitor.

?????: Is the next shipment prepared?

Researcher: It's already on its way.

?????: Good. I'll be expecting results.

Researcher: To the Glory of Porre.

(Lark makes his way forward and checks out a large crate of weapons.)

Lark: What...? What kind of guns are these? I don't like this at all...

(Near the far end of the chamber, a strange device is set up. Suddenly, a large portal forms in the center of the device. A large Warmech emerges from it.)

Lark: What the hell...?!

(A Porrean commander steps forward to commandeer the Warmech.)

Commander: Okay, just like in the simulator. Running systems check.

(The Warmech glows for a few moments.)

Commander: Wait, what's this?! Scanners are showing an intruder!

Lark: ('Crap!')

(The mech fires in Lark's direction.)

Lark: ('Gotta think of a plan!')

(Lark knocks over a crate of munitions. Grenades. Lark forms a ball of fire.)

Lark: Hope this works!

(It works. A little too well. The cavern begins to collapse from the concussive force of so many grenades. Lark falls back into the inner hallway just as the chamber collapses.)

Lark: *phew* Somebody remind me never to do that again...

(Lark relief is short-lived as a beam of light cuts through the blocked passage. The mech punches through the remains.)

Commander: Fool! You think you're a match for the Alpha Squall?! You're dead!

Tutorial Battle: Cross Combos

Boss Battle: Alpha Squall Warmech MkIII

Commander: What?! Nooooo!!

(The cockpit area of the Warmech explodes.)

Lark: I did it... Hoo boy... Time to go...

(Without warning, the mech sparks and gets up on its own.)

Warmech: A.I. Systems online. Annihilation Protocol activated.

Lark: That's not good...

(What begins is a chase. Lark reaches the elevator...)

Lark: Tell me that thing's not trying to climb up?! That does it!! Here's a present, you jackass!!

(Lark burns the elevator supports, sending it crashing into the climbing mech.)

Lark: Ha! That'll teach you to-

(The elevator remains fly past and lodge into the ceiling. The mech leans forward over the shaft.)

Lark: Oh, you've gotta be shitting me!!

(The chase resumes. In one of the central labs, Lark gets cornered.)

Combat: Alpha Squall Warmech MkIII (Unwinnable. Must escape.)

(The Warmech swipes at Lark. By accident, Lark presses a button for the electromagnet while dodging. The results are predictable.)

Lark: Man... I can't let this thing get loose.

Lark: Porre wouldn't want this tech getting in the hands of their enemies. There's gotta be some self-destruct mechanism somewhere...

(As Lark leaves the room, a sickening crunch is heard. The mech bursts through the wall, having amputated it's own arm.)

Lark: Not again...

(In the next lab, Lark finds another magnet and the self destruct.)

Lark: Alright! Looks like I'll be seeing you in Hell!

(A timer counts down from two minutes. As Lark leaves the room.)

Porrean: That's him! Intruder sighted!

Lark: Dammit, I don't have time for you!!

Combat: Porrean Private x3

(Lark manages to leave the complex. He runs past the partition and the nearby hills.)

FMV: Research Lab Destruction

(Lark's prologue completed.)

(Burning Justice Trophy acquired.)

(Lark stands atop the hill overlooking the destruction of the lab. Glenn soon joins him.)

Glenn: Geez, what did I tell you about going pyro?

Lark: Didn't have a choice. It was the only way I could have taken that thing down.

Glenn: Hovering gunships... Self-aware Warmechs... What the hell is happening to this world?

Lark: It's not natural, I'll tell you that...

Glenn: It's gonna be harder for us to keep a low profile after this...

Lark: We'll manage. We always do.

Glenn: I hope you're right.

(A small light shines in the sky.)

Lark: Huh? What's that?

Glenn: Probably Porrean recon ships. Let's get the hell out of here.

FMV: Envoy from the Future.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 09:19:27 pm by skylark »


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2012, 09:22:13 pm »
Author's Note: I did it! I made it past the prologues! Woohoo!!


Now I'm gonna crash for a few days...

Maybe a few months...

Good night... :?



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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2012, 12:16:54 am »
Yes; do not burn yourself out. Take time for yourself away from your writing; make sure to go out and see things and do things; excite your creativity and entice it to do more. Live with the same passion you write with and your writing will continue to contain the passion of life.

* idioticidioms gives a thumbs up


  • Poet of El Nido
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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2012, 04:41:28 am »
5. San Dorino - Calm Before the Storm

Lab Ruins (Schala's POV)

(Schala stands amidst the flames. She then remembers that she still has Techno's Codex.)

Schala: Techno, can you hear me?! Please answer!


Schala: Vathos?! Ninya?!!


Schala: Roas...?

(She falls to her knees.)

Schala: Anybody.....

(Only the sounds of the flames can be heard.)

Schala: They're all gone. Everyone...

Schala: What am I supposed to do now?!!

(Slowly, she begins to stand.)

Schala: I...

Schala: I need to get out of here.

(As she leaves, the opening credits begin. Interspersed amongst the credits are the following scenes featuring future party members.)

(Schala on the hill overlooking the flaming Lab Ruins.)

(Lark and Glenn in the village of San Dorino looking on as the captured miners return to their families. Lark looks up at the sky, still wondering about that light.)

(Reika is at a cliff overlooking the Zenan Bridge. A group of unknown soldiers come up to her. She nods and poses before following them.)

(Gilbert and Schwann are on a boat leaving Termina. A group of Dragoons salute as they head off. Gilbert adjust his shades as Schwann salutes back.)

(Laura and a group of the earlier soldiers camp in a forest clearing. A soldier nods repeatedly as Laura sharpens her sword. The soldier lowers his head in frustration.)

(Finally, back to Schala, standing at the gates to San Dorino...)

San Dorino

(As Schala enters the village, she notices the town is abuzz with more activity than expected.)

