Schala meets with Bekkler in a Kajar laboratory where they prep for the first connection experiment with the Object. Belthasar explains that he, Gaspar, and Dr. Melchior will remain in a side laboratory outfitted with complex diagnostic equipment to observe activity within the Mammon Machine, while Bekkler and Assistant Valna will be in Kajar's Mammon Machine room with her to monitor her vital signs and intervene in case the situation looks dangerous. Derben is absent again.
Demeria hinders Schala and Bekkler's crew as they approach the Mammon Machine chamber. She reiterates her extreme concern, reflecting on the dangerous outcome of Bekkler's recent experiments with the Object. Demeria goes so far as to physically restrain Schala but Schala defeats her in battle. Dalton has Demeria arrested for direct interference with royal orders and Schala explains that going forward with the experiment is her decision, as this will represent true advancement for both Zeal and the Earthbound if successful.
Schala enters the Mammon Machine chamber with Bekkler and Assistant Valna, and undergoes her first Frozen Flame trial. While she wanders through a dungeon that makes little sense and constantly throws her off balance visually, whatever consciousness resides within the Frozen Flame taunts her with observations of weak will. Finally she reaches the heart of the consciousness and it assumes the physical form of Arcmyst, explaining that it somehow represents humanity itself. Arcmyst asks Schala if she loves her country, and she says she does so dearly. It asks her if she loves the Earthbound, and she gives the same reply. Arcmyst shows her a glimpse of Zeal's origins, which consists of Zealian citizens fighting the ancestors of the Shikari people -- one of the Shikari looks strangely similar to Jaya, but the player won't notice this unless he or she payed particular attention to Jaya's sprite in the first place. Arcmyst also shows Schala Zeal's future, which it portrays as Zealian citizens slaughtering Earthbound. Schala grows alarmed and accuses Arcmyst of lying. Arcmyst replies that it only shows truth, but when Schala says that she will defy that truth, Arcmyst is amused. It tells Schala to return later if she wants to learn how to coax the Object into releasing its energy.
Schala falters back from the Mammon Machine with the words, "How many peoples?" Bekkler rises as if to catch her, but he's too slow and Assistant Valna props her up while she's in a daze. When Schala's recovered and tries to put her mental experience into words, Bekkler falters due to some old age condition and Schala catches him before he falls; Bekkler again wonders at her ability to care for others while she's locked in her own dilemmas.
Schala awakes the next morning to reports that Guru Bekkler has gone missing, in addition to Derben and Assistant Valna. Derben is suspected as the culprit but when Schala follows Dalton to Bekkkler's sky island, Derben returns and says he knows nothing about the Guru's disappearance. Visual records in both the sky island laboratory and Bekkler's private aeroplane provide Derben an alibi and he makes some excuse about his suspicious nocturnal voyages.
Schala and Derben visit Demeria in prison, noting her term will continue a few months. Demeria seems relieved that Schala has survived the connection experiment with the Object and brushes off the fact that Schala failed to get Demeria's sentence commuted. Derben asks to be left alone with Demeria, telling Schala that he'll catch up with her later. While she's leaving the prison, Schala has to wait at the main gate due to administrative backup -- a slew of Earthbound prisoners are being brought in because they've been found with weapons during surface sweeps by the Lasher corps. While she's waiting, Schala wanders into the room with the video feed of Po'hjol's quarters, and witnesses Derben walking up to Po'hjol's cell. Fade to black.