Btw, regarding to Magus Castle disappearance... i am right now playing CT, and i arrive at Medina village 1000AD. The statue in the center of the village is Magus'. But, if i remember well, after you beat Magus and go back to Medina 1000AD, the statue is Ozzie's. So, after all Magus shouldn't have died in the original Timeline (that is, if Chrono and co. wouldn't have messed with it) after summoning Lavos... this is weird. Because we all were assuming that, no matter what, that is, no matter that Chrono and co. interfeared or not, the effect of Lavos summoning would be that both Magus and his Castle would disappear from the world of 600AD.
Yet, something must have happened... why the switch in the statue?
Edit: i gather, from their chantics, that they believe Magus sort of created Lavos and that Lavos will be back to destroy humans... why would that believe change after you mess up with the lavos summoning?