Tech Data Notes

List of Techs[edit]

  • 01 - Cyclone
  • 02 - Slash
  • 03 - Lightning
  • 04 - Spincut
  • 05 - Lightning 2
  • 06 - life
  • 07 - confuse
  • 08 - Luminaire
  • 09 - Aura
  • 0A - Provoke
  • 0B - Ice
  • 0C - Cure
  • 0D - Haste
  • 0E - Ice 2
  • 0F - Marle's Cure 2
  • 10 - Marle's Life 2
  • 11 - Flame Toss
  • 12 - Hypno Wave
  • 13 - Fire
  • 14 - Napalm
  • 15 - Protect
  • 16 - Fire 2
  • 17 - MegaBomb
  • 18 - Lucca's Flare
  • 19 - Rocket Punch
  • 1A - Cure Beam
  • 1B - Laser Spin
  • 1C - Robo Tackle
  • 1D - Heal Beam
  • 1E - Uzzi Punch
  • 1F - Area Bomb
  • 20 - Robo's Shock
  • 21 - Slurp
  • 22 - Slurpcut
  • 23 - Water
  • 24 - Heal
  • 25 - Leap Slash
  • 26 - Water 2
  • 27 - Frog's Cure 2
  • 28 - Frog Summon
  • 29 - Kiss
  • 2A - Rollo Kick
  • 2B - Cat Attack
  • 2C - Rock Throw
  • 2D - Charm
  • 2E - Tail Spin
  • 2F - Dino Tail
  • 30 - Triple Kick
  • 31 - Lightning 2
  • 32 - Ice 2
  • 33 - Fire 2
  • 34 - Dark Bomb
  • 35 - Magic Wall
  • 36 - Dark Mist
  • 37 - Black Hole
  • 38 - Dark Matter
  • 39 - Aura Whirl
  • 3A - Dual Ice Slash
  • 3B - Dual Ice Slash 2
  • 3C - Dual Flame Whirl
  • 3D - Dual Fire Sword
  • 3E - Dual Fire Sword 2
  • 3F - Dual Rocket Roll
  • 40 - Dual Max Cyclone
  • 41 - Dual Super Volt
  • 42 - Dual X-Strike
  • 43 - Sword Stream
  • 44 - Dual Spire
  • 45 - Dual Drill Kick
  • 46 - Dual Volt Bite
  • 47 - Dual Falcon Hit
  • 48 - Dual AntiPod
  • 49 - Dual AntiPod 2
  • 4A - Dual AntiPod 3
  • 4B - Dual Aura Beam
  • 4C - Dual Ice Tackle
  • 4D - Dual Cure Touch
  • 4E - Dual Ice Water
  • 4F - Dual Glacier
  • 50 - Dual Double Cure
  • 51 - Dual Twin Charm
  • 52 - Dual Ice Toss
  • 53 - Dual Cube Toss
  • 54 - Dual Fire Punch
  • 55 - Dual Fire Tackle
  • 56 - Dual Double Bomb
  • 57 - Dual Flame Kick
  • 58 - Dual Flame Whirl
  • 59 - Dual Blaze Kick
  • 5A - Dual Blade Toss
  • 5B - Dual Bubble Snap
  • 5C - Dual Cure Wave
  • 5D - Dual Boogie
  • 5E - Dual Spin Kick
  • 5F - Dual Beast Toss
  • 60 - Dual Slurp Kiss
  • 61 - Dual Bubble Hit
  • 62 - Dual Drop Kick
  • 63 - Dual Red Pin
  • 64 - Dual Line Bomb
  • 65 - Dual Frong Flare
  • 66 - Triple Delta Force
  • 67 - Triple Life Line
  • 68 - Triple Arc Impulse
  • 69 - Triple Gatling Kick
  • 6A - Triple Fire Zone
  • 6B - Triple Delta Storm
  • 6C - Triple Final Kick
  • 6D - Triple Triple Raid
  • 6E - Triple Twister
  • 6F - Triple 3D Attack
  • 70 - Triple Dark Eternal
  • 71 - Triple Omega Flare
  • 72 - Triple Spin Strike
  • 73 - Triple Pogozo Dance
  • 74 - Triple Grand Dream
  • 75 -
  • 76 -
  • 77 -
  • 78 -
  • 79 -
  • 7A - Angel Attack
  • 7B -
  • 7C -
  • 7D -
  • 7E -
  • 7F -
  • 80 -

Special Thanks to chakrafire for the tech list!

Tech Animation Commands[edit]