Villager: Hoy there, miss. You look like you're in a spot.

Schala: I'm sorry. It's been a long journey.

Schala: (Too long...) Where can I find lodgings?

Villager: Just take the next right. It's on the second floor of the Tavern. You coming from Guardia by any chance?

Schala: (That should be up north, right?) That's right.

Villager: No wonder you look crashed. I hear they just finished setting up the checkpoints at the bridge.

Schala: ........

Schala: What's going on. Things look a bit more lively than I expected.

Villager: Heh. Some of the breadwinners got into a little squeeze earlier, but they made it out okay. Anyway, enjoy our little hamlet.

Schala: Thank you.

Schala: (Okay, I'll need a room, but...)

Schala: (I don't think they'll believe that what I have is currency... Maybe there's something I can sell.)


(Entering the Forge, we see a foreman and a young smith.)

Foreman: No no no! The plating is supposed to be weaved between the layers, Zappa! Weave it on the inside, it becomes cumbersome and uncomfortable! Weave it on the outside, it becomes misshapen and unattractive! Do it over, and do it right this time!

Zappa: Come on, old man. It's already near midnight. Shouldn't we be closing up now?

Foreman: Not until I see a decent armorweave. Hell, you can barely sew!

Zappa: Come on boss! Geez...

Foreman: You're the one who came crying to me for training! If you think you can get by on just your family's name, you're mistaken! Now get back to work!

Zappa: Uhhhh, boss? Customer.

Foreman: Hmm? (Notices Schala) Ahh, hello! My apologies for that sorry display. What can I do for you?

-Ask about Zappa.
-Ask about armorweaving.
-Ask about forging.
-Nothing, thanks.

(Ask about Zappa.)

Schala: Just looking around. Ummm, if I can ask...

Zappa: Name's Zappa. My family's famous in El Nido, you know.

Foreman: Fame doesn't mean a damn thing if all you're good for is hammering plate! Get with the times!

Zappa: Bah!

Schala: *sweatdrop* Huh...

Foreman: My apprentice. Comes from a long line of blacksmiths, but he's too cocky and makes mistakes. That's all you need to know.

Zappa: Hey!

(Ask about armorweaving.)

Schala: I don't think I've heard of this armor weave before.

Foreman: Most people haven't. Back in the day, armor only came in three types; cloth, leather, or plate. A simple system for a simple time. However, times are changing, especially warfare. We can't just make same-old one-size-fits-all and expect to get by.

Foreman: Armorweaving is the next logical step in armorsmithing evolution. Simple cloth and leathers aren't going to cut it against enemy soldiers or stronger beasties anymore. They're too fragil. We start by hammering the plates thin and flexible, yet still durable enough to take a hit. Then, we sew them into the clothing. The process was first pioneered by a guy named Taben, but it never really caught on until recently.

Zappa: Takes a lot of time, though. We get orders like crazy.

Foreman: *groan* Dammit boy, I swear... Anyway, it is a time-consuming process, but the end result is always unique for the customer. We take a personal belief that if an armor that's just for you doesn't exist yet, we'll make it!

Foreman: Heh. Looks like I've been talking your ear off. Hmmm... You look like you prefer light clothing. Alright then, here's what I'll do. You find me some appropriate materials, and I'll make you a whole personalized set. Since you're a new customer, I'll ask Jainie at the Equipment Shop down the way to sell it to you free of charge.

Schala: Are you sure? O-okay then. Thank you

-Ask about forging.

Schala: What do I need to get a better weapon?

Foreman: Unlike armor forging, weapons are far simpler. Just bring in the materials and some gold and we can get one ready for you right away.

Schala: Wait, 'we'?

Foreman: Well, as much as I hate to admit it, the boy is actually pretty good with weapons. It's the only thing he seems to do right. Still, I'm the senior forger here, so I have the final say.

Zappa: Bah! I can smith you under the table, old man!

Foreman: Ha! Show me a decent armorweave, and maybe then you can brag! Now get back to work!

-Nothing, thanks.

Schala: I think I'm good.

Foreman: Alright. Don't hesitate if you have any questions, you hear?


(Heading to the north end of the village, we see Lark and Glenn talking with the mayor of the village.)

Rogek: Once again, you two have done us a great service.

Glenn: It was nothing. One of the guys nearly blew our cover, though.

Lark: Tell me you aren't gonna ask him for hazard pay.

Glenn: Hey, if it was your screw-up, I wouldn't.

Lark: Look, just ignore him. The regular fee is fine. It's no problem.

Glenn: God, you always do this.

Schala: Hmm? What's this now?

Miner: Not a good idea to interrupt while they talk business.

Schala: Business?

Miner: They're mercenaries. Got my boys out of a jam earlier today. You ask me, they've earned every coin.

Schala: Who are they?

Miner: They call themselves the Zweibreicht Company. Drifted here a month ago from up north. The one on the right is Glenn. He's the brains of their operation. He'd be a pretty decent guy to hang around if he wasn't so stingy with the coin.

Miner: They call the other one Lark. He's the go-to guy. Does all the heavy lifting. It's thanks to him my friends are still alive.

Miner: I'd be careful though, if I were you. He's pretty notorious with the ladies if you get my drift.

Schala: I'll... keep that in mind.

Glenn: Alright, the normal fee's fine, but I'm getting the lion's share for bailing you out.

Lark: Fine with me.

Rogek: Yes, well... I thank you both for saving our livelihood.

Lark: Anytime, sir.

(As they turn...)

Glenn: What? What is it?

Schala: ???

Lark: Well well. What have we here?

Glenn: Oh no.

Lark: I don't believe we've been acquainted yet, miss.

Schala: It's no problem. I was just leaving.

Lark: You must be new here. I can show you around the village if you want.

