Access Bend of Time in Regular Game
General Information[edit]
By grobycftw
Chrono Cross[edit]
Here you can access the Bend of Time (New Game+ content only) in a regular game!
Simply open(drag and drop) your Iso/Img/(Bin?) in an Hex Editor (I use HxD , very easy to use) and then edit 2 values!
Go to the corresponding Offset (seen below) and changes these values : 05 80 -> Set to 54 60
************************************************ ************** FORMAT 2048 ************** ---CD1--- Offset = 0E0CE395 => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB ---CD2--- Offset = 0DEDD395 => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB ************************************************ ************************************************ ************** FORMAT 2352 ************** ---CD1--- Offset = 1022CCED => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB ---CD2--- Offset = 0FFF208D => 05 80 EB -> Set to 54 60 EB ************************************************
Additional info: 1925-1930
Here's my additional info on the Bend of Time Room
This doc is a bit old so not all of it make sense, now I know much more about Room/Script! but still can be useful maybe
From: Modification