00 Return - marks the end of an object.
01 End Tech - stops processing tech data.
02 aa Load Animation aa. loop
03 aa Load Animation aa, play once
04 aa Load Animation aa, play first frame.
05 aa Load Animation aa (same as 04)
06 aa Load Animation aa (same as 04)
07 Set Default Speed
08 Set speed (slowest)
09 Set speed (slow)
0A Set speed (medium)
0B Set speed (fast)
0C Set speed (fastest)
0D Set speed (fastest, short distance) - Distance used by movement commands will change.
0E Set speed (fastest, shorter distance)
0F Set speed (fastest, shortest distance)
10 xx yy Slide Sprite to Coordinates xx yy 
11 Slide sprite to stored coordinates - set by store coordinates command.
12 tt Slide sprite to target tt - Uses target routine list
13 cc xx yy Spiral Sprite to Coordinates - cc = 1 for clockwise, xx yy coordinates.
14 cc Spiral Sprite to Stored Coordinates - cc = 1 for clockwise
15 cc tt Spiral Sprite to Target - cc = 1 for clockwise
16 xx yy Move X, then Y to coordinates
17 Move X, then Y to stored coordinates
18 Move X, then Y to target
19 xx yy Teleport to coordinates xx yy
1A Teleport to stored coordinates
1B tt Teleport to target
1C oo Link effect Object to target or caster object oo. Used for movement, like Cyclone's sword effect
1D Unlink Object
1E ss perform super command ss (example cyclone)
1F Return from super command - signifies end of super command data
20 tt pause for time tt
21 Return from super command if counter 0x1F (Y coordinate) is zero.
22 cc vv Wait for counter cc to reach value vv
23 vv Wait for counter 0x1C (flow control) to reach value vv
24 vv Wait for counter 0x1D (flow control) to reach value vv
25 xx Return if target (xx + 1) is not present.
26 aa ff Load frame of animation aa - animation ff - frame
27 Unknown
28 Unknown
29 Hide Caster or Target Object
2A Show Caster or Target Object
2B Unknown
2C Unknown
2D Unknown
2E Unknown
2F End Tech - identical to 01
30 cc vv Set counter cc to value vv
31 vv Set counter 0x1C to value vv
32 vv Set counter 0x1D to value vv
33 tt Store Coordinates of Target tt
34 cc Increment counter cc
35 increment counter 0x1C
36 increment counter 0x1D
37 cc Decrement counter cc 
38 Decrement counter 0x1C
39 Decrement counter 0x1D
3A cc vv Add value vv to counter cc
3B vv Increase Counter 0x1C by vv
3C oo Increase Counter 0x1D by value, offset by oo. Details unknown
3D tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc)
3E tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc) (Differences Unknown)
3F tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc) (Differences Unknown)
40 tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc) (Differences Unknown)
41 c1 c2 Copy Counter c1 to Counter c2
42 cc Copy Counter 0x1c to Counter cc
43 tt xx yy Store Coordinates of target tt, plus or minus xx and yy.
44 Store Coordinates of Current Object
45 tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc) (Differences Unknown)
46 tt Load sprite at target tt (00 caster, 01 caster 2, 02 caster 3, 03 target 1 etc) (Differences Unknown)
47 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4EC
48 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4ED
49 cc mv Add or Subtract value mv (max 0x7F) to/from counter cc. mv 0x80 - Subtract.
4A Swap Counters 0x1C and 0x1D
4B End Tech - Same as 01
4C End Tech - Same as 01
4D Swap Counters 0x1C and 0x1D
4E Swap Counters 0x1C and 0x1E - X Coordinate
4F Swap Counters 0x1C and 0x1F - Y Coordinate
50 Show Damage
51 Show Damage (Differences are Unknown)
52 Show Damage (Differences are Unknown)
53 Show Damage (Differences are Unknown)
54 Show Damage (Differences are Unknown)
55 Show Damage (Differences are Unknown)
56 End Tech - Same as 01
57 End Tech - Same as 01
58 End Tech - Same as 01
59 End Tech - Same as 01
5A End Tech - Same as 01
5B End Tech - Same as 01
5C End Tech - Same as 01
5D Draw target or caster object (differences between this and 2a are unknown)
5E Hide target or caster object (differences between this and 29 are unknown)
5F nn Empty Command - Does nothing
60 pp switch to pallette pp
61 xx yy zz Unknown
62 xx yy zz Unknown (Variant of 61)
63 xx yy zz Unknown (Variant of 61)
64 xx yy zz Unknown (Variant of 61)
65 Turn off 61
66 Turn off 62
67 Turn off 63
68 Turn off 64
69 pp Set Object Palette pp. Palettes start at 0x114D90, 0x18 bytes each
6A Reset Object Palette to normal
6B xx Unknown 
6C pp dd Flash Object Palette with palette pp, delay of dd. Same palettes as 69
6D Unknown
6E Draw All Effect Objects
6F Hide All Effect Objects
70 Draw Effect Object
71 Hide Effect Object
72 xx Set Object Facing. 00 North, 01 South, 02 West, 03 East, others unknown
73 xx Set Priority, 00 in front of sprite, 02 behind sprite, 03 in front of sprite, 04 behind sprite, others unknown.
74 xx Set Priority (Differences from 73 unknown)
75 oo Set Angle, Copy from Object oo.
76 t1 t2 Set Angle, Target t1 as source position, Target t2 as object to face.
77 aa Set Angle, add aa to current Angle
78 ss Play Sound ss
79 ss Play Sound ss
7A ss yy Play Sound ss
7B ss yy Play Sound ss
7C Play Regular/Ranged weapon sound
7D Play Critical/Melee weapon sound
7E End Tech - Same as 01
7F End Tech - Same as 01
80 ul vv Flash Screen Color (Variable length command) ul - Unknown 0xF0, length - 1 0x0F, vv - variable length data, details unknown.
81 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4E8
82 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4E9
83 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4EA
84 tt Store Target tt to RAM at $7E:A4EB
85 aa Set Angle Absolute aa - angle
86 End Tech - Same as 01
87 End Tech - Same as 01
88 End Tech - Same as 01
89 End Tech - Same as 01
8A End Tech - Same as 01
8B End Tech - Same as 01
8C End Tech - Same as 01
8D End Tech - Same as 01
8E End Tech - Same as 01
8F End Tech - Same as 01
90 End Tech - Same as 01
91 End Tech - Same as 01
92 End Tech - Same as 01
93 End Tech - Same as 01
94 End Tech - Same as 01
95 End Tech - Same as 01
96 End Tech - Same as 01
97 End Tech - Same as 01
98 tt xx Move To (0x98 variants) tt - Target
99 Move To Stored Coordinates (0x98 variants)
9A tt xx Move To (0x98 variants) tt - Target
9B Move To Stored Coordinates (0x98 variants)
9C tt xx Move To (0x98 variants) tt - Target
9D Move To Stored Coordinates (0x98 variants)
9E End Tech - Same as 01
9F End Tech - Same as 01
A0 End Tech - Same as 01
A1 End Tech - Same as 01
A2 Move Forward Fixed distance.
A3 End Tech - Same as 01
A4 ll tt Draw Copies ll - length (Distance between copies?) tt - Transparency)
A5 Reset Copies
A6 End Tech - Same as 01
A7 End Tech - Same as 01
A8 dd Move Forward dd - Distance
A9 dd Move Forward dd - Distance
AA End Tech - Same as 01
AB End Tech - Same as 01
AC End Tech - Same as 01
AD End Tech - Same as 01
AE End Tech - Same as 01
AF End Tech - Same as 01
B0 End Tech - Same as 01
B1 End Tech - Same as 01
B2 End Tech - Same as 01
B3 End Tech - Same as 01
B4 End Tech - Same as 01
B5 End Tech - Same as 01
B6 End Tech - Same as 01
B7 End Tech - Same as 01
B8 End Tech - Same as 01
B9 End Tech - Same as 01
BA End Tech - Same as 01
BB End Tech - Same as 01
BC End Tech - Same as 01
BD End Tech - Same as 01
BE End Tech - Same as 01
BF End Tech - Same as 01
C0 ww xx yy zz Circular Sprite Movement
C1 ww xx yy Circular Sprite Movement
C2 ww xx yy zz Circular Sprite Movement
C3 ww xx yy Circular Sprite Movement
C4 xx yy 
C5 End Tech - Same as 01
C6 End Tech - Same as 01
C7 End Tech - Same as 01
C8 End Tech - Same as 01
C9 End Tech - Same as 01
CA End Tech - Same as 01
CB End Tech - Same as 01
CC End Tech - Same as 01
CD End Tech - Same as 01
CE End Tech - Same as 01
CF End Tech - Same as 01
D0 Draw Shadow
D1 Hide Shadow
D2 xx Unknown
D3 Unknown
D4 Unknown
D5 Unknown
D6 Unknown
D7 xx yy
D8 xx ss nn Shake Sprite nn times at speed ss.  xx is undocumented 
D9 xx Load Graphics Packet 1.
DA xx Unknown