Schala: (Is this guy even listening?)

Schala: *annoyed* Look. If it's not too much trouble...

Lark: I know a cozy little bluff on the outskirts if you-

Schala: Now listen here. It has been a long day. There's only so much I can stand, and I do not want to start any trouble. Am I clear?

Lark: *backs off* Okay, okay. Point made. So maybe later after you're rested?

Glenn: Alrighty. Time to go.

Lark: Hey! Let go!

Glenn: As much fun as it is to watch you get shot down, I don't want to risk us losing whatever goodwill we've gained. Sorry for the trouble miss. Put it on my tab.

[Recieved 50 Gold]

(Lark gets dragged away.)

Lark: Come on! I almost had her! Hold on!

Miner: Hahahahaha! I warned you about him!

Schala: As if that makes me feel better.

Schala: (Hmmm... This should be enough for a room, but I think I may need more than this if I'm going to keep traveling.)


(In the west part of town, near a fabric merchant stall...)

Noble: And just what is taking so long with my order?! I asked for it yesterday!

Shopkeeper: We are closed, sir! You have to come back tomorrow!

Noble: I did not travel miles into the boonies just to be turned away now, and I do not intend to stay in this sty of a hovel! Now give me my order!

Schala: (The nerve of this creep. Hmmm... That's a stingy-looking pouch there. That should do.)

-If you have visited the Tavern first...-

Schala: (Ahh, this must be the guy she was telling me about. That pouch looks pretty small, though. I guess it'll have to do.)

(Schala sneaks over and take the pouch with nobody being the wiser, then runs off.)

[Aquired 200 Gold]

Shopkeeper: Fine! You know the price. 200.

Noble: Better. I'll have you know that... Huh?

Noble: M-my pouch! It's gone!!

Shopkeeper: Of all the-! You barge into my home, and now you think you can cheat me?! Damned cheapskate!!

(A figure watches from the shadows.)

?????: Interesting...


(Afterwards, near the Tavern...)

?????: Excuse me, miss.

Schala: Y-yes?

?????: I couldn't help but see what you did back there.

Schala: !!!

?????: Relax. I won't turn you in. Fat bastard deserved it, really. It was priceless.

Schala: So what do you want?

?????: Where are my manners? My name is Rupert, and I might have some work for someone of your skill.

Schala: I'm not that special.

Rupert: Well, anyone can just swipe a pouch. The trick is not getting caught. The truly skilled makes sure the theft is never even noticed.

Schala: ...I'm listening.

Rupert: I can't discuss at length out here, but I'll give you this. It'll be up to you wether you accept or not. There will be a carrier cab parked in the village outskirts. If you decide to accept my proposal, just step inside.

Rupert: Good night, miss.

Schala: .......

Schala: (A job, huh? I suppose until I find a way to change things, it's something to consider...)


(Inside the Tavern, regardless...)

Schala: Excuse me!

Barmaid: Just a sec!

(After she dodges around patrons...)

Barmaid: Sorry, what can I do for you?

Schala: How much is a room?

Barmaid: You're on luck. We have one room left at 50 Gold a night.

Schala: (This dagger might sell, but... Roas gave this to me... But I have nothing else. I didn't get a chance to re-equip my Elements back at Chronopolis... before...)

Barmaid: You thinking of selling that?

Schala: I suppose I don't have a choice. It's all I have left to sell...

Barmaid: Well, that won't do. Nobody should be without a weapon these days. Actually, you look quick enough. I have an idea.

-If you've met Lark and Glenn...-

Schala: I see. Here you go.

Barmaid: Thanks. Hmmm...

Barmaid: That pouch of yours looks pretty empty. Was that all you had?

Schala: Well...

Barmaid: That's no good. Something tells me you're gonna be here for a while, right? Well, I might have an idea.


Barmaid: There's a Porrean noble who comes here from time to time complaining about fabric orders. I think he just uses that as an pretext to accost my friend at the apparel shop.

Barmaid: Between you and me, the pig could stand to be humbled once or twice. He always keeps a money pouch on his belt, if you get my drift.

Schala: Wait, you want me to steal?!

Barmaid: Oh, don't give me the innocent act. I've seen enough of them to know a thief when I see one. As long as you don't rob me or my regulars, I'm fine with it.

-If you've already met Rupert...-

Schala: Wait, I think I know who you're talking about. I already got him.

Barmaid: Really...? Huh. I would've heard something by now.

Barmaid: How'd it go then? So he only had 200 on him? Tough break. But I guess you're set then, huh? Just be sure to return the key when you're ready to leave.

(As Schala leaves upstairs, we switch POV to Lark as he and Glenn enter the Tavern.)

(Lark's POV)

Lark: Well, not bad for a day's work.

Glenn: I could've gotten more. The Wind Rider needs maintenance.

Lark: Will you come off it already?

Barmaid: Well, if it isn't my favorite patrons.

Glenn: Jessica. Is our usual ready?

Jessica: Always is.

(As they're led to their table...)

Lark: So Jess. We still on for later tonight?

Jessica: Sorry doll. A contract came for you boys while you were being heroes.

Lark: Dammit...

Glenn: Already? Can't even get a chance to unwind these days.

Jessica: I'll have your drinks ready in a bit.

(Jessica leaves them to discuss their new job...)

Lark: Hey Glenn. Isn't this seal...?

Glenn: Yeah. From your friendly neighborhood anti-Porrean insurgent group. Heh. Looks like she came through for us after all.

Lark: Now what would the Radical Dreamers want with us...?


(Schala's POV)

Schala: !!!

Schala: (This symbol...! This is...)

Schala: (Roas... Everybody... Is this a sign?)


(Lark's POV)

Lark: I... Can't believe this... They want us to... Us!

