I like it, but I do think that some parts could use a bit of improvement
I keep expecting some major climax at the end
However, music for a background during dialogue wouldn't necessary need a climax, but the second half of the song makes me expect a climax, so I like the idea of splitting it into two parts
Also, when you said like Time's Scar or Chrono Trigger, did mean in their styles, or a main theme like they? I don't think it should necessary follow the style of either Chrono Trigger or Time's Scar, but it would be awesome if it started out as a remix of Chrono Trigger, and ended as a remix of Time's Scar.. or if it started out with actual pieces of Chrono Trigger, went into a remix of it, and ended as a remix of Time's Scar and went into an actual piece of Time's Scar, if that makes any sense
For the actual middle of the song, I think it should be very chaotic, since that seems to be very common from what I've read of the plot; in CT you basically go to each time twice or thrice (hehe, thrice), and in CC you're constantly pushed into everything in a rush without knowing why; from what I've read of the CE plot, you probably go to each time at least 10 times by the end of the game, and so many things happen without explanation at first