SCL = 3708-3759 Small Character Layer
Strangely, the status menu portraits and the post-battle portraits are stored completely separately in the game disc. These are the post-battle ones and they're of smaller dimensions than the stat portraits, hence the name "Small Character Layer."
OUT # Character 3708 Serge 3709 Kid 3710 Guile 3711 Norris 3712 Nikki 3713 Viper 3714 Riddel 3715 Karsh 3716 Zoah 3717 Marcy 3718 Korcha 3719 Luccia 3720 Poshul 3721 Razzly 3722 Zappah 3723 Orcha 3724 Radius 3725 Fargo 3726 Macha 3727 Glenn (One Sword) 3728 Leena 3729 Miki 3730 Harle 3731 Janice 3732 Draggy 3733 Starky 3734 Sprigg 3735 Mojo 3736 Turnip 3737 NioFio 3738 Greco 3739 Skelly 3740 Funguy 3741 Irenes 3742 Mel 3743 Leah 3744 Van 3745 Sneff 3746 Steena 3747 Doc 3748 Grobyc 3749 Pierre 3750 Orlha 3751 Pip1 3752 Pip2 3753 Pip3 3754 Pip4 3755 Pip5 3756 Pip6 3757 Lynx (swallow) 3758 Glenn (2 swords in battle model data comes afterward) 3759 Lynx (scythe)
Special thanks to Satoh for documenting this folder's contents.