Glenn: The Immortal Emperor will be personally overseeing the annual unveiling of the Sun Stone in the South Porrean Opera House, after which he'll be attending newest production of the Zenan Players at 3 AM... Likelihood of him being underguarded is high... Are they serious?

Lark: Are they really asking us to kill Emperor Dalton...?

Lark: This is my chance...!

Glenn: .........

Lark: Finally. After all this time...

Glenn: Hold on... The assassination's not the real objective.

Lark: What?

Glenn: Take a good look and read between the lines. Dalton's life isn't the objective. They're after the Sun Stone.

Glenn: Bastards are hiring us to play decoy... Dammit!


(Schala's POV)

Contract: The Sun Stone was once one of the great treasures of Guardia. It was stolen from us by the Porrean usurpers during the Fall of 1005. To have it back in our hands would be the first step to regaining our sovereignity and freedom.

We will have a hired man posing as an assassin targeting the Emperor. It is at this time that you will aquire the Stone by any means you must. Afterwards, you will deliver it to your contact at the rendezvous point.

What you do from there will be up to you. By opening this seal, you show proof that you hold no love for Porre. We do not expect our assassin to succeed, but if the Emperor were to die, it would be a boon to us all. If you choose to aid our assassin in their endeavor, then we wish you Godspeed.

All we ask from here is that you burn this letter. We are counting on you.

Schala: The Sun Stone...?

(Schala hold her head. The screen turns black.)

Roas: Don't take any unnessesary risks... But if you do see an opportunity to change things, take it.

(The screen turns back to normal.)

Schala: My mission... That's right...

(Schala burns the letter.)

Schala: Rupert said there's transportation waiting, right?

(She leaves.)


(Lark's POV)

Glenn: There's no way she would have known this would happen. She would have made a major stink.

Lark: A job's a job, Glenn. This one's worth doing.

Glenn: Again? Come on!

Lark: I'm not wasting this chance! Any chance is better than...

Glenn: Alright alright... I'll get things prepared. Just don't let this head too far south.

Lark: Come on. It's me.

Glenn: That's what I'm afraid of.


(Schala's POV)

(Inside of the carrier cab...)

Rupert: It's good you decided to accept my offer.

Schala: I have my own reasons for doing this.

Rupert: Understandable.

Rupert: One more minute...

Schala: You think your assassin will show?

Rupert: I brought in a couple of my own men just in case our offers were refused.

(Lark eventually shows up.)

Schala: !!!

Lark: !!!

Rupert: Hmmm? Are you two acquainted?

Schala: We've... met...

Lark: Small world.

Rupert: Driver, we're ready.

(As the vehicle moves...)

Lark: So...

Schala: Don't try it. I wouldn't want to catch an assasin's germs before I start.

Lark: .......

Lark: Fine by me. Wouldn't want to have a thief swipe my weapons before I need them.

Rupert: Well, this'll be interesting.

Lark/Schala: ...........

[FMV: Porre in All Its Majesty]
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 12:10:17 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2012, 09:41:11 pm »
Author's Note: Sorry for the late update. Once I got started on filling in the stuff on my sounding board, it got pretty hard to stop.

Speaking of which, for those who don't check the first page of that topic, I added portraits to the character bios. Glenn, Schala, Reika, Laura, and Schwann have gone through some major revisions since my first art topic a while back.

Well, here's my first two-parter. I kinda liked writing Zappa and the foreman. And it won't be the last we see of him, I assure you.

Just one question. What's the character limit for posts, and how do I check to see how many I have left?


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2012, 02:27:23 am »
100000 characters.

Some text editor has that function, but I think 100,000 is enough to write a book, isn't it?


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2012, 09:06:39 am »
Mmh, a novella maybe—the average English word is ~5 characters long, IIRC, so 100000 characters makes ~20000 words. That's about a quarter of an average romance novel, or a fifth to a sixth of a typical SF&F novel. More than enough for a chapter of almost anything, though.


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2012, 03:23:06 pm »
6. Porre - Fate or Chance?
Max Recruits: Schala, Lark

Porre - City Streets

Schala: (So this is Porre...? This isn't good. It's too advanced already.)

Lark: First time I've been in the capital. This is nuts.

Rupert: 10 years was all it took for this place to transform. They say it's thanks to their Chief Scientist. Something doesn't feel right, though.

Schala: ...........

(Suddenly, a screen above the group flickers on. Pedestrians stop and look upwards towards it.)

(FMV: Emperor Dalton)


(To Dalton's Address...)

Dalton: My comrades and countrymen; As you all know, it has been ten years since Porre has ascended past the rest of the world and stayed at the top of the food chain. In honor of this glorious milestone, I present to you: The reborn Sun Stone!

(A soldier pulls away a cloth showing the shining Sun Stone. It is attatched to a strange machine radiating light.)

Dalton: Five years ago, this stone's glow had nearly vanished, but look upon it now! It is thanks to the efforts of our chief scientists. This machine is capable of replicating the very light of the sun and amplifying it over a thousand fold. I am sure you all have heard the legends that it would take millions upon millions of years for it to be empowered, but now...

Dalton: What once took aeons can now be done in only five years! And the beauty is that it powers itself. This is the culmination of our science! Our power!

Dalton: And this is just the beginning. Soon enough, we may very well be able to rise above the very sky itself, as is our right! For we are the dominion! We are the absolute!

Dalton: And so, my friends, let us celebrate and rejoice the glory of our nation!

(The gathered audience applauds.)

(Back with our heroes. The pedestrians who watched the address are also cheering.)

Schala: (I knew this man would be dangerous, but this... And why...? Why does he frighten me so much?)

Lark: (These bastards are actually clapping for him?!)

Rupert: That vulture... That's our treasure.

Schala: Playing the part of the benevolent ruler as he strangles the rest of the world. How sickening.

Lark: So, what's the plan?