The 1E XX Command[edit]

1E XX is a series of commands called by a tech. These "super commands" can be called by multiple techs for the same purpose. Sometimes it's animated in which case you must call the animation command before the 1E XX command. Here are confirmed XX's

  • 00,01 get hit
  • 02-04 get hit darker
  • 05-09 get hit side
  • 0A run to enemy
  • 0B hit side
  • 0C hit top, freeze
  • 0D-0E run up run up
  • 0F falls to ground
  • 10 - 11 fall down goes to enemy
  • 12 - flashes
  • 13 charges enemy hands out
  • 14 flashes
  • 16 sound effect freezes game
  • 17 toward enemy then to side x strike sound effect
  • 18 flash animation
  • 19 glitchy
  • 1a freezes
  • 1b flashes
  • 1c freezes
  • 1D darkens screen
  • 1E darkens screen comes back
  • 1F cyclone movement with sound
  • 20 move towards enemy with animation
  • 21 Move towards enemy quickly
  • 22 move across screen with animation
  • 23 animated quick circle
  • 24 sprint away from enemy
  • 26 freezes
  • 27 28 19 animated disappears didn't come back
  • 2A falls to ground
  • 2B spins to enemy then attacks
  • 2C down then up
  • 2D spins to enemy
  • 2E off screen
  • 2F jumps up shadow belo
  • 30 - freezes
  • 31- spins then animated
  • 32 off screen
  • 33 jump higher
  • 34 goes off screen and reappears on top animated
  • 35 freezes


Below is a list of counters used by the counter commands.

