Chrono Cross File 0000
General Information[edit]
Chrono Cross[edit]
This file is probably the main game executable, and has certain known features of interest.
1. Auto-Accent Information
The short strings used in the generation of auto-accented text are embedded in this executable in relative alphabet format, starting near location 0x51960. They are null-terminated, and appear in blocks giving all versions of one conversational particle, interspersed with blocks of unknown information. The exact number of versions of text in any one block varies, and is not large enough to permit one string being assigned to each character. The blocks appear to be ordered as follows:
- generic sentence ender, like Mojo's "-om"
- "a" (as in "a monster")
- "an"
- "the"
- "my"
- "me"
- "you"
- "your"
- "yes"
- affix used with Serge's name, like the "-us" in Sprigg's "Serge-us"
- "n't", as in "don't"
- "n't you"
- "can't"
- "can't you"
- "won't"
- "won't you"
- "aren't"
- "aren't you"
- "'ve" (contraction of "have")
- "'ll" (contraction of "will")
- "'d" (contraction of "would")
- "'d" (contraction of "had")
- "t you", as in "don't you" (no, I don't know why they needed an apostrophe-less version)
- "'s" (contraction of "is")
- "ss" (presumably to provide for lithping pink dogth)
- "wha", as in "what"
2. Other Embedded Relative Alphabet Strings
These include:
- All material names, starting near 0x48320
- All PC weapon names, starting near 0x48400
- All armour names, starting near 0x48860
- All accessory names, starting near 0x489c0
- All default PC names, starting near 0x48df0
- All Element descriptions, starting near 0x49b40
- All Element names, starting near 0x4f010
- All Key Item names, starting near 0x503d0
- All enemy names, starting near 0x508a0
3. Embedded ASCII/Shift JIS Strings
Most of these seem to be leftover debug information (often including printf() formatters), or function names. There are a few version or copyright notices mixed in. Also, someone at Squeenix can't spell English (I mean, "WEPON"? "bigest"? One hopes that they're at the Japan and not the NA branch.)
PS-X EXE Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. for North America area tpage: (%d,%d,%d,%d) clut: (%d,%d) $Id: sys.c,v 1.140 1998/01/12 07:52:27 noda Exp yos $ ResetGraph:jtb=%08x,env=%08x ResetGraph(%d)... SetGraphDebug:level:%d,type:%d reverse:%d SetGrapQue(%d)... DrawSyncCallback(%08x)... SetDispMask(%d)... DrawSync(%d)... %s:bad RECT (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) ClearImage ClearImage2 LoadImage StoreImage MoveImage ClearOTag(%08x,%d)... ClearOTagR(%08x,%d)... DrawOTag(%08x)... PutDrawEnv(%08x)... DrawOTagEnv(%08x,&08x)... PutDispEnv(%08x)... GPU timeout:que=%d,stat=%08x,chcr=%08x,madr=%08x LoadImage2 5585 at100-4-18 12:3 koukaon cd mde C:\work\cdrom2.mde C:\work\cdrom.mde cd fid C:\work\cdrom2.fid C:\work\cdrom.fid C:\work\cdrom2.fnd C:\work\cdrom.fnd c:/work/cdrom/prog/debug.prg c:/work/cdrom/prog/title.prg miyatest FIELD FILED battle(now construction) 1999/3/3 do not select!!!!! vertex tras = %d draw = %d none CdlReadS CdlSeekP CdlSeekL CdlGetTD CdlGetTN CdlGetlocP CdlGetlocL CdlSetmode CdlSetfilter CdlDemute CdlMute CdlReset CdlPause CdlStop CdlStandby CdlReadN CdlBackward CdlForward CdlPlay CdlSetloc CdlNop CdlSync DiskError DataEnd Acknowledge Complete DataReady NoIntr CD timeout: %s:(%s) Sync=%s, Ready=%s DiskError: com=%s,code=(%02x:%02x) CDROM: unknown intr CD_sync CD_ready %s... %s: no param CD_cw $Id: bios.c,v 1.86 1997/03/28 07:42:42 makoto Exp yos $ CD_init: addr=%08x CD_datasync VSync: timeout $Id: intr.c,v 1.75 1997/02/07 09:00:36 makoto Exp $ unexpected interrupt(%04x) intr timeout(%04x:%04x) DMA bus error: code=%08x MADR[%d]=%08x SPU:T/O [%s] wait (reset) wait (wrdy H -> L) wait (dmaf clear/W) TRUE! FALSE SchedulerTask unlink vib_l:%x 無効なセマフォーカウンタ減算 Action中にActionStartかけちゃいけません prog TRUE! FALSE unlink CamTask target caster set camera by %x Projection: %x eye: %4x,%4x,%4x at: %4x,%4x,%4x Fatal error in InputBit! ym effect work packet buffer メモリがねぇ! total %6x 最大 %6x 要求 %6x 絶対メモリがねぇ! total %6x 最大 %6x 要求 %6x MCBは存在しません %x でかいサイズにresize free error cd read CPU:GPU,FPS=%4d:%4d,%4d-%d/60 start =%B select=%B RR=%B RL=%B RU=%B RD=%B R1=%B L1=%B R2=%B L2=%B LR=%B LL=%B LU=%B LD=%B free %d miya %d yoshi %d hig %d kazu %d other %d ohno %d ker %d bigest %x total %x debug %B disp key %B unlinkResouce closeresource CdInit: Init failed SPU:T/O [%s] wait (IRQ/ON) wait (IRQ/OFF) Error: Can't push matrix,stack(max 20) is full! Error: Can't pop matrix,stack is empty! This function is not implemented. Library Programs (c) 1993-1997 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved. ;0123456789ABCDEF unknown techtec1tec2tec3tec4tec5 title メモリが足りないです。 ポリゴン法線をまだ求めてないです。 頂点法線データのメモリが確保されてません。 Kz_modelGetNormalPolygon() 頂点法線データのメモリを確保できないです。 Kz_modelSetNormalPolygon() 頂点法線データが入りきらないです。 Kz_modelCalcNormalPolygon() 法線データ領域が確保されてません。 Kz_modelGetNormalPolygon() ポリゴン法線データのメモリを確保できないです。 Kz_modelSetNormalPolygon() ポリゴン法線データが入りきらないです。 OBJHEAD SHADOW Kz_motionSetNumber(): err000 %x Kz_motionSetNumber(): err001 Kz_motionSetNumber(): err002 %x VERTEX BUF WEPON WEPON PNORM WEPON VNORM GET_ACTOR GET_TARGET GET_CASTER Kz_anmseqSetNubmer(): err000 Kz_anmseqSetNubmer(): err001 %x Kz_anmseqSetNubmer(): err002 %x %x Kz_porcCreate() 空いてるメモリがないです。
3. Dialog font
This font is stored in 1bpp linear, not a TIM file. It can be found at 0x46FBB.