Rupert: Schala and I will head into the alleyways at the West side. She'll infiltrate the second floor and stand by once she locates the stone. Once you make your move, she'll grab the Stone and with any luck, we'll all meet back here.

Lark: And if Murphey decides to to screw us over?

Rupert: I won't lie. The chance of surviving the assassination is slim. However, our mutual friend has assured me that you're more than up to the task.

Lark: ........

Rupert: She seems like a nice girl. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news.

Lark: Alright. I get it. Last thing anyone needs is her crying her eyes out.

Rupert: Very well then. We move now. For what it's worth, I wish you luck.

Lark: I'm not going down that easy.

(Lark leaves for his mission.)

Rupert: Schala. We should get going too.

Schala: Right.

South Porre Opera House - Outskirts

(Rupert and Schala head to the alleyways beside the Opera House.)

Rupert: I'll be right here. Get back to me as soon as you complete your objective.

(Schala scales the wall onto the second floor balcony.)

South Porre Opera House - Interior

(From here Schala must sneak past guards to get to the Sun Stone. It's really only one area, but if she gets caught, she must start over from the beginning. There will be a reward later for not getting caught.)

(Once Schala reaches the correct room, we switch back to Lark,s POV.)

(Lark is in disguise as a chef, pushing as dinner cart.)

Soldier: Hold! What is this about?

Lark: The boys put together a special meal for the Emperor in honor of the anniversary. He is in one of the Dining Seats, right?

Soldier: He is, but we weren't notified of this. You stay right there.

(As the soldier's attention is diverted, Lark incapacitates him. Unfortunately, he's seen by a soldier coming from the theater area.)

Soldier: What?! We're under attack! Protect the Emperor!

Lark: Shit. Hoping for the element of surprise here. Bring it on!!

(Back to Schala's POV, the soldiers guarding the Sun Stone leave their post as the alarms sound.)

Schala: (Looks like he did it.)

(She checks the controls for the machine.)

Schala: Okay, this looks easy enough...

(The machine powers down as the light from it fades. The Sun Stone is still shining brightly.)

Schala: Alright. Come to mama.

[Aquired Sun Stone]

(As Schala is about to leave, she turns back.)

Schala: (A machine like this shouldn't exist in this time...)

(She tosses a knife at it. It sparks before crashing apart in light and smoke.)

Schala: There. That should set Porre back a millennia.

Opera House - Outskirts

Rupert: Schala! Things are starting to get hot over here!

Schala: I've got it! Catch!

(She tosses the Sun Stone to Rupert.)

[Lost Sun Stone]

(Schala hesitates to follow Rupert.)

Rupert: What are you doing?!

Schala: ..........

Rupert: ...I understand. I won't stop you, but stay alive! I'll be at the outskirts of the city! You two meet up with me there!

(Schala heads back inside to try and help Lark.)

Opera House - Theater

(Lark's POV. He has cornered Dalton and two soldiers, but something seems off...)

Lark: At last... It ends here, you bastard!!

Dalton?:  ............

Lark: What's wrong?! Scared of me?! Say something, you son of a bitch!!!

Dalton?: ..............

Combat: Dalton?, Porrean Lieutenant x2

(Upon victory, Lark stabs Dalton... Only for the man's wig to fall off.)

Lark: A decoy?! Shit!

(Lark quickly heads back the way he came.)

Opera House - Interior

(Schala head to Lark.)

Lark: What are you doing?!

Schala: I already did my part! Are you okay?

Lark: It was a decoy! We have to get ou-

(A ball of electricity immediately hits Lark. Schala turns around only to be hit with one as well.)

[FMV: Captured]

Porre - Outskirts

(Rupert stands, waiting for news.)

Dreamer: Well, that's that. Enemy chatter's telling us our hirelings got caught. There's no point waiting for them anymore.

Rupert: So... I've sent two more to their deaths...

Dreamer: Come on. We've got to move.

Rupert: Don't worry. (holds Sun Stone) I'll make sure your sacrifices aren't wasted...

Porrean Detention Facility - Cell Block 48

(Schala's POV)

(Lark is seen resting in a jail cot. Schala is unconscious in another.)

Schala: Nnnn...

Lark: Finally awake?

Schala: Where were we taken...?

Lark: If I had to guess, we're pretty deep in the Prison District. Right underneath the Ark too, most likely.

Schala: What do you think they'll do to us?

Lark: We're both tried for regicide, so they'll probably kill us.

Lark: .....You could have just run, you know.

Schala: I wouldn't have been able to live with myself...

Lark: ..........

Schala: Is there a way out?

Lark: Not that I've found. Our best bet is to make a break when they come to take us away.

Schala: Are you sure?

(From here on Schala can move around in the cell. Interacting with the bars...)

Schala: Let us out! You're not keeping us here!

Guard: Hey! Pipe down in there!

Schala: Why don't you come in here and make me?!

Guard: Rrrr... You think I'm falling for that?! You're crazy...

Lark: Hmm... Good plan. I should have thought of it.

(Second time...)

Schala: Is the big bad guard scared of a little girl like me? Then again, your balls must be shriveled up, so you probably would be.

Lark: Nice.

Guard: You little-!!

Guard: Oh no. No you don't. You're not gonna rile me up. Forget it.

(A button is heard being pressed.)

Lark: ???

(One more time...)

Lark: Wait.

Schala: What?

(Lark kneels to pick up a small stone and tosses it. Electricity arcs through the bars.)

Schala: !!!

Guard: Heh. Smart friend ya got. But you're not pulling one on me.

Schala: Dammit.

Lark: Well, it was sound, anyway. Probably would have worked 200 years ago.

Schala: Quiet, you.

(From here, there is little to do but wait. After a short while...)

Guard: Good news. You've only got a few more hours left. You two are getting front row seats to our own personal arena. You got quite the nerve taking our stone, but don't worry. We'll find your little friends soon enough.