  • 00 Flash Object related
  • 01 Unknown
  • 02 Unknown
  • 03 Unknown
  • 04 Unknown
  • 05 Unknown
  • 06 Unknown
  • 07 Unknown
  • 08 Unknown
  • 09 Unknown
  • 0A Unknown
  • 0B Unknown
  • 0C Unknown
  • 0D Unknown
  • 0E Unknown
  • 0F Unknown
  • 10 Unknown
  • 11 Unknown
  • 12 Unknown
  • 13 Unknown
  • 14 Unknown
  • 15 Unknown
  • 16 Unknown
  • 17 Unknown
  • 18 Unknown
  • 19 Unknown
  • 1A Process Draw Geometry flag?
  • 1B Process Layer 3 flag
  • 1C Flow Control
  • 1D Flow Control
  • 1E X Coordinate
  • 1F Y Coordinate
  • 20 Unknown
  • 21 Unknown
  • 22 Unknown
  • 23 Unknown
  • 24 Unknown
  • 25 Unknown
  • 26 Unknown

Tech Control Header[edit]

Control headers set the basic properties of how a tech performs. They are 11 bytes long, and vary slightly in function depending the type of tech.

Byte 1: Varies depending on tech type.
	Player Attack or Tech: Determines Performance Group. Bit 0x80 is unused.
	Enemy Tech: Unused.
	Enemy Attack: Bits 8-0x80 are unknown flags, with 8-0x20 and 0x80 being possibly unused. 
                      Bits 1-4 form an unknown value.
Byte 2: Unknown. Testing appeared to have in impact on damage.
	Player Techs and Attacks:
		Bits 1-4: Unknown.
		Bit 8: Unused.
		Bit 0x10: Unused.
		Bit 0x20: Don't compare bits of byte 11 with enemy data 0x14. Applies to entire tech, 
                          not just a specific effect header.
		Bit 0x40: Ignore Hit and evade. Applies to entire tech, not just a specific 
                          effect header.
		Bit 0x80: Unused.
	Enemy Attacks: Possibly unused.
	Enemy Techs:
		Bits 1-4: Unknown.
		Bit 8: Unused
		Bit 0x10: Unused.
		Bit 0x20: Unused.
		Bit 0x40: Ignore Hit and evade. Applies to entire tech, not just a specific 
                          effect header.
		Bit 0x80: Unused.
Byte 3: Tech or Attack Type.
	Bits 1-8: Unknown.
	Bit 10: Enemy Vs Enemy Attack. Set on enemy attacks that target other enemies.
	Bit 20: Unknown.
	Bit 40: Tech. Set on every item in enemy and player techs.
	Bit 80: Player attack.
Byte 4: Bitflags. Relates to AI and element. A tech can only have one element.
	Bit 1: Unknown.
	Bit 2: Magical Attack, as used in AI.
	Bit 4: Physical Attack, as used in AI. A tech can be both magical and physical in AI 
	Bit 8: Unknown.
	Bit 0x10: Fire elemental.
	Bit 0x20: Water elemental.
	Bit 0x40: Shadow elemental.
	Bit 0x80: Lightning elemental.
Byte 5: Unused.
Byte 6: Effect Header and MP Cost 1. For player techs, setting bit 80 will ignore the effect header
        and only load the MP cost. For enemy techs, this is done by setting a value of 0xFF.
Byte 7: Effect Header and MP Cost 2.
Byte 8: Effect Header and MP Cost 3.
Byte 9: Hit Effect 1. This loads the same data as weapon and armor effects.
Byte 10: Hit Effect 2.
Byte 11: Hit Effect 3.

The location in the ROM for each varies depending on the type. Offsets are listed in the following order: Japanese, English, Pre-release.

Player Techs: 0xC18A8, 0xC1BEB,0xC1B64
Player Attacks: At the end of Player Techs
Enemy Techs: 0x0C6FC9, 0x0C6FC9, 0x0CF608
Enemy Attacks: 0x0C8801, 0x0C88CA, 0x0C7B80

Effect Header[edit]

Each tech has certain properties associated with it. They start at 0x0C213F and are 12 bytes each.

Set Name	Byte Offset	Bits	Bytes	Description	Modified
Effect	00	FF	1	Mode*	2023.01.21
Effect	07	02	1	Has steal chance (bugged)**	2023.01.21
Effect	07	04	1	Inflicts negative status	2023.01.21
Effect	07	10	1	No Miss conditions?	2023.01.21
Effect	07	20	1	Ignore Hit and Evade	2023.01.21
Effect	07	40	1	Ignore Physical Defense	2023.01.21
Effect	07	80	1	Ignore Magical Defense	2023.01.21
Effect	07	09	1	???	2023.01.21
Effect	08	03	1	Damage Modifier (not fully explored)	2023.01.21
Effect	08	80	1	Load weapon effect of equipped weapon	2023.01.21
Effect	08	7C	1	???	2023.01.21
Effect	0A	02	1	Fails if airborne	2023.01.21
Effect	0A	04	1	Fails if immune to physical	2023.01.21
Effect	0A	20	1	Fails if immune to movement (Slurp Cut)	2023.01.21
Effect	0A	40	1	Fails if immune to movement (Rock Throw)	2023.01.21
Effect	0A	40	1	Fails if immune to instant death	2023.01.21
Effect	0B	40	1	Unknown animation flag	2023.01.21
Effect	0B	80	1	Has "miss" animation	2023.01.21
Effect	0B	3F	1	???	2023.01.21

* Changes the effect of all bytes in this section
** Gets reset before steal calculation. Not used by tech type 06

