Esmeld isn't the ONLY Goblin Commander in Viper Manor. Meet
Pollon, the Green Terror (terrier?), the guy in-charge of the Manor's security, he who devised the Sunflower incident, (supposedly) helped Lynx destroy the Viper Manor inhabitants, has weird weapon-naming tendencies, flirts with (and kills) minors, tragedy lover, and most importantly he's a Harle prototype. (Yes, Radical Dreamers also had a harlequin with a French accent)
I try to see behind the goblins, searching for that strangely familiar voice, the one that sounded just like the sunflower's. However, all I can make out is some sort of strange psychedelic light, emanating from behind the troupe. The light seems to be coming from a figure, whoever (or whatever) it is. As he makes his way through the crowd, I finally get a good look at him. His hairstyle reminds me of a tall green chimney, and his red and green pinstriped costume is like that of a harlequin. An over-the-top, long purple cape drags behind him as he approaches me.
"Ah, monsieur... you are mademoiselle Kid's friend, non? I do not believe we have met. Bonsoir, Je m'appelle Pollon. T'roughout ze world, I am known as `Ze Green Terreur'. Perhapz you have heard of moi, non?"This is my gift to utunnels. A speed-paint on Krita. I know, Pollon has red stripes on his costume, but I was lazy.

But you know what this means, right? I'm the FIRST FAN EVER to draw / paint BOTH the Goblin Commanders from RD!
(Fun fact: when utunnels and I were working on RDFZ beat em up game, Pollon was intended to be one of the three primary antagonists, showing up in every stage, being the second last boss of the final Viper Manor stage.)

*Looks at the art; could have been better. Needs more practice. Bleh...*