Guard: We've been wonder how in the hell you managed to get past our security in the first place. You'd have to be a witch or something. So we figured we'd give an appropriate execution.

Guard: Heh. Hope you like barbecue.

(As the guard leaves...)

Schala: Arena?

Lark: Nobility in general has a rather sickening fascination with seeing people below their station suffer. So of course the military would find a way to give them that entertainment while lining their own pockets. Prisoners either fight to the death or get executed in various fashions.

Lark: In our case, we get our very own witch trial.

Schala: Burning us alive? So they can't just give us a quick death, huh? So what now?

Lark: Wasn't expecting this. This changes things.

Schala: You have a plan?

Lark: Sort of.

(A short while later, the guard returns with a small squad.)

Guard: Well, you're up next. Hope you've made your peace. They're all yours.

Porrean Detention Facility - Arena

(We come across a large open area. Porrean nobles are seated in the stands with soldiers ready for any unexpected developments. An execution stand adorned with a large pole in the center is set in the middle of the arena. Schala and Lark are securely tied to it. Schala is struggling to get loose.)

Judge: I hereby decree that for the crimes of the Theft of a national treasure, and of attempted Regicide, the Condemned have been found, without shadow of a doubt, Guilty. Due to the nature of their crimes, their Judgement shall be death by immolation. I now ask the gathered to stand in Reverence upon the dispersion of Divine Justice.

Judge: May the Gods have Mercy on your souls, for we shall not.

Executioner Commander: You heard the man. Light 'em up!

(Soldiers equipped with flamethrowers begin setting fire to the stand.)

Schala: If you have this big plan ready, now would be the time!

Lark: ..........

(The flames reach the top of the stand.)

Schala: (So this is how it ends... Roas... Fin... Everyone... I've failed you all...!)

Lark: ................

(Without warning, Lark's eyes begin glowing red.)

[FMV: A Demon Unleashed]

(Schala awakens freed to find their captors in cinders, the spectators fled, and a coal-skinned demon standing amidst the carnage. As quickly as he had transformed, the demon changes back into Lark.)

Schala: !!!

Lark: Oww... Been a while since I did that. Getting rusty. You okay over there?

(Schala inches backwards.)

Schala: W-what the hell are you?!

Lark: Here it comes... Look, I won't mince words. I'm a Fiend. A demon. A monster. And right now, your only chance of getting out of here alive.

Schala: .........

(A group of soldiers converges on the two.)

Lark: Of course. There's always reinforcements. If you can pick your jaw off the floor for just a second, I could use a hand!

Combat: Porrean Fighter x4

Lark: As I was saying, you've got a choice. You can try to get out of this hellhole by yourself and risk getting swarmed by angry soldiers, or you can come with me.

Schala: ...........

Schala: Sorry... It was just... I mean...

Lark: I get it, I get it. Freaks everybody out the first time. I'm used to it.

Schala: But how will we get out?

Lark: Well, we can follow the wave of pissed soldiers, or we can find the repository and get our stuff back first.

Schala: I like the second option.

Lark: Let's go, then.

[Lark joined your party!]

Porrean Detention Facility - Cell Blocks

[Dungeon: Porrean Prison District]

(Upon reaching the repository...)

Lark: Much better.

Lark: Hmmm, did you have any Elements on you when you were captured?

Schala: No. I... kind of had to give them up before arriving here.

Lark: Here. Take a couple of mine.

[Tutorial: Element Grid]

Lark: How you lasted this long without them is beyond me.

Schala: *sweatdrop*

(Upon reaching a large rectangular room...)

Executioner Commander: Dammit! Hey, where's my backup?!

Lark: Got locked in, did you? Well, consider this karma!

Tutorial Battle: Damage Types - Executioner x1

(Schala learns Skygate Tech automatically during the battle.)

Lark: Well, looks like I'm not the only one with secrets. That definitely didn't look like an Element.

Schala: .........

Executioner Commander: Great. They're both monsters!

(Soldiers enter through the now opened doors.)

Executioner Commander: It's about time! We can't let them through!

Tutorial Battle: Dual Techs - Executioner x1, Porrean Fighter x5

(You should get the Dual Basics trophy in this battle.)

Lark: Now that was awesome. You're pretty good in a scrap.

Schala: I've had practice. Now can we get out of here?

Ark of the Black Lion - Basement

Schala: Wait, now where are we?

Lark: So I was right. We were under the Ark.

Schala: So this elevator would lead...

Lark: There'll be too many guards at the front gate. Let's head to the upper floors.

Ark of the Black Lion - 20th Floor

(As soon as they get out of the elevator...)

Soldier: Escapees sighted!

Schala: Now what?!

Lark: Punch through!

Combat: Porrean Lieutenant x3

(They move forward to a balcony.)

Soldier: You can't escape! You're surrounded!!

[FMV: A Grand Escape]

[Fate or Chance? trophy acquired.]

« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 11:39:56 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2012, 12:33:21 pm »
Author's note: Finally done. First real dungeon in the game and our heroes have joined forces. I also moved the beginning part of the chapter to the previous one, so scenes are roughly in the same area.

Question though before I continue on. For the FMVs, I realize that since I haven't made the descriptions except for in the Sounding Board thread, a lot of context to what happens afterwards would be lost.

My question is thus; Should I make detailed descriptions like the ones on the sounding board? Or should I make abridged descriptions so I both don't have to do so much work and people can get the gist of what happens? Or should I keep going as I have and keep the descriptions to the sounding board?


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2012, 12:55:52 pm »
One option is to link to your FMV post in the sounding board thread as you reference the FMVs here. Every post has a hyperlink just to the left of "Reply #" that you can copy pasta by right-clicking.