Mode 03 - Damage

Effect	01	FF	1	% chance of negative status	2023.01.21
Effect	02	01	1	Blind	2023.01.21
Effect	02	02	1	Sleep	2023.01.21
Effect	02	04	1	Confused	2023.01.21
Effect	02	08	1	Lock	2023.01.21
Effect	02	10	1	Seizure (Lose HP gradually)	2023.01.21
Effect	02	20	1	Slow	2023.01.21
Effect	02	40	1	Poison	2023.01.21
Effect	02	80	1	Stop	2023.01.21

Mode 08 - Multi-Hit

Effect	01	FF	1	Number of attacks	2023.01.21

Mode 03 and Mode 08 shared

Effect	03	FF	1	Index of byte used for hit value	2023.01.21
Effect	04	FF	1	Index of byte used for evade value	2023.01.21
Effect	05	FF	1	Index of damage formula	2023.01.21
Effect	06	FF	1	Index of byte used for defense value	2023.01.21
Effect	09	FF	1	Attack Power	2023.01.21

Byte index should use the 0x36-0x3E version of the stat in Battle Data Format

Status Bits[edit]

For techs which impact status the 3rd byte of the Tech Properties will determine which statuses changed. Each bit in that byte corresponds to a status these are listed below:

Bit 1(80): beserk/stop
Bit 2(40): shell/poison
Bit 3(20): regen/unknown
Bit 4(10): unknown/doom
Bit 5(08): unknown/silence
Bit 6(04): protect/confused
Bit 7(02): unknown/sleep
Bit 8(01): unknown/blind

Graphics Header[edit]

Graphics headers have all the graphics data for techs. They are 7 bytes long, with the exception of enemy attacks, which are 6 bytes long, and player attacks, which are 5 bytes long.

Graphics headers are unique to each player tech, enemy tech, and item. Enemy attacks use one of two graphics headers, depending on the attack index. Player attacks use a header determined by the weapon equipped and attack type (ranged, melee, or critical).

Byte 1: Animation Index. This controls which set of animation and sound data is loaded. 
        This is not part of the header for player attacks. It instead loads one of three 
        attack bytes.
Byte 2: Sprite Packet 1. This determines which sprites are available to effect objects.
Byte 3: Sprite Packet 2.
Byte 4: Assembly Packet. This controls sprite animation and assembly for packets 1 and 2.
Byte 5: Unknown
Byte 6: Sprite Palette.
Byte 7: Layer 3 Packet. This controls all properties for layer 3 effects, such as
        *Lightning's lightning bolt. This is not used for player or enemy attacks.

The location in the ROM for each varies depending on the type. Offsets are listed in the following order: Japanese, English, Pre-release.

Player Techs: 0xD45A6, 0xD45A6, 0xD45A6
Player Attacks: 0x0D4015, 0x0D4015, 0x0D4015
Player Ranged Attack Byte: 0x0D4000, 0x0D4000, 0x0D4000
Player Melee Attack Byte: 0x0D4007, 0x0D4007, 0x0D4007
Player Critical Attack Byte: 0x0D400E, 0x0D400E, 0x0D400E
Enemy Techs: 0x0D5526, 0x0D5526, 0x0D5526
Enemy Attacks Set 1: 0x0D4926, 0x0D4926, 0x0D4926
Enemy Attacks Set 2: 0x0D4F26, 0x0D4F26, 0x0D4F26

Targeting Data[edit]

Two byte targeting data used to determine the behavior of the target selection. Enemy Targeting mostly relies on AI, using byte 1 to find a fallback target.

Byte 1:
	Bit 80: Hide tech selection menu when choosing target
	Bits 7F: Type of targeting at menu selection.
Byte 2: Type of targeting at attack start.

Byte 1 values for PCs[edit]

00 One PC
01 All PCs
02 Self
03 One Fallen PC
04 All PCs
05 Ayla
06 Frog
07 One Enemy (different from others)
08 All Enemies
09 All PCs, All Enemies
0A All PCs
0B All in line
0C Line (up to target)
0D Area around Enemy - Robo only
0E One Enemy
0F Horizontal Line
10 One Enemy
11 Area around character
12 Area around enemy
13 Area Around Robo
14 Area Around Robo (different from 13)
15 One Enemy
16 One Enemy (no fallback)
17 One Enemy
18 Area around enemy (different from 12)
19 One Enemy
1A Area around enemy (different from 18)
1B Area Around Magus
1C One Enemy (no fallback)
1D One Enemy (no fallback)
1E One Enemy (no fallback)
1F One Enemy (no fallback)
20 One Enemy (no fallback)

Byte 1 values for enemies[edit]

00 One
01 Multiple
02 Unknown
03 One
04 Multiple
05 One
06 One
07 Unknown
08 Multiple
09 Unknown
0A Multiple
0B Unknown
0C Unknown
0D Unknown
0F Unknown
10 Unknown
11 Unknown
12 Unknown
13 Unknown
14 Unknown
15 Unknown
1A Unknown
1B Unknown
32 Unknown

Byte 2 values[edit]

Tested on PCs, behavior on enemies unknown.

00 None
01 Line (All)
02 Area Around Caster
03 Area Around Enemy
04 Unknown
05 Line (Up to target)
06 Unknown
07 Unknown (unused)
08 Unknown
09 Unknown
0A Unknown
0B Line (Horizontal)

Offsets Pertinent to Techs[edit]

All offsets given in terms of an unheadered Chrono Trigger ROM.

