
Will Chrono Legend be a success?

It will fail like other Chrono sequels
2 (25%)
Chrono Crisis will crush it to bits
3 (37.5%)
It sounds interesting and promising
3 (37.5%)
I must get great looking sequel
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: July 27, 2005, 12:52:11 am

Author Topic: Chrono Legend  (Read 4228 times)


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Chrono Legend
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2005, 03:27:26 pm »
I still think you haven't really planned the game out yet.  You have four chapters, only one of which is written.  Wasn't each chapter supossed to take 30 hours?  That will take maybe 10 minutes at most.

You're planning out the actual gameplay too detailed.  With bosses, hp, mp, etc.  You need to focus on the STORY first.  You can always go back and change the monster's attirbutes later.  A bad story will be impossible to fix.

Legend of the Past

  • Errare Explorer (+1500)
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Chrono Legend
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2005, 05:36:24 pm »
Sad, but true. Though, in writing I found it worked for me once. I thought of a story where there will be two parts, eight heroes sent into a world in two groups of four, meet up and fight the final battle together. That created my Enderon story, which is really different, except for heroes getting sent into a world. Enderon gave birth to Liniria. Liniria is a thing I take pride in. Therefore, making that clicheful, ill-planned story helped.

You still MIGHT save your game. Start over.

Oh, and the interview seemed like this:

CoF: Being honest.

You: Trying to say whatever that might outmatch CoF.

I think you just saw how CoF gets a bit of publicity in the Chrono community, and wanted a piece of the action. So you thought of a game with a trillion features, and no story. Then people start complaining, and you sellotape the pieces of storyline you get between bosses.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Chrono Legend
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2005, 01:11:02 pm »
Those screenshots weren't working for me.

Anyhow, you're lucky I showed up when I did, because I could help you out A LOT here.

I feel you have what it takes to get this job done, you just need the right help and to keep your mind fixtated that this WILL get done.
How do I know? Because I've been in your shoes before.  :wink:

But like I said, I could help you out so much.
I'm VERY good with storylines, and I love to write.
I even wrote a whole Fanfic on my own, about FFVII (the aftermath of it) and it turned out really well.

So, I could help you get on with the storyline, and take your mind off the bosses and what-not, like the other guy said.

PLUS, I can do voices, and I would most likely make a REALLY good Magus voice. (I have a deep voice, and I sing heavy metal, so you do the math there.  :wink: )

If you want my help (it'd probably be smart not to pass it up), get my attention on my Website/Forums or something.
(You can find a link to it in my signature)
Then we can work something out.

I'd be more than glad to help; as long as you promise me you won't loose your motivation and you'll stick with it all the way through.
Because I won't let another lost cause happen.

P.S. I've worked with all the RPG Maker systems ever since the 1995 version.

I could probably do many other voices too, I'm really good at immitating voices and very good at altering mine.

**Double Edit**
I'd also be able to help out with the advertising of the game when it's finished, because I'd be willing to make a whole other section on my site for it.
(In other words, I could turn the game into a big ordeal when it comes out.)
But we'll save that until we're DONE with it.

**Triple Edit**
By the way, I'm only willing to help if you have something started, and know the ropes of how it all works allready.
I don't want to work on a project that's getting nothing done.


  • Iokan (+1)
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Chrono Legend
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2005, 06:19:51 am »
Okay thanks I need all the help I can get. I've made some new screens.


Title Screen

Crono in 991 AD

I have some new screens, but I cannot post them since those were the only uploaded on my site plus I am not at home right now. I'm currently doing Crono's voice since everyone in my company(Capcom X) thinks I'm perfect for the job. As for that script I put, that was a probably a 32nd of what I have right now. I left the script at home so I cannot write it at the moment. You're right what I did write would probably get me 10 minutes. Right now it would probably get me a few hours. Chapter 1 will have probably 100+ parts and I've come up with 10. If I keep going like I am right now, 160 hours may be possible. I mean just think a bit. I cam up with 3-5 hours of gameplay already and I'm capable of going on and on until my arms get tired. Though 160 is just a goal, I think if I push myself to the limits, I may not get to 160, but I'll get a good amount in there. Here is some more info on the game...

Time... The most fragile and balanced thing... It has a set path that was never meant to be tampered with... However many seeked to change time for the good of it, but even that could cause time to lose balance. If that were to happen, there's no telling what could happen. Even Lavos, who tried to controll time didn't know what it was getting into. Crono and his friends saving time caused the world to lose balance. Now in 991 AD lies a boy named Davion. With the world out of balance,even the past can change causing a lot to happen to the future. All Davion he can do is try and change it. But as we know, that would be useless. Will the humans ever learn the truth about time? Will the tragic losses caused by time be stopped? Davion. Crono. Serge. The fate of time lies within the hands of these three.

My old story wasn't as good, but still there's something about it that bugs me. Any suggestions? Well here are my characters.

Chapter 1: The Not too Distant Past characters:


Age: 18
Weapon: Sword
Magic: Thunder
Description: Loves to explore and hopes one day to visit the forbidden forest.


Age: 15
Weapon: Gun
Magic: Fire


Weapon: Scepter
Magic: Ice
Description: The princess of Guardia in 991 AD. She dreams to be queen one day, but also wishes to see the outside world eventually.


Weapon: Summoner Staff
Magic: None
Description: The mother of Lucca today is a teenager with mysterious powers.


Weapon: Fire Arm
Magic: None
Description: This popular teenager who wants to be a movie star joins Davion in her time period of 1999 AD.