This is for another thread I'm sure - sheesh, do we even have a Game Design and Planning thread? - but I've drawn a hard line against FMVs in my own musings. They've got to be a huge resource draw requiring numerous artists, and I'm not sure the payoff is any greater than putting those resources into additional sprite frames or in-game model animations. I think there's something to be said for tasteful minimalism. I remember being hugely impressed with the battle between Magus and Melchior in Prophet's Guile, far more than I was with the anime cutscenes in the PSX version of Chrono Trigger. But maybe I'm weird.

On the other hand! Since this is your best-of-all-worlds dream project, it's worth tossing out real-world considerations for the sake of your growth as an artist. FMV descriptions give you an opportunity to do prose in a work where you're hugely focused on dialogue. I think prose and dialogue are different skills, so I always worry about losing my edge in focusing on scriptwork.


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2012, 03:44:33 pm »
One option is to link to your FMV post in the sounding board thread as you reference the FMVs here. Every post has a hyperlink just to the left of "Reply #" that you can copy pasta by right-clicking.

This is for another thread I'm sure - sheesh, do we even have a Game Design and Planning thread? - but I've drawn a hard line against FMVs in my own musings. They've got to be a huge resource draw requiring numerous artists, and I'm not sure the payoff is any greater than putting those resources into additional sprite frames or in-game model animations. I think there's something to be said for tasteful minimalism. I remember being hugely impressed with the battle between Magus and Melchior in Prophet's Guile, far more than I was with the anime cutscenes in the PSX version of Chrono Trigger. But maybe I'm weird.

On the other hand! Since this is your best-of-all-worlds dream project, it's worth tossing out real-world considerations for the sake of your growth as an artist. FMV descriptions give you an opportunity to do prose in a work where you're hugely focused on dialogue. I think prose and dialogue are different skills, so I always worry about losing my edge in focusing on scriptwork.

I'll try that out. Thanks.

Yeah... If I do decide to develop this past a game script, I will not be doing, or ask anyone to make FMVs. That would not be cool. :P


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2012, 09:09:44 pm »
7. Fiona's Forest - So Close, and Yet So Far.

[Fiona's Forest]

(We find our heroes in a very familiar-looking clearing. The Wind-Rider is crashed and broken, billowing smoke. Glenn is the first to wake up.)

Glenn: Dammit, Lark... I knew you were gonna jinx us... (Sees the crashed vehicle) Oh no... No no no no no no nooooo!!

(Schala wakes up next.)

Schala: Did we make it...? Is everyone okay...?

Glenn: I just finished getting this paid off...!

Schala: .......

Glenn: I just gave it paint job, too! Dammit!!

Schala: Gee, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

Glenn: *finally notices Schala* Oh! Sorry 'bout that.

Schala: Where's Lark?

Glenn: Damned if I know. Probably got knocked off a while back. It'd serve him right... *grumble*

Lark: *coming from below* Serve who right?

Glenn: You! Look what happened to my ride!

Glenn: I swear, you'd better have gotten the job done!

Schala: The Sun Stone? I got it out.

Glenn: ...and the other thing?

Lark: It was a trap. They were probably counting on catching any would-be assassins...

Glenn: So my new baby got blown up for nothing?! Dammit!

Schala: Enough about your... Car... Thing!

Glenn: Car thing?! I'll have you know-

Schala: *ignoring Glenn* Were you able to find anything?

Lark: The central road's no good. It's already crawling with Porreans. We're gonna have to cut through the middle of the forest to get back to town. You coming, Glenn?

Glenn: Just give me a sec. I need more time to mourn...

(Lark goes over and drags Glenn away from the crashed vehicle.)

Glenn: Nooo! Lemme go! She needs a proper burial!!

Schala: *sigh*

(Schala follows them offscreen.)

[Glenn joined the party!]

[Captain's Favor trophy acquired]

[Areas: North-West Woods, North Woods]

[Fiona's Shrine]

Lark: Huh? Getting dark already?

Schala: We must have been knocked out longer than I thought.

Glenn: Hey look. I think I see the Shrine. Think the keepers'll let us bunk?

Lark: Worth a shot. It would beat resting outside. And who knows what kind of creeps start crawling around here after dark.

(Nighttime, the group manages to get squared away inside the Shrine. As the guys have a separate room, Schala sits alone in her own chambers, fiddling with Techno's bracelet.)

Schala: Techno, come on... Give me a sign here...

????: *static*

Schala: !!!

????: C- hea- me-?

Schala: Techno?! Is that you?!

Techno: Scha-?! Hol- n- let m- ange- fre-cy.

Techno: Schala?

Schala: Thank god! You're okay!

Techno: Yeah... Guess you could say that...

Schala: What... what happened back there?

Techno: They came out of nowhere. Vathos and Ninya were holding their own until that white Warmech came... They were torn apart... If Balthesar hadn't pulled me into his office, I probably would've been next.

Schala: .......and Roas?

Techno: don't want to know...

Schala: So that's it? We're the only two left?

Techno: After everything passed, I tried getting in contact with you, but I ran into too much interference.

Techno: So... How are things on your end?

Schala: I stole one of Porre's biggest treasures and escaped from prison.

Techno: Wait, seriously?! Oh man... Guess it's too late to ask you to keep a low profile, huh?

Schala: Techno. What...?

Schala: What can you tell me about the Zweibreicht Company?

Techno: The Zweibreicht Company? That sounds familiar. Hold on, let me look it up...

Techno: !!! You've got to be kidding me!

Schala: Shh! Keep it down! What did you find?

Techno: Do you know who these guys are?! They're a mercenary company that was pretty damn infamous among those times. They're more or less responsible for inspiring Guardia and other nations to rebel against Porre, leading to the Military Stalemate of 1227 AD! At least half of our old Dreamers were inspired by these guys!

Schala: You're kidding! What else?