0x02BD40 ~ 0x?????: Tech names and descriptions that appear in the character status menus.
 The data are arranged like so: FF NN
  FF: Tech index of a character's first tech.
  NN: First tech index of the next character's first tech.
  Thus, Crono's data is 01 09; 01 is the index of Cyclone, and 09 is the index of Marle's Aura.
  Magus' techs are encompassed by 31 39; perhaps 39 pertains to the double tech Aura Whirl?

0xC0230 ~ 0xC0236: Tech learning progress (00 - 08)
  Index of last tech learned. 

0xC0237 ~ 0xC023D: Techs learned (bitflags)
 Techs learned in the current group. 80 - tech 1.

0x0C15CF ~ 0x0C1ACA: Tech names (11 bytes each)
 See the alphabet section for appropriate values.
 Tech names are supported in Temporal Flux as well.

0x0C23EB ~ 0x0C247A: Some extra data for 12 combo techs.  
 (4th = Crono's Confuse power, 5th = Triple Kick power, 9th = Double Cure?, 
  10th = Grand Dream, 11th = Twin Charm?, 12th = Slurp Kiss)

0x0C253C ~ 0x0C2573: Tech MP cost (1 byte per tech)
 56 techs total (Cyclone through Dark Matter)

0x0C2577 ~ 0x0C257F: Redundant MP Costs (Confuse, Triple Kick, Life2, Charm, Slurp Cut, Cure2, Frog Squash, Charm, Kiss)

0x0C29D7 ~ 0x0C2AD6: "Stat increase" values 
 (The "Item Secondary" byte "04" points to this array): 128 elements, 2 bytes per element
 Byte 1 = Stats to change:
  Power ~ 80
  Speed ~ 40
  Stamina ~ 20
  Hit ~ 10
  Evade ~ 8
  Magic ~ 4
  Magic Defense ~ 2

 You can combine stats to change, but they will all be changed by the same amount.

 Byte 2 = Change:
  00 - 7F: Increase by 0 to 127
  80 - FF: Decrease by 128 to 1

0x3DA89D ~ 0x?????: Tech names and descriptions that appear in the character battle menus.
 The data are arranged like so: FF NN
  FF: Tech index of a character's first tech.
  NN: First tech index of the next character's first tech.
  Thus, Crono's data is 01 09; 01 is the index of Cyclone, and 09 is the index of Marle's Aura.
  Magus' techs are encompassed by 31 39; perhaps 39 pertains to the double tech Aura Whirl?

Lots of people need to be thanked for this, including Justin3009, Mauron, Maelstrom, and AdNova. The list will grow...

Tech Name Alphabet[edit]

2F - Spell "Star" Symbol

Capital Letters

A0 - A
A1 - B
A2 - C
A3 - D
A4 - E
A5 - F
A6 - G
A7 - H
A8 - I
A9 - J
AA - K
AB - L
AC - M
AD - N
AE - O
AF - P
B0 - Q
B1 - R
B2 - S
B3 - T
B4 - U
B5 - V
B6 - W
B7 - X
B8 - Y
B9 - Z

Lower Case Letters

BA - a
BB - b
BC - c
BD - d
BE - e
BF - f
C0 - g
C1 - h
C2 - i
C3 - j
C4 - k
C5 - l
C6 - m
C7 - n
C8 - o
C9 - p
CA - q
CB - r
CC - s
CD - t
CE - u
CF - v
D0 - w
D1 - x
D2 - y
D3 – z


D4 - 0
D5 - 1
D6 - 2
D7 - 3
D8 - 4
D9 - 5
DA - 6
DB - 7
DC - 8
DD – 9

Grammatical stuff

DE - !
DF - ?
E0 - /
E1 - ``
E2 - `` (going left)
E3 - :
Random Symbols

E4 - %
E5 - (
E6 - )
E7 - '


E8 - .
E9 - ,

Math Stuff

EA - =
EB - -
EC - +
ED - \

FF - Blank Space

Layer 3 Packets[edit]

