CTRP Team Interview (Page Two)
11. If everything goes well, when can fans expect some progress, or even the full game?
About the next site update - we're already working on it; even so, it will take some time. About the whole remake release - it's kind of hard in these projects that depend much on the team members' free time to have a precise date; however, we want to aim our demo to CT's Anniversary, though we wouldn't mind having the entire remake by then. However, it's impossible unless we work in this full time as a job.
12. The UT99 mod Chaos, packaged with the GotY edition, features a sword. Have it and any other modifications by other groups sparked interest in a realtime multiplayer mode?
I remember playing Chaos with the bloodstained sword, it was fun and it had interesting things. However, all that gore doesn't fit in much in CT. In the future, we might add a Battle Arena where players can battle together. In the event that we can't find a viable solution for a multiplayer ATB we might try as realtime, or both if our community asks; but first things first... it's more important to finish the solid demo and the full remake.
13. Lastly, if you could get anyone to join the project, what would you have them volunteer to do?
We currently have opened positions for: Character Animator, Texture Artists, Unreal Scripter and Character Modeler. However, we're still interested in any CT fan that think he has something to add to our project, being ideas, talent in other areas, etc...
You can check more in our main site, http://www.chrono-trigger.com , and in our specific thread of our forum: http://invisionfree.com/forums/Spectral_Wars_Gaya/index.php?showtopic=329
Also, don't worry if we take time to consider your application, since it depends on various factors, like open positions, our availability to view the submissions, etc... And if you post in the thread, we can always see the applications later if needed.
Wait, what's this? Surprise -- two more mini-interviews! I contacted the music department of CTRP and gave them some questions. They graciously responded; I present to you, John and bLiNd.
Note: As of April 2005, bLiNd has suffered a bad server crash and may not return to the project.
1. Who approached you about CTRP, and what got you interested?
bLInd: No one did, i just remember reading about a few of the projects, and the resurrection team already had a mixer so i went to the remake team. They had some good progress.
John: Just like blind, no one approached me to do the music for the project. I had just gotten some software and I read through a few music theory books and I decided to hone my skills by doing some of the songs for the project.
2. Which remix do you think has turned out the best so far?
bLInd: I'd have to say Secret of the Forest has the most perfect instrument timbre and "remake" quality of any. It was also the first, that got me on the team.
John: None really. I guess the best in my opinion is the Undersea Palace, but it doesnt' capture the feel of the original. It has a more subtle, longing feel to it, and some people aren't too happy about that : )

From CTRP - bLiNd's process
I can tell you the process I go thru. I actually take the spc file from the Rom of the game (www.snesmusic.org) and use an spc2midi converter. Thats not even half of it, though. After i convert the spc to midi i have to basically figure out what is what and retranscribe note for note (using a piano roll) the entire song at a proper tempo because the spc converted version is always at the same tempo (any spc converted).
After that's done I edit all midi CC data and clean up the project a lot. This alone can take hours. After thats done i start assigning sounds. I get what i want and tweak and tweak until it sounds acoustic and authentic. After that i do the mixdown, set loop points, export and master. I've got the routine down to a science now, and thats how I can whip them out so fast. I never rely on midis done by ear (www.vgmusic.com) because they are messy and usually aren't 100 percent accurate. Now i could do the whole thing by ear if i wanted but id get probably 1 song done per month at that rate...considering all the other things I do everyday like work. But a lot of it doesnt go so smooth in the conversion process. I HAD to do a lot by ear on some of the tracks which doesn't bother me. I also listen to the original track over and over for details and little tidbits (like panning effects etc). I use Reason 2.5, Cubase SX2, and LOTS AND LOTS of vsts and samples; too many to list. Thats about it in a nutshell.
3. Which has been the hardest or most troublesome?
bLInd: Man! FRIKN Boss Battle 2. That song is nuts when you chop it up. Took me a LONG time to get that one right with notation and tempo and all that. Then of course their was the heavy orchestral instruments. Turned out awesome tho!
John: All of the tracks have been troublesome. I really need more experience (people in the forums have probably grown tired of me mentioning this), but I always learn something new with every track and I think "dang, now I have to go back through all of my tracks and re-do everything". Really, when I did the first few tracks, I didn't know what mastering was... nor did I know how to use reverb and other effects.
4. Do you feel any connection with the series after remixing all the music?
bLInd: Hell yes. The more i do it the more i realize how much of a genious Yasunori is, not like anyone needs to hear that but man, the guy understands so much about music. I also have extreme nostalgia obviously, thats my main motive.
John: Yes and no. At times I could see what Mitsuda was trying to do with the music, and sometimes I couldn't see what his "angle" was. I'm sorry to say that I don't feel closer to the game, but I sure have a few of the songs stuck in my head : )
5. Any shoutout to fans or CTRP staff you want to give?
bLInd: Well John and TheBrain come to mind right now, they support me quite a bit with my work and keep me motivated for the team. The whole team has given me lots of good feedback too, cant forget them! And of course Zeality (YOU!) because you are one of my biggest internet fans...
John: mmmm everyone. Especially blind. I've learned a lot from listening to his work repeatedly.
I just hope people won't judge me too hard on my earlier work (because I think they suck the big one). I think that the tracks that I'm currently working on might contain some points of interest for listeners.
And that wraps it up. I hope this feature has given you considerably insight into the workings of this fantastic project, and has maybe even rekindled some interest in the Chrono series. 3D Chrono Trigger isn't merely a dream, and when it's done, it'll be done correctly thanks to the undying efforts of the Chrono Trigger Remake Project team. Thank them sometime! ZeaLitY out.
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Follow the progress of the Chrono Trigger Remake Project at chrono-trigger.com. You can also check out their active forums for discussion and updates here. Stay tuned for more information and media regarding this spectacular project!