Techno: Hold on. It says the company was composed of three members. The only documented member is a guy named Glenn. It says that they were seekers of justice rather than cutthroat mercenaries, and that they never accepted jobs from Porre, instead taking jobs that would try to cripple the superpower.

Techno: It also say that the company disappeared on the eve of 1228 AD during a mission in Choras... Although they were gone, their courage in their refusal to bow to Porrean standards lived on in others...

Schala: But nothing truly changed afterwards, did it?

Techno: Porre still ended up being to powerful to bring down... but if there was anybody that would have a chance to help you accomplish your mission... How did you know to ask about these guys, anyway?

Schala: I'm traveling with them right now.

Techno: !!! I see...

Schala: Techno?

Techno: I think it would be best if you stuck with them.

Schala: I don't think I'll have the money to hire them for a long-term contract.

Techno: Then join up with them.

Schala: You're... serious, aren't you?

Techno: If anyone can help you make a difference... Besides, we both know what's at stake.

Schala: You're right. I'll think on it.

Schala: Techno?

Techno: Hmm?

Schala: I'm glad you made it...

Techno: ...You too.


(The next morning)

Glenn: Alright. Are the roads clear?

Lark: Nope. Bastards are persistent.

Schala: Back through the forest, then?

Lark: Seems that way.

Lark: You alright?

Schala: Just doing some thinking. That's all.

Lark: Well, if you need any personal help with that...

Schala: Don't make me hit you.

Lark: Right.

Glenn: Heh.

[North-East Forest]

(A little ways in)

Lark: Hey, anybody else hear that?

Glenn: It's your imagination. Let's go.

(A bit further in)

Lark: Seriously, nobody hears that buzzing sound?

Glenn: Dammit Lark! Stop jinxing us!

Schala: *kneels down* He's right. There's something here.

Glenn: Oh, not you too!

Lark: Let's be careful. Maybe it won't notice us.

(At the end of the road)

Glenn: That's... a pretty steep drop.

Lark: Maybe if we roll...

Schala: Don't be stupid. Maybe we could fashion a vine or-

*buzzing sound*

Glenn: ......

Lark: Don't say it.

Glenn: I'm still gonna think it.

Schala: As long as you don't say it.

(A giant winged insect appears.)

Lark: A Wingapede?!

Glenn: I didn't think they migrated out here!

(The Wingapede prepares to attack... But a larger beast monster suddenly leaps up high and grabs it.)

Glenn: Woah!!

(The monsters disappear behind the plateau. Crunching noises are soon heard. The beast leaps back up in front of the party and wipes it mouth with its arm.)

Glenn: Well, he seems... friendly.

Lark: Maybe if we don't piss it off, it won't attack us.

(The beast roars angrily.)

Schala: Any other bright ideas?!

Lark: I'm thinking!

Glenn: Think faster!

[Boss Fight: Forest Troll - Innate: Green]

(Upon defeat, the Troll slips and breaks part of the plateau it's standing on. When the dust settles, the party now has a path to the exit... over the Troll's body.)

Lark: Will you look at that. We got ourselves a way across. Told you I'd think of something.

Schala: You didn't think of a damn thing!

Glenn: Guys, can we drop this and get out of here?! I just want to get back to town, and sleep this whole thing off like a bad hangover.

Schala: That's... a good idea, actually.

Lark: Drinks are on me today.

Glenn: Heh.

[World Map]

[Brave New World trophy acquired.]

[San Dorino Outskirts]

(As the group heads inside the village...)

Schala: Well, I suppose this is it.

Lark: Well, not quite. We still have to report to our clients.

Glenn: Yeah. A job's not over until we do that... but that'll be something you'll learn in time. If you're interested.

Schala: Wait. You don't mean...

Lark: Wait, what? You mean you were serious about that?

Glenn: I have to admit, you don't look like the type who would involve herself in grand theft, much less fighting. After what I saw in that forest, it would be stupid of me not to extend an offer.

Glenn: Lark and I were talking about it earlier, but I want to make it official. It's not every day we come across a human magic Innate, much less one that's good in a scrap. Add to that the fact that you knowingly took a job that would put you at odds with Porre tells me enough about your character. So I'd like to ask you to become a member of the company.

Schala: ......

Schala: ('Okay, I wasn't expecting this. I thought I'd have to ask or beg or something... but is this really the right way?')

(The screen turns black.)

Techno: If anyone can help you make a difference... Besides, we both know what's at stake.

(Back to normal...)

Lark: Hey, I uh... think you overwhelmed her.

Schala: Alright. I accept. On the condition that Loverboy keeps his hands to himself.

Lark: You wound me, Milady.

Glenn: Well, there we go then. We've got an HQ branch up the mountain path nearby. We'll handle your registration at the Tavern.

Schala: The Tavern?

Lark: Jess doesn't just run the counter. She works for the Mercenary's Guild as the town's liaison.

Schala: Is that right?

Lark: Well, now that that's settled, it's nice to finally get a real woman in the ranks.

Glenn: .......You know, I don't think 'she'd' appreciate being considered chopped liver.

Lark: Phht. She'll be fine. She can take it.

Schala: Who are you talking about?

Lark: .........

Glenn: Our third member, and now, officially your senior. We sent her over to the north to find some opportunities for us. She's the reason we ended up getting this job, but I think she'll be pissed when she finds out we got the raw end of the deal.

Lark: Oh, and fair warning. She's a bit of a spaz, so you might want to look out.

(As Lark and Glenn head into town...)

Schala: So these guys are supposed to inspire the world huh? ...*sigh* I really hope I don't regret this...

« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 03:06:17 pm by skylark »


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Re: Chrono Saga: To the Sea of Dreams (script)
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2012, 10:24:50 pm »
I got a question, what does Zweibreicht mean? I know it is a name, but was there any reason you picked that name?