00 - Screen flashes blue and red from middle vertically, waves and large explosions (Antipode 3)
01 - Screen flashes blue, green lines extend from center, green orb forms and disappears (*Luminaire)
02 - Spinning yellow triangles with lightning effects (*Lightning 2)
03 - Rainbow circle extends outward, party temporarily glows rainbow (Aura Whirl)
04 - Bubble triangles form into star (Hexagon Mist - Zeal)
05 - Dark blue circle appears (Blue Mist attack?)
06 - Tornado effect (Tail Spin)
07 - Circle of alternating green waves (Hypno Wave)
08 - Light circle expands, followed by dark circle, collapses (*Black Hole)
09 - Blue beams appear, rotate (Laser Spin)
0A - Red circle appears (Fire Whirl - Crono and Lucca)
0B - Triangle of light opens from top of screen (unused)
0C - Casters sparkle and screen flickers black (unused)
0D - Multiple red ovals appear on center of screen (*Flare)
0E - Tail appears from top of screen (Dino Tail)
0F - Ice block appears with explosions (Antipode)
10 - Yellow Circle expands outward (Energy Release / Yes Indeed! - Masa & Mune)
11 - Delta Attack (Guardian + Bits)???
12 - Blue Square extends from below target (unused)
13 - Red and green flashing, rotating triangles (Poyozo Dance)
14 - Yellow, blue, and purple lines shoot to upper right from target (unused)
15 - Three red circles expand outward (Fire Zone)
16 - Wide circle expands outward (Rocket Roll)
17 - Spinning blue pillar (Water Rise - Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
18 - Red triangular pillar (Delta Force)
19 - Small red circle (Doom, doom, doom, doom.... - Zombor)
1A - Large blue circle, party sparkles (Cure Touch)
1B - Rotating triangles form pyramid, circle expands (Dreamless - Lavos Core - Center Bit)
1C - Thin red circle expands, explosions (*Fire 2)
1D - Orange spotlight appears on target (*Life)
1E - White rotating triangle inside dark rotating triangle (Dark Matter)
1F - Yellow circle extends, yellow cylindar rises (MP Buster - Sentry)
20 - Red half circle forms and grows (Mega Bomb)
21 - Black half circle forms and grows (*Dark Bomb)
22 - 3D pyramid outline with electricity (Shock)
23 - Blue tinted screen with black circle (Chaotic Zone - Tera Mutant - Top)
24 - Blue circle extends and clears outward (Blue Circle Attack?)
25 - Multiple blue ovals (Blue Circle Attack? - Retinite - Top)
26 - Falling frog with red ovals (Frog Flare)
27 - Blue circle with black waves appears below target (unused)
28 - Blue tinted screen, blue shimmer on party (Double Cure)
29 - Wave lighting effect (Steal Steam / HP Down - Giga Mutant - Bottom)
2A - Triangle of blue light opens from top of screen (unused)
2B - Dark clouds appear on screen (Burp - Dalton)
2C - Circular lightning with screen flash (Electric attack?)
2D - Rotating blue shaded circle (Water Cyclone - Heckran)
2E - Black wavy orb expands and contracts (Lock All - Boss Orb)
2F - Dark wave moves from bottom of screen to top (Dark Mist)
30 - Double Bomb
31 - Sword Stream
32 - *Water 2
33 - White circle on ground (unused)
34 - Antipode 2
35 - *Life 2
36 - Fire Whirl (Ayla and Lucca)
37 - instant death attack? (Alien)
38 - Flash target and screen (unused)
39 - Lifeline
3A - Poison Beam (Flea)
3B - "1"s in boxes fill screen (unused)
3C - Twister
3D - Lighting Release (Golem)
3E - Triangle of lightning (unused)
3F - Laser Beams / Doors of Doom Open (Lavos - Right Arm)
40 - Fades background, doesn't return (unused)
41 - Frog Squash
42 - FireSword 2
43 - Fire Tackle
44 - *Ice
45 - *Lightning
46 - X Strike
47 - Delta Storm
48 - Super Volt
49 - *Napalm
4A - Fire Punch
4B - Explosion (Ozzie)
4C - Shining Bit (Giga Mutant - Top)
4D - Ice Toss
4E - Blue dome (unused)
4F - Quick red circle (unused)
50 - Area Bomb
51 - Red circle (unused)
52 - Quick blue circle (unused)
53 - blue circle (unused)
54 - large blue circle (unused)
55 - Explosion? (Giga Mutant - Top)
56 - *Haste
57 - *Ice 2
58 - *Heal
59 - Heal Beam
5A - Cure Beam
5B - Lavos's singing attack
5C - Ice Tackle
5D - Point Flare (M. Machine)
5E - Dark cicle (doesn't fade?) (unused)
5F - Multiple Lighting bolts strike (Spire)
60 - Cube Toss
61 - GaiaMagnade (Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
62 - Pair Blaster (Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
63 - 3D Attack
64 - Dark Gear (Zeal)
65 - Shadow Doom Blaze (Lavos - Second Form)
66 - Explosion (Lavos - Second Form)
67 - Invading Light (Lavos Core - Left Bit)
68 - Teleports a Rock (Azala)
69 - Ice Sword 2
6A - Slurp Kiss
6B - Ice Water
6C - GatlingKick
6D - Triple Raid
6E - Telepathy (Azala)
6F - Mutant Gas (Giga Mutant - Top)
70 - Mutant Gas (Giga Mutant - Bottom)
71 - Fire/lighting/ice triple tech effect? (unused)
72 - Dark Plasma (Giga Gaia)
73 - Multiple lightning bolts merge into one large one (Crying Heavens - Lavos Core - Center Bit)
74 - Falcon Hit
75 - Evil Star (Lavos Core - Center Bit)
76 - Arc Impulse
77 - Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos)
78 - Grand Stone (Lavos Core - Center Bit)
79 - Delta Force (Scouter / Red Scout / Blue Scout)
7A - Boogie
7B - Time Warp (Prehistoric)
7C - Time Warp (Leene Square)
7D - Time Warp (Lab 16?)
7E - Time Warp (Magus's Castle)
7F - Time Warp (M. Machine)
80 - Sand Cylcone (Mohavor)
82 - Black/Blue/Red floating triangles on star background (unused)
81 - Omega Flare
82 - Dark Eternal
83 - Spin Strike
84 - Nothing? (unused)
85 - Time Warp (???) (Lavos - Second Form)
86 - Background blurs and fades into nothing, reappears without target (unused)
87 - Background fades to white, doesn't return (unused)
88 - Lavos Core Revives Bits
89 - Layer 2 disappears, reappears (unused)
8A - Layer 2 disappears, reappears (unused)
FF - No Layer 3 Graphics

Each packet contains 2 graphics options and 2 palettes.

Layer 3 Header	00	FF	1	Graphics and Sound 1	2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header	01	FF	1	Graphics and Sound 2	2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header	02	FF	1	Palette 1	2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header	03	FF	1	Palette 2	2018.04.14

This is the currently known data for Layer 3 Packets:

116002 - Layer 3 palettes, 8 bytes each, 2 wasted bytes.
116240 - Layer 3 header, 4 bytes each.
11646C - Local pointers to layer 3 graphics and sound.

Limited information on the Layer 3 animation commands.

00-7E - Value * 0x200 + 0xD000 = Source Address for DMA transfer from bank $7E
7F - Special Command
80 - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (29 total)
81 - 2 bytes
82 - 2 bytes - 1F - value - E0 subroutine.
83 - 2 bytes
84 - 2 bytes
85 - 2 bytes
86 - ? bytes - Alters value of current data pointer.
87 - 2 bytes
88 - 2 bytes
89 - 4 bytes
8A - 4 bytes
8B - 2 bytes?
8C - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (4 total)
8D - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (4 total) (opposite of 8C)
8E - 8 bytes
8F - 4 bytes
90 - 2 bytes
91 - 2 bytes
92 - 2 bytes
93 - 4 bytes
94 - 2 bytes
95 - 2 bytes
96 - 2 bytes
97 - 4 bytes
98 - 2 bytes
99 - 2 bytes
9A - 2 bytes
9B - 2 bytes
9C - 3 bytes
9D - 2 bytes
9E - 3 bytes
9F - 2 bytes
A0 - 2 bytes
A1 - 2 bytes - Prepare $2180 register.
A2 - 5 bytes
A3 - 8 bytes
A4 - 8 bytes
A5 - 2 bytes
A6 - 2 bytes - related to A5
A7 - 5 bytes
A8 - 10 bytes
A9 - 3 bytes - might move position backwards.
AA - 2 bytes
AB - 2 bytes
AC - 3 bytes
AD - 2 bytes?
AE - 2 bytes - related to A1
AF - 2 bytes
B0 - 2 bytes
B1 - 3 bytes
B2 - 2 bytes
B3 - 2 bytes
B4 - 2 bytes
B5 - 2 bytes
B6 - 2 bytes (same as B5)
B7 - 2 bytes
B8 - 2 bytes
B9 - 2 bytes - palette related
BA - 2 bytes - runs AE after processing.
BB - 2 bytes - partial overlap with BA, runs AE.
BC - 6 bytes
BD - 2 bytes
BE - 2 bytes - partial overlap with BA, runs AE.
BF - 2 bytes
C0 - 9 bytes
C1 - 2 bytes - wait for vertical scanline XX while in h-blank
C2 - 6 bytes
C3 - 1 byte  - Increment $5D8F.
C4 - 2 bytes - Valid values for byte 2 0-1
C5 - 2 bytes - Partial overlap with C4, runs AA. Valid values for byte 2 0-1
C6 - 8 bytes
C7 - 2 bytes
C8 - 2 bytes - Partial overlap with 82 subroutine 7/E0
C9 - 1 byte
CA - 3 bytes - Set address of next command.
CB - 2/3 bytes? - Skip a byte if $7E:99D2 is 1?
CC - 2 bytes
CD - 2 bytes - 0xFFFF / value is stored in some places, 0xFFFF in others.
CE - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
CF - 2 bytes
D0 - 2 bytes - Modifies current read address.
D1 - 2 bytes - Modifies current read address. Partial overlap with D0.
D2 - 2 bytes - palette related - Partial overlap with B9
D3 - 2 bytes
D4 - 2 bytes
D5 - 3 bytes - Might modify current read address.
D6 - 3 bytes - Might modify current read address. Partial overlap with D6.
D7 - 2 bytes - Might call an 82 subroutine
D8 - 3 bytes
D9 - 3 bytes - Partial overlap with AC.
DA - 3 bytes
DB - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused.
DC - 2 bytes
DD - 2 bytes
DE - 2 bytes
DF - 4 bytes - random values are used.
E0 - 2 bytes
E1 - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
E2 - 2 bytes
E3 - 2 bytes
E4 - 2 bytes
E5 - 2 bytes
E6 - 2 bytes
E7 - 2 bytes
E8 - 2 bytes
E9 - 2 bytes
EA - 3 bytes - bytes 2 and 3 are one 16-bit value
EB - 2 bytes
EC - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
ED - 2 bytes
EE - 2 bytes
EF - 1 byte
F0 - 2 bytes
F1 - 2 bytes - subtract byte 2 from current position.
F2 - 2 bytes
F3 - 2 bytes - partial overlap with EB.
F4 - 2 bytes
F5 - 2 bytes
F6 - 2 bytes - alters current position.
F7 - 2 bytes
F8 - 3 bytes
F9 - 3 bytes - reads first byte of next command?
FF - Terminator.

Commands FA-FE do not exist.

From: Modification