Age: 22
Weapon: Sword
Magic: None
Description: Years ago Axle was in a tragic accident with caused him to lose him family. Knowing this was no accident, Axle seeks to find the truth.


Weapon: Sword
Magic: All
Description: Once defeated by Crono, he was revived by a strange power. Dalton only wishes to join Davion until the find Crono(If he exists back then).


Age: 36
Weapon: Claw
Magic: Shadow
Description: 10 years ago Slade was attacked by a group of Souless spirits causing his left arm to stop working. He only wishes to find out who is behind those spirit's attack.


Age: ??
Weapon: None
Magic: ??
Description: He and Mune aid Davion when he really needs it. Masa is the smart, intellegent, and strategic twin.


Age: ??
Weapon: None
Magic: ??
Description: He and Masa aid Davion when he really needs it. Mune is the slow, dumb, and weaker twin.

Many found it odd that you play as Masa and Mune, but they are just helpers. They play a big role in the game. However you won't play as them too much. I can't really say they are main characters. I can probably make a good CBS for the game, but it will make the game take longer to make to make. As for a CMS, that won't be too hard since I make a lot of zelda fan games and they have CMSes. Shadow0312 is helping me with making animations and Redeemer~102 helps me with the CBS. ShamanQueen is playing Marle's voice, but that's one of many characters. I want to make facial expressions when the characters talk which shadow0312 has covered right now. Using a certain utility, once I master it, the 3D movie cut scenes will probably look like Chrono Trigger Ressurection. Ace_Strife is helping with bosses and mosnters. Instead of mystics, my game has a new breed of enemies called Soulless. At first they are bosses, but later on they come out as monsters. The game will play like Chrono Trigger with many more features and combos in the battle system. There are quad techs since I'm having 4 party members. Jinx I have an assignment for you. My character named Slade has a low voice and you can probably do a good job on him. He was created in 3000 AD. Axle is kind of like a teenager type but is still a half robot. If everything goes as planned, I can release demo 0.5 within the next two weeks. New screens coming soon. Tell me what you think now.

Quote from: Legend of the Past
Sad, but true. Though, in writing I found it worked for me once. I thought of a story where there will be two parts, eight heroes sent into a world in two groups of four, meet up and fight the final battle together. That created my Enderon story, which is really different, except for heroes getting sent into a world. Enderon gave birth to Liniria. Liniria is a thing I take pride in. Therefore, making that clicheful, ill-planned story helped.

You still MIGHT save your game. Start over.

Oh, and the interview seemed like this:

CoF: Being honest.

You: Trying to say whatever that might outmatch CoF.

I think you just saw how CoF gets a bit of publicity in the Chrono community, and wanted a piece of the action. So you thought of a game with a trillion features, and no story. Then people start complaining, and you sellotape the pieces of storyline you get between bosses.

Not sure believe it or not. Shockingly, that was a real interview from another forum site. I'll sned you a link to it once I get a direct link(It's been a while since I've been on that site). But I'll still give you a link later. Anyways I absolutely have NO competitions with Chains. NONE. I know he has more attention, but I really don't care anymore. I've been minding my own bussiness for a long long time. Also there is something you guys do not get. I can do every last one of those features. The combos. Eay. Just make it something like FF10 overdrives. Riding hover crafts is a piece of cake since I made my own Custom Riding System. The voices are farely easy since I already have Marle and Crono's voices ready. Also my Marle voice actor is playing Kate's voice on chapter 1. As for Davion, I MIGHT do his voice unless Jinx can do a better job. Shadow0312 said he can do Axle's voice which I find true since he has a perfect voice for the job. He can somehow make his voice sound like some sort of a computer. Put two types of voices together and what do you get? Axle! Do you want me to go on? 3D movie cutscenes will be a piece of cake once I master gmax. I've learned the basics of making a character using gmax, put not everything. Once I know everything, gmax does the rest. Animation shop will make the frames and turn it into an avi file. Once I've done all of that, I have a perfect movie cutscene. 160 hours of gameplay is a lot to go for which is why I said whatever happens. It's a goal I think I can accomplish and if I can't, I'm sure it ill be pretty close. Anybody capable of making a demo is capable of making 160 hours. That' all I have to say. I'm just stating what I think. But as I said before. While shooting for 260 hours, I'll probably get a good 80 hours out of it. I've studied RPG Maker ever since it came out and I'm ready to make this game the best game I've ever made. Sorry for yelling, but I just said what I think is true. Also I had a story from the start. Here was my old story...

Three heroes... One destiny... To save time itself... Time is a delicate thing. Weither it is for good or evil, time has a set path. Changing time can cause it to lose balance. Wihour balance on earth, there's no telling what could happen. However each in a different time, lied the three heroes. Each with their own strength and abilities, they are capable of saving time or wioping out. The fate of time lies within the hands of these three...

That was my old story which you can tell I changed to make the new one. That's all the proof I have. Even if I'm not lying, putting chains' interview there was a bad idea I just got carried away and nervious. But this is no competition. I'm just going to mind my own business like I have been and I'm sure he has.

Edit 2: Chrono Legend official forum site available. Unlike certain forum sites, this one doesn't have as many rules. Be sure to check it out. Here's the link...


Feel free to give me some suggestions. Also I refuse to start ovewr since

1. I haven't been here in a while so I forgot to fill you in on the new story.

2. I like what I have. I'll